Wed 08 Jan
☀ EarlyBird 🐦 Gets The Worm 🐍 Check Out These Specials ✅ - 23
(Louisville, Louisville Incalls & Outcalls)
Are you stressed? let me find your BLISS with my talented hands. 10am - 10pm - 47
(Highlands, Louisville)
ToP nOtCh ReAl dEal nO GaMeS sExY SeNsUaL sEdUcTiVe seSsiOnS day&nite;*Call Whitney 502-759-7488 - 23
sexy & sweet ( I promise I'm exactly what you need) available now ~ tess - 22
(airport / fairgrounds, Louisville)
I'M BACK! The beautiful and talented! The Real Deal +++MS. REIGN+++ - 23
(Louisville, Private Location [Downtown])
Lovely Independent Beautiful Busty Blonde ::: Kiss Me :: Hotel Friendly :: Click here Now - 28
593~3186!HeY ItS All AbOuT YoU:)SeXy Babys LeAvE YoU WiTh A SmIlE!ReLaXaTiOn Of your dreams inCalls - 23
(Louisville, right off the gyne snyder new cut road)
NUDE HH SPECIALS!!! Forget the stress & melt ;) WOW WEEKENDS w/--Ms.Reign-- NEW LOCATION!!! - 23
(Louisville, Downtown (PRIVATE LOCATION))
NUDE HH SPECIALS!!! •••WOW WEEKENDS••• More then you can handle, but just enough to hold!!! ;* - 23
(Louisville, DOWNTOWN)
NEW PICS! FREAKY FRIDAYS w/the bodacious and breathtakingly beautiful++MS. REIGN++ - 24
(Louisville, Private Location [Downtown])
Call now for SeXy SeNsUaL SeDuCtiVe sEsSiOnS day&nite; REAL Deal no games 5027597488 ErOtiC ToUCh** - 23
💋TASTY TUESDAYS with ANASTASIA!!! $50hh after 8. One night ONLY. Let's have some fun! ;)💋 - 20
(Louisville, Incalls & outcalls)
WORKING ALL NIGHT LONG... Doing INCALLS AND OUTCALLS... Best body massages in town - 25
Tue 07 Jan
█▒ °☆°T H E °☆°U L T I M A T E °☆°E X P E R I E N C E °☆° █▒°☆°INCALL °☆°SPECIALS °☆°█▒- - 21
(Louisville, (Incalls EAST Outcalls Anywhere))
Where are all the gentlemen of Louisville??? Why not have a mini Vacation with AMELIA?????? - 47
(Louisville, Highlands)
lOUisViLLeS' SExiEst sWeetHeARt (cALL nOW available 24/7)😍😍 - 22
(Fairgrounds / airport, Louisville)
🌺 EROTIC Exotic Mixed BEAUTY🌺 💦$100HR INCALL Till 8💦💋NUDE Nuru Included💋 SULTRY SUNDAY! - 26
(INCALLS, Louisville)
BRAND NEW PICS! SATISFYING SATURDAYS w/the bodacious and breathtakingly beautiful ++MS. REIGN++ - 24
(Louisville, Private Location)
😍100% REAL Pics😍 💦$100HR INCALL Till 10💦💋NUDE Nuru Included💋 WORK ME WEDNESDAY! - 26
(INCALLS, Louisville)
Leave the world of stress behind!!!! Why not have a mini Vacation with AMELIA?????? - 47
(Louisville, Highlands)
UPDATED ###!!! TEMPTING THURSDAYS w/the bodacious and breathtakingly beautiful++MS. REIGN++ - 24
(Louisville, Private Location [Downtown])
°•°my OH my click here guys°•° sexi and sweet lindsay is such a treat°•° incalls °•° - 21
(Louisville, east end or to you extremely upscale)
NEW »-♥-» *•___S __ W __ E __ E __ T ___♥* __H__E __A __R __T __ »-♥-»* NEW - - 21
(Louisville, AIRPORT Incalls & Outcalls Available)
♥ IM ♥ THE ♥ PERFECT ♥ PACKAGE ♥ 160 ~ sPecIaLS!! - 21
*♡♥sWeEt SEXY BloNdE!!! ;-)**♥♡ ♥**All DaY SPEcIALS!! *♡*♥♡*in/oR Outcalls all day***♥♡♥ -. -. - 21
(Louisville, ...Call Me 502-208-8929)
UPDATED ##!!! The cremè of the crop ;) FREAKY FRIDAYS w/the sensual Ms.Reign! DAILY SPECIALS!!! - 24
(Louisville, Downtown (PRIVATE LOCATION))
sexy & sweet (bRANd NEW ChAllENGE √ lets lay back & relax) enjoy each other (available now) ~ tessa - 22
(airport / fairgrounds, Louisville)
NUDE HH SPECIALS! ••FRISKY FRIDAYS•• More then you can handle, but just enough to hold!!! ;* - 23
(Louisville, DOWNTOWN)
NEW ####! The cremè of the crop ;) FRISKY FRIDAYS w/the sensual Ms.Reign! DAILY SPECIALS!!! - 24
(Louisville, Downtown (PRIVATE LOCATION))
🌅 Early Bird 🐦 Gets The Worm 🐍 Don't Miss My Morning Specials 😊 - 23
(Louisville, Louisville Outcall/incall)
BRAND NEW PICS! SATISFYING SATURDAYS w/the bodacious and breathtakingly beautiful ++MS. REIGN++ - 24
(Louisville, Private Location)
2:::::: BaD G!RLS ::::: DO !T BETTER :::: * TOP QuALiTy *PROVIDER* Specials - 21
(Louisville, outcalls indiana louisville,)
SeXy Baby's !!5025933186 let Our love adorn you♡2 Girls Amazing!Experience!♡ - 23
(incall available till 3:00 pm, Louisville)
••► SMOKIN HOT BLoNDe ♥ kiLLER bODY ♥ 5 STaR ♥ PLAYMATE ◄•••• - 21
(Louisville, INCALLS/OUTCALLS 24/7)
SeNsUaL SeDuCtiVe SeSsiOnS day&nite;* no GaMeS ThE ReAl DeAl 100% SeXy SaTiSfAcTiOn at its BeSt!! - 23
sexi twin barbie lindsey °•° incalls/ out °•°hot hot hot °•°most trusted provider °•° east end - 21
(Louisville, east end or to you)
***Oooooooh That Feels Sooo Good***Incalls Only***Saturday Available Now Ask About Specials - 22
(Louisville, Preston HighWay)
R U LONLEY NEED TLC DONT GO WITH OUT call me 817 714 7436 Marie visiting from tx reviwed #1in dfw - 40
(Louisville, Private res prospect /Louisville)
Experience ecstacy with a fully nude body rub Star.. - 24
(Louisville, old louisville-incalls only tonight..)
Mon 06 Jan
••► SMOKIN HOT BLoNDe ♥ kiLLER bODY ♥ 5 STaR ♥ PLAYMATE ◄•••• - 21
(Louisville, INCALLS/OUTCALLS 24/7)
🚿SHOWER Now Available 🚿💦$65HH INCALL Till 10💦💋NUDE Nuru Included💋 FREAKY FRIDAY! - 26
(INCALLS, Louisville)
Outcalls or Incalls Text Or Call 5023876548 For Details - 22
(louisville, Looking for sexy new hires)
NEW PICS!!! The cremè of the crop ;) TEMPTING THURSDAYS w/the sensual Ms.Reign! DAILY SPECIALS!!! - 24
(Louisville, Downtown (PRIVATE LOCATION))
S_e_X_y * █ Upscale, FUN Beautiful & SO Tempting... Are You Ready.? INCALLS - 22
(Louisville, 859-429-1675❀ 24Hr InCaLL And Outcall ❀)
Breana. New Pics. Manic Mon... Come relax, Take A Break, N Let my fingers do the rest.Yummy. - 28
(Louisville, Louisville/Clarksville)