Mon 06 Jan
!!!!!@@@PHOENIX@@@!!!!!!! NEW GIRL !!!!!!! NEW GIRL !!!502-881-6723 - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana, Jeff, Louisville)
!!!!!@@@PHOENIX@@@!!!!!!! NEW GIRL !!!!!!! NEW GIRL !!!!!! 502-881-6723 - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana, Jeffersonville)
Ready Now! 👄Petite and Gorgeous 👙Sexy Massage💋Soft & Satisfing 💆🏼 5026532446 AVAILABLE Now - 27
let me bring a little ray of sunshine into your winter. call the gorgeous, seductive, SUMMER now!! - 20
(louisville/ southern indiana)
I shall be back in town on Monday and Enjoy some true Southern Belle Hospitality - 47
(Louisville, Highlands)
It's a New Year, Treat Yourself and RELAX Here! Low Rates, Open Late, Call Now!
(Louisville, 7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville)
Let Me be Your Treat. ---- uPscale relaxation treatments!! Life Coaching & Tantric packages availabl - 23
(Louisville, 264 & 64- LOUISVILLE)
I'm Back!!!♥💋♥ Come Relax with KAYA♥💋♥ Get the relaxation you deserve! (502) 309-4995 - 24
(Louisville, Louisville East)
Hi guy's❗ Im Hannah💋come see me so we can do mutual rub downs ❗come let me satisfy u❗im waiting💋 - 28
(Preston highway, Louisville)
I'm Back...And Ready to Pleasure You!! With the Softest Touch in Town!!! - 69
(Louisville, Louisville area)
*~* ♥ Super sensual 4hand with Sarah Jane & Christina *holiday special * ♥ *~* - 23
(Louisville, Eastend right off 64)
★★ ★★ ★★ A_L_L___ A_M_E_R_I_C_A_N ___ B_L_O_N_D_E_ __B__O__M__B __S__H__E__L__L __ ★ Special - - 24
(Louisville, Airport Incall/Out 502/465/3049)
ALLI Is back!!! Do you wanna have fun tonight???? Bodyrubs 80$ Tonight - 26
(Louisville, Louisville,IN incall on hurstb outcalls2)
BOOKED! Scheduling for Thursday ■■■■■Sensuous Temple ■■■■■ 5O2▪35FOUR▪7869 ■■■■■ - 48
(Louisville, Lagrange Rd @ 265, Gene Snyder)
♥♥Best body rub in town!!! Great with my hands! Come warm up w/me!!!COME SEE ME!!♥♥ - 25
Are you ready for the experience you've been looking for? - 25
(Louisville, Louisville and southern IN (your place))
*❤️Your favorite busty well reviewed beauty wants to get her hands on you ❤️ Saturday 1pm-6pm - 26
(East end, Louisville)
Baby, It's Cold Outside! Warm Up And RELAX! Call NOW For Appointment! I Book Fast! - 34
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
($65) RED HOTT! (BEAUTIFUL REDHEAD) Gives! Complete Massage 812.604.3506 - 25
(Louisville, Centrally Located to *~EASTSIDE~*)
Amazing/IN CALL Specials*Get what u been missing!Ill have u floating to the ceiling;) - 23
593~3186!HeY ItS All AbOuT YoU:)SeXy BaBy LeAvE YoU WiTh A SmIlE!ReLaXaTiOn Of your dreams inCalls - 23
(Louisville, right off the gyne snyder new cut road)
Specials: A Blissful Tantric Journey that is Good for You!
(Louisville, N. Cincinnati ~ my temple studio)
Sexy Babi !$!Amazing*Get what u been missing!Ill have u floating to the ceiling;) ~{0UTCALLS - 23
★ ★ ___ SEXY New GIRL $$$ SPECIALS __ ★ ★ BEST TIME ONLY A CALL away ! _. - 24
SCARLETT'S PARLOUR 💋PENNY for your thoughts! ***NOW HIRING**** Unrushed, Sensual, Relaxing!!! - 25
(Louisville, Heart of Downtown)
💋💕💎SeLeNa is NoW AvAiLaBle💎💋💕ADulT OnE+OnE SpeCiaLS💎💋💕 - 24
(Louisville, Preston Highway (Inn Town Suits))
!!!!!@@@PHOENIX@@@!!!!!!! NEW GIRL !!!!!!! NEW GIRL !!!!!! 502-881-6723 - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana, Jeffersonville)