Sun 12 Jan
❤ AvAiLaBlE NoW AlSo WoRkInG LaTe ❤ [ 5O2*356*1493] - 25
(Louisville, Middletown/ Shelbyville Rd/ surrounding)
$exy!!! sweet leave you with a smile !!!!Make your eyes roll back & ya toes curl !!!502-593-3186 - 23
❤ WoRkInG All WeEkEnD!!! AvAiLaBlE NoW❤ [ 5O2*356*1493] - 25
(Louisville, louisville/ Shelbyville Rd/ surrounding)
WARM UP and RELAX! Make RELAXATION your best RESOLUTION yet! I can help! CALL ME NOW!
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
Where the ocean meets the sky, I'll be sailing...YOUR RELAXATION RETREAT is right here! NO TEXTS!!!! - 35
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
Sat 11 Jan
KELSI is in & Ready to take ALL YOUR STRESS away TODAY (: P.S. I LOVE MY JOB !!! - 20
(Louisville, Southern Indiana, JEFFERSONVILLE)
KELSI is in & Ready to take ALL YOUR STRESS away TODAY (: - 20
(Louisville, Southern Indiana, JEFFERSONVILLE)
Hot Sekky Ladies --- Waiting for your Call - INCALL 10AM TILL 8pm - NEW ** 19** AUDRINA / CHL--- - 18
(Louisville, 65 / FERN VALLEY RD not Ivan)
INTRODUCING NiCOlE && blendia ( New Location ) ( 310-5508 )♥♥♥ come relax & escape with me - 20
(Louisville, hikes point)
Find your Serenity with me. Local independant discreet 2 appointments available HURRY - 48
(Highlands, Louisville)
FALL into my hands and RELAX! Warm and Friendly Atmosphere! $10 off until 11 pm tonight ONLY! - 34
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
I'm Back...And Ready to Pleasure You!! With the Softest Touch in Town!!! - 69
(Louisville, Louisville area)
🍭DeeDee 😉 4Hand Special Today 🏈 2pm till 8pm ☎502-851-9292😉 Upscale Entertainment 👄 - 47
★★ ★★ ★★ A_L_L___ A_M_E_R_I_C_A_N ___ B_L_O_N_D_E_ __B__O__M__B __S__H__E__L__L __ ★ Special - - 24
(Louisville, Airport Incall/Out 502/465/3049)
☆★ upscale tantra - VICKY is back! in louisville for a limited time 5027759440 am/pm - 22
(near 64/ east end)
!!!!@@@NEW GIRL ALLIE!!! Red Head,, Eager to Release YOUR STRESS!!!! 502-758-6972 - 25
(Louisville, Southern Indiana/ Jeffersonville)
❤ 2 girl special!! Chanell and Rose 🌹4 hand relaxation ❤ Treat yourself! - 22
(Louisville, Jeffersonville)
Baby, It's Cold Outside! Warm Up And RELAX! Call NOW For Appointment! I Book Fast! - 34
(7-10 minutes from downtown Louisville, Louisville)
$$$45/65 HAPPY EASTER 🐰 🐰🐰 ULTIMATE STRESS (MUTUAL)2-6 pm by appointment - 38
(Louisville, Off Dixie hwy prp office private)
#1 FRIENDLIEST and MOST TRUSTED PROVIDER! FREE Personal Use Showers and COOL relaxing atmosphere! - 33
(Louisville, Where YOU want to be!)
*~* Forget valentines day and come relax my way! ! **NeW PiCs ♥ Now til 8 pm - 21
(Louisville, East End <3)
MISS TIA's special$40Hh. last day here .. catch me while u can!!! - 30
(Louisville, 1-65. Arthur street)
NIKKI'S Sensual relaxing body rub *one of a kind* LA Porn star in town tonight and tomorrow only!!! - 19
(East End/ Louisville)
!!!!!!NEW GIRL!!!@@@!!! SHAREE !!!@@@ New Location - 25
(Louisville, Southern Indiana, Jeffersonville)
KELSI is in & Ready to take ALL YOUR STRESS away TODAY (: - 20
(Louisville, Southern Indiana, Jeffersonville)
!!!!!@@@ MARISSA @@@!!!!!!! NEW GIRL !!!!!!! NEW GIRL !!!!!! 502-794-2240 - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana)
KELSI is in & Ready to take ALL YOUR STRESS away TODAY (: I LOVE MY JOB!! - 20
(Louisville, Southern Indiana,, Jeffersonville)
☆ ★ Let Me be Your Treat. ---- uPscale relaxation treatments!! Life Coaching - 23
____Hey Boys____Hot Young Sexy____Petite southern bombshell. - 21
(Louisville, Young and Sexy in/out call)
Hi ❗Im Hannah💋&im; taking apps all day for out orincall so let me come rub u down baby 502×356*8794 - 28
(Louisville, Louisville/ Clarksville)
Friendly Fridays with brittany... pretty Brown thing...Friendly Fridays - 21
(Louisville, old louisville)
$$$45/65 OPEN LATE Total PLEASURE 🌟 ULTIMATE STRESS BUSTER (MUTUAL)11-8 pm by appointment - 38
(Louisville, Off Dixie hwy prp office private)