Mon 27 Jan
Specials o★o True Beauty Awaits o★o Well Reviewed - 24
(Louisville, Breckinridge ln. (Sou. Indiana & Etown))
SPECIAL RATE 2DAY ONLY! 5 STAR Reviews!! HOUR Glass BoDy!!! LONG BeAuTiFuL Hair!! - 25
(Louisville, East - 71N)
Married Woman to Show You the Time of Your Life! - 19
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, city)
🔥Louisvilles FINEST🔥 Back by popular demand! AVAILABLE NOW! Outcall ONLY - 24
(Louisville, Outcall/Louisville)
Louisville's HOTTEST MILF ****"DANNI DYNAMITE"**** " Thurs Morn. $80 And All Ready To Go.... - 38
(Louisville, East End / Hurstbourne Area)
Lina💋❕❤ The Only One You Need... UP ALL NIGHT👌👏 Great Reviews 👏🙆 Caution ⚠ Highly addicting!! - 27
******* M$$$ Magnificent ******* Your Fathers Day TreaT ******* - 25
Louisville top model !!!$! Im REAL carlee 502-224-4443 - 25
(Louisville, Louisville area( out-incalls))
☆☆Louisville's Finest Adrianna and Leah are ready to take care of all your needs!!☆☆ - 22
(Louisville, Louisville/So.Indiana)
looking to spend time with a beautiful/sweet girl - 27
(louisville, all areas of Louisville.incall N outcall)
Lisa and Love to your rescue, pleasing your every need and want - 28
(All Over Louisville, Louisville)
Kylee😜😍 Call/Text Me @ (502) 4081606 im Waiting 4 You! ©ome $ee Me :) - 30
(Dixie Hwy/4Mins off the Watterson E.Way, Louisville)
KaLiaNna*¨¨*:. ღ .:*¨¨* HiGHLY ADDiCTiVE ♥ SKiLLED SPECiALiST *¨¨*:. ღ .:*¨¨* - 20
(Louisville, INCALL SPECiAL$ (Preston Highway])
KAYJ I'm out of town until weds. text now to book for weds after 5. I'm real picks are real. - 21
(Louisville, incall or outcall. jeff)
•★•Lεt me βℓΟω 💨γΟυr ℳιηd💨💨LAST CHANCE❗️❗️💨•★•♡ViSiTiNG ♡iNTOWN•★•βook ηow•★•📲📲 - 22
(Louisville, Louisville Incalls & Outcalls)
make your eyes roll back & your toes curl specials all day and night long!!!! - 23
(Louisville, Every were:-))
LOUISVILLE'S HEAD NURSE is taking appts. Bbw, sexy and fun. INCALLS/OUTCALLS 5029155614 - 24
(Dixie, Louisville)
LoUisVilLeS sExY liTtLe HelPeR... wHo wAnTs tO bE oN mY nIcE list... - 24
(louisville, louisville....outcall)
l@st d@y Guys eBony Buttercup NEW in town++++Sexy slim and aims to please. I'm Vanity 901*505*3783 - 24
(Louisville, PRESTON HWY)
LoSt My PhOnE! NeW nUmBeR! Beautiful Blonde Lindsay MaKiNg DrEaMs CoMe TrUe all day/night! - 21
(Louisville, east end or to you)
Lina💋❕❤ The Only One You Need... 🌕🌙 UP ALL NIGHT🙆👌👏 Great Reviews 👏🙆 Caution ⚠ Highly addiCKTIVE - 26
lonely? come unwrap tessa for Christmas 🌃 specials (incall 100hh & 150full) available now ** - 22
(Louisville, airport /Philips lane)
LiMiteD time alert!!!——( DELiCiOUS )—•—( HEART-STOPPiNG )——( PLaYThiNg )—•CoMe PLaY - 23
(Louisville, Downtown)
❤💎🎀Last Day to PLAY ❤ Brunette Kitten 🎀 Hablo Español 💎❤ - 24
(Louisville, University Incall/ Outcalls Available)
lAtE nItE SpEcIaL .. sEe wAt u HaVe bEen MisSing ... U wOnt Be DisApPIoNtEd .. cAlL nOw - 28
(Louisville, east Louisville)
Let Me whisk all of your stress away, with the Warmth of Sensual Caresses. - 30
(Louisville, Just off I-65)
(¯`☆`¯) LET-:¦:- ME BE YOUR -:¦:- FANTASY (¯`☆`¯) NeW iN ToWn 80$ - 21
(Louisville, incall and o)
LAST NIGHT in Town !!New to the area__- KiNKY___- H0T___-T!GHT__80$$ specials - 26
(Louisville, East end Incall / out)
👄👄❤❤Kisstina can be at your beck and call, just get in touch with me❤❤👄👄Text Me 270-625-8974💖💖 - 31
(Louisville, Louisville/West Point)
❤️❤️ Khrissy IS BACK!❤️❤️ Exotic❤️❤️❤️ Delicious ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Tempting ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 100$ HOT SPECIALS!! INCALL/OUTCALL - 19
(Louisville, In and outcalls)
leave imagination at the door and walk into Pandoras boxx better than her before me and after me 80$ - 25
(Louisville, your place or mine)
Let Me Seduce U on Sensual Saturday"DANNI'S IN"Just Like U Asked I AM NOW CLOSE TO DOWN TOWN - 34
(Louisville, Close To Down Town)
I WouLD LuV 4 U 2 CeLeBRaTe W/Me my B-DAY 2/24 & BRiNG a RoSe GeT a DiSCounT @ HaYvEN 502-835- 1682 - 30
LEAVING SOON! ☆★Dont Waste Another Moment Searching★☆Everything U Desire Lies With Me☆★!! - 30
(Louisville, louisville/surrounding areas)
KAYLA IS BACK! And I brought a friend☆ 2 girl Special☆KAYLA & KANDI♡ AN EXPERIENCE YOU WONT 4GET☆☆☆☆ - 22
🔥Incall ❄Specails🔥New to Louisville 🌉COME PLAY 💦💦🔥Natural Red Head 🔥💦Turn up TONIG✨💎 - 25
(Kentucky, Louisville)
iMA SUPER $OAkER All NATURAl REdhEAd lET ME MAkE it RAiN ON YU☔🌂💧 bAbY iNCAllS/5029155032 - 22
(dixie/louisville, Louisville)
In & Out $pecial$👭2 girl available🍧15min QV🍰 38DD🍒 Long Dark Hair 🍬Great Reviews 🍰In/out🍑 - 31
(Fair/expo/airport 24/7🌜🌞 in/out, Louisville)
🍧🍦🍭🍥🍡In the mood for something SWEET?🍨🍥🍪🍰🍭🍬I'm real and ready for you, call me now🍦🍧🍩🍭🍬 - 100
(Lexington, I'm around town)
💋 I'm all you'll ever need and more - out calls only 💋 - 24
(Louisville, Mainly southern Indiana/Some Louisville)
If you like it! I LOVE it! satistfaction guaranteed!! 100 specials ! - 27
(louisville, louisville ky)
If you're wanting the best and tired of the rest holla at Jess,cutie with a booty - 26
(Lexington, Lexington,KY)
I Love It When A Man Touches Me! Available All Nite - 29
(Louisville, Louisville & Surrounding Area)
lAtE nIte sPeCiaLs .. u WoNt B dIsAppointed .... sEe wAt u HaVe bEen MisSing ... cAlL nOw - 28
(Louisville, east Louisville)
KYLIE 100% Independent, sexy, SWEET once in a lifetime experience why wait to see me@502-645-1788 - 25
(Louisville, Louisville southern ind surrounding area)
IVY 👑502*389*8464 🔥With Skills To Make You A Regular ××× Your satisfaction GUARENTEED✔ - 20
(Fern Valley Rd, Louisville)
♡ INCALL ♡(502)593*3186 SeXy WiLd just how you like it!whatever you want!2 NEW PICS - 23
💋💎~/**JADE**\$$Tip TOP of the Line FELLAS$$💋💎 ask about the QV special - 25
(louisville, Fort knox/ louisville)