Sat 11 Jan
Call LoNdYn 502-386-4675 YoUr FaVoRiTe TYPE oF GIRL ReAdY tO pLeAsE YoU tO tHe MaX! - 24
CALI GIRL NEW IN TOWN! come spend time with me and have all your stressed relieved! call BARBIE NOW! - 19
(Louisville, breckenridge near bardstown rd or outcal)
CaLL JoDy 317-362-6724 GoRgEoUs Puertorican Mami WitH A BanGiN BoDy - 24
(Louisville, Louisville/Hurstborne Pkwy/Eastend)
Big BOOTy FuN** $75** $75 ** HOT $pecials All Day All Night!!! - 22
(lexington, Louisville East End)
💋Available thru Late Tonight💋Mature and Experienced💋My Abilities Are 2ND To None💋 - 33
(Louisville, Louisville/Southern Indiana Incall/Outca)
INDEPENDENT: Exotic and Passionate Fun for U! - 19
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, anywhere you want me!)
INDEPENDENT: Exotic and Passionate Fun for U! - 19
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, city)
Intelligent, Curvy 42H Biracial Beauty In Louisville, Incall and Outcall - 30
(Incall 3 star hotel, out call available, Louisville)
{ JADE } { SWEET } { FUNNY } { OUTCALL } - 23
(Louisville, your place/no half hours/no African Amer)
♧♢♤¤ I Will Leave You Mesmerized [CLiCK ME] Dont MisS Me !♡NiYA♡ °■AViALABLE NOW■° 502•416•6998♤♢♧ - 22
(Louisville, Eastend Incall/Outcall)
~*^*~ Hot New Pics.. Sexi Lindsey Incalls or outcalls Your Dreamgirl is waiting ~*^*~ - 21
(Louisville, east end or to you babe)
h3¥ b0¥§ wanna ©um play?!¿!? $p©lz till 6pm qhr 80$ hhr 100$ & hr 150$ let me relieve ur tensions!! - 23
(Louisville, Lou. New albany,Jeff)
***** HOT *** SWEET *** BEAUTIFUL *** WAITING *** FOR *** YOU ** LIZ *** - 25
(Louisville, OUTCALL ONLY Louisville & close by)
*~*~ HOT XxX Porn StaR & CeNtErFoLd in Louisville ~*~*~* LeT HeR KeEp YoU WaRm *~*~* - 23
(Louisville KENTUCKY)
*~*~ HOT XxX Porn StaR & CeNtErFoLd in Louisville ~*~*~* LeT HeR KeEp YoU WaRm *~*~* - 23
(Louisville KENTUCKY)
LAST DAY HERE!!!!Hott Brand New Petitie Playmate!!! SPECIALS!!! - 21
(louisville area incall--outcall)
HOT $90 SPECIALS~ SeXy BLoNdE TrULLy ThUnDeR oVeR LoUiSviLLe CaLL LoNdYn-502 615 5233 HoT GiRL - 24
((I Come To You)) CALL PaRiS 502-264-7274 YouNG★ SeXY ★ WiLD★100% ME ★ CerTiFiED ★ STAMPED&APPROVED; - 25
(Louisville, Louisville/Outcall Only/Your Place)
Hi, im the dream girl you are lookin for. please for a good time call me! i someone you wont regret - 21
### HOW #### HOT ### IS #### COCO ### SOOO #### HOTT ### - 19
(Louisville, louisville / surrounding)
Festishes, dirty mind? Call the right girl for your dirty fantasys! - 27
(Louisville, Louisville, Cincinatti)
.★HiGhLy SkIlLeD ☆*°★°*☆**Aim to Ple@se ☆*°★°*☆** 100% PLEASURE ☆*°★°*☆** 100$ - iNC@LL$ - 22
(Louisville, @irport @rea)
FUN* with *BELLA* OUTCALL'S ONLY! ####502 221 0724° *AVLB. NOW!!!!Xoxo (90$ SPECIAL)** - 24
(Louisville, OUTCALL ONLY)
♥♡ Sexy little Lindsay & her sexy kitty gf r on the prowl..New # and new Pic! In call/outcall - 24
100 Rose Incall Specials All Night o★o True Beauty Awaits o★o Well Reviewed - 24
(Louisville, Hurstbourne pkwy)
Quick Serivce to Downtown... Ready to Please You... Real.. Local.. Can be there in 30Mins - 28
(Louisville, Louisville Outcall Only)
Petite CuTiE With BooTy Waiting to Please you to the MAX CaLL Bella 323-739-7274 - 25
(Louisville, Louisville/Outcall Only)
***** PETITE ***** BLONDE ***** ***** TIFFANY **** - 21
(Louisville, outcall Louisville can travel close by)
100 Rose Outcall Specials o★o True Beauty Awaits o★o Well Reviewed - 24
(Louisville, Hurstbourne pkwy)
$100 BlonDe VixEn (INCALL AND OUTCALL) CALL BRITTANY 502-802-8296 ReaDy 2 PleaSe U 2 the MAX! - 23
Fri 10 Jan
LaTe nIgHt SpEcIaLs .. lET mE sAtiSfY U ... AppTs iMmeaDiatlY CaLl nOw hEaveNly HeaThEr - 28
(Louisville, east Louisville)
❤ * UPSCALE ! * :•: * New HoTTie * ❤* ❤ * Tired of THE GAMES * Call me Satisfaction Garunteed ❤ - 24
I can Give It to You the Way You want.. True Satisfaction... - 40
(Louisville, Louisville, Ky Outcall Only!!!)
$65 ★【KiLLєR 💋 BoDy★【niCє 💋 bѺѺb's 🎀 💘⇖✘⇗ №➊ The BEST Santa ⇖✘⇗ 🎀 Has to OFFER Outcall Avl - 23
(Louisville, Off Preston On Outerloop/ Outcall Avl)
$100 SpEciAL... OUTCALL ONLY.. AsK fOr STEPHANIE 502~912~2445 Super HoT Seductive BloNdE HottiE - 23
💕 100 SPEICAL💕💋 MiSS KiNK¥ Kimberly¥♡💕💕 ➡£X0TiC MiXXTUR£ ♡ S£X¥ B0D¥ 💜㏂/㏘ TH£ B£ST❗⬅ - - 22
(Louisville, louisville ky)
ReAL ViXeNs ... HOt 2 GIRL SpEciAL • BeSt _•oF_ bOtH _ WoRld$ _• VaNniLLa & Carmel 317 366 6399 - 23
Quick Service to Downtown Louisville to Hotels, Office, Apts and Condos... - 28
(Louisville, Louisville outcalls)
New Videos, New Photos... Louisville's Favorite - 27
(Louisville, Louisville, KY & surrounding areas)
Open pandoras box irresivible body accept any changelle will please even if u want to b naugty - 23
(Louisville, Southside)
🇨🇴 👑💄😘 New Girl In Town Colombian Doll / Muñekita Colombiana A Su Orden ❤️❤️ - 22
(Hurstbourne Pkwy, Louisville)
(¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´¯) ☆PETITE SEXY BLONDE ☆ (¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´¯) PETITE SEXY BLONDE (¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´¯) - 21
ONE OfAkiND [REdhEAd] & iMA $UPER 🌂☔💧🌊🏊incalls/outcalls 2girls specials 5026841009 - 22
(dixie / crums lane, Louisville)
°★°o© {SNEAK} °o© {AWAY} °o© {&} °o© {COME} °o© {PLAY} °o© °★° - 23
(Louisville, Clarksville, Indiana)
♥♡E X P L O S I V E ♡♥【• MOUTH • WATERING • 】【dAAAMMnN! ...& ReADY NoW】【spaNKaBℓε αSS】KiLLєR CuRvES - 23
(Louisville, Your Place)
Cutie with a Booty😘Ready too make you come back for seconds💚Come on Hurry💘Tight Grip in All Places✊ - 20
(Louisville, Louisville ky INCALL and OUTCALL)
Brunette Barbie -- OFFERiNGVIP Relaxation Sessions WORKING Friday - Sun LATE NIGHT AVAILABLE! - 21
(louisville outerloop incall/ outcall)
°¤°¤°Bombshell dream babe Lindsay up all night OC specials! Ask about twin two girl date! XO - 23
(Louisville, OC louisville and surrounding areas)