Sat 04 Jan
Attn: New pics:) New girl... EXCLUSIVE Special dont wait call now we're waiting! - 99
(Louisville, outcall/incall)
$60 MWS ONLY✨ Fine&Thick;!!! Juicy Ass 💞 Watery Mouth 👅💦💦 Tight 🐱 Freaky P.O.R.N. ACTION - 24
Young *n* Beautiful. NEW Pictures, 100 % Real. Outcall only 🐎 - 22
(Louisville, Louisville ky && Southern Indiana)
♥♥UpSCALe PuErto RiCaN BeAuty♥♥WaiTiNg FoR YouR CoMpAnY♥Outcall only - 35
(bowling green, bowling green, ky)
———— :¦:•S• E • X • Y• :¦:——————— * HOT §ExY BLONDE * ———————— * :¦:•S• E • X • Y• :¦:——————— - 19
Paris is back for a very short time only!! See me while you can. New number: 859-489-6983 - 21
(Lexington, Lexington, KY)
please read before callingExotic Entertainment..Please call London for appointments and more info. . - 29
I have something $PECIAL for You 💋 ❤ Time Is Winding Down💋 ❤ Catch Me While You Can ❤ 💋 - 25 - 25
(Lexington, in/out winchester specials)
Unforgettable Riya â¤â¤â¤ A face & body you wont forget! Really relax an enjoy your time 😘 - 19
(Louisville, Arthur Exit)
Out CaLL QueeN 👑👑 I WiLL Come To ¥oU 💃💃 Available ANYTIME 📞📞📞📞📞 CALL NOW 24/7 💘 - 22
(Louisville, OUT CALL ONLY)
°o ♥ o° Louisville's Favorite Blonde °o ♥ o° M A C I Hot Hot Hot - 25
(Louisville, Louisville/Jeffersonville/New Albany)
🍬🎭 THE▐ ▐ 🎭🍭 CANDY▐ 🍬▐ STORE▐ 🏰 IS 🍑▐ NOW 📆 🍒▐🎢 OPEN▐🌹 🎠🍓🍭🍬 📲☎📨🎊🎏🎉🎂 - 22
(Louisville, St.Mathews Downtown PhillipsLn)
"The 🅿ipe Master "🚰🐾Come Give Me a Mouth Full Best Mouth in TOWN💦XTRA Messy SLURP QUEEN - 24
(Today only) Sexy naughty busty blonde with an amazing body new to town a MUST SEE!💦💦💦💦💃😘💦 - 22
🍬🍬🍭sweet specials starting at 60$ qs hh 80$ fh 140$. two girl specials starting @ 100$.! 🍬🍬🍭🍭 - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana-Lousiville)
🌟☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀🌟SPECIAL BUSTY 🌟☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀🌟34D OPEN-MINDED 🌟☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀🌟 ASIAN INCALL 🌟☀☀☀☀☀☀☀646-925-9959 - 22
¤°¤Lets PLAY & have FUN! IM BACK in TOWN, SEE ME!¤°¤*NOW* ~$100 SPECIALS!~ - 23
(Louisville, °¤Louisville/Surrounding/With You¤°)
(MY PICS ARE REAL!!!) StUnNiNg BlOnDe TrUe ViXeN $eN$AtiOn CaLL KuTiE 502-650-7593 •MoDeL FiGuRe• - 24
💋Morning Specials💋Don't Waste Elsewhere‼️All U Needs Is Right Here👅 Lets Start the DaY Off NaUgHtY💦💦💦 - 26
(In call only, Louisville)
°°*LET»- (¯ `v´ ¯)-» ME»- (¯ `v´ ¯)- »CATER» -( ¯ ` v´ ¯) »2»- (¯ `v´ ¯)- »U°°* - - - 18
(louisville in/out)
****** KARMA' ~~~~~~ sPeCIaL ~~~~~~ I"M HERE ViSiTing ur city !!!!!!!!!!! Outcalls only - 27
(Louisville, near airport)
mariah carey look alike loves to get down and dirty* $p€©¡al$ *80qh* 110hhr* 160 hr incall - 25
(Louisville, sou. indiana and lou.)
LiMiteD time alert!!!——( DELiCiOUS )—•—( HEART-STOPPiNG )——( PLaYThiNg )—•CoMe PLaY - 23
(Louisville, Downtown)
JUST ARRIVED ❥ █—☰—❥♡ ❥ ⓒ ⓤ ⓣ ⓘ ⓔ —☰ █ ❥ AMAZi₦G Brunette BOMBshell █ BoOtyLicious - 19
(Louisville, airport area)
** Let me be the BEST you ever had*** Wild Wednesday's with *jaz* - 22
(Louisville, East Louisville)
little in the waist cute in the face big booty all american white girl - 19
(Louisville, Airport area)
In Louisville Now ~*~ Call Allison ~*~ 502-922-6731 ~*~ OUTCALL ONLY ~*~ Reviewed and Verified! - 33
(Kentucky and Indiana - Outcall, Louisville)
💙 last day working guys take advantage (tessa)🌟 , specials 100hh and 150h call now - 22
(Louisville, airport /Philips lane /fairgrounds)
$$$$$ ChEaP hOuR aNd HaLf HoUr SpEcIaLs... OnE aNd TwO gIrLs$$$$$$$$$$ - 22
°©•° !!!((CAUTION )) !!!°©•° (( I'M A BADGiRL)) °©•° (( I WANNA)) °©•° ((D0 BAD THiNGS)) ♂♀70hh - 23
(Louisville, Breckinridge Lane 70hh 5027092441)
**BELLA** SATURDAY NIGHT FUN ##502 221 0724° *AVLB. NOW!!!! OUTCALL ONLY**Want Me To CoMe C U? xoxo - 24
(Louisville, OUTCALL ONLY)
~!¡!¡!BOOTYMAN's DREAM!¡!¡!~ CoMe TrUe** ASK ABOUT YOUR DREAM SPECIAL!! *~ (502) 615~3391 - 25
(Louisville, Louisville 65 & 264 & 64 & 265 & 71)
Best reviews!! All great things come to an End. soon Louisville's top campanion says farewell. - 25
(Louisville, airport louisville)
LaSt NiTe in ThE LOU!!!!! ReAl XxX Star --------- > HiGhLy ReViEweD ......... OooooOH La La!!! - 28
**BELLA** SPECIALs 90$ @ 502 221 0724 *UP NOW* Outcalls Only***** AVAILABLE NOW***** - 24
Brook, The California Blonde ♥ Blue Eyes ♥ ♥ ♥ No Disappointment Here! ♥ - 38
(Louisville, New Albany, Jeffersonville, local areas)
BrEaTh TaKiNg💨 BUSTY 🇹🇭🇮🇨🇰Curvy * Sweet & Sexy 💋 I 🇦🇮🇲 2 ⓟⓛⓔⓐⓢⓔ - 19
(Louisville, Airport incalls only)
°¤°¤°Bombshell babe Lindsay flirtingly entertaining u all day&nite; long sexy reviewed in/outca - 22
(Louisville, oc to my hunks)
BraNd NeW JuSt VisiTinG Brandy...AmAziNg at wHaT i do!!!, you will fall in LOVE ;) ((50)) - 23
(Louisville, hurstbourne kentucky)
°¤°¤°Bombshell dream babe Lindsay up all Sunday night with one time only oc special! - 23
(Louisville, OC louisville and surrounding areas)