Wed 08 Jan
👄💦It's thirsty Thursday... and you need a big drink of ME! 812-557-2305💦👄 - 27
(Louisville, Louisville / Southern Indiana)
Juiccyy&Tiigghhtt; I Guarentee a good Time and meet your NeeDs.. Does She? CaLL RaVeN 502_457_7147 - 24
(Louisville, Louisville/ Fern Valley Rd)
iMA SUPER $OAkER All NATURAl REdhEAd lET ME MAkE it RAiN ON YU☔🌂💧 bAbY iNCAllS/5029155032 - 22
(dixie/louisville, Louisville)
~LATE NIGHT FUN with BELLA - (130 full hr. SPECIAL) Available Now @##502 221 0724~INCALL ~Up L8** - 24
(Louisville, INCALL)
Come Relax With Beautiful Young Blonde Alanna!!! 👄 - 22
(louisville, Louisville amd surrounding areas)
130 hrfs special!! slip & slide action with complete satisfaction alexis 502/650-6897 - 22
(Louisville, Louisville & Surrounding Locations)
2:::::: BaD G!RLS ::::: DO !T BETTER :::: * TOP QuALiTy *PROVIDER* Specials - 21
(Louisville, incalls or outcalls indiana louisville,)
100 special for hr only! great quality for a reasonable price! ~jasmine 502/650-1821 - 22
(Louisville, Louisville & Surrounding Locations)
5029155032Specials All NiTE CAll ME COME&neva4GET; bout dA bEST😋😘💖💗SEE👀lACEY NOW 5029155032💋👅 - 23
(dixie/louisville/shively/Watterson eway, Louisville)
6O.oo 2o... Mins pReTty Lil' BrOwn GiRL... (((SPECIALS))) ... 6O..oo 2omins UP LaTe tonight - 25
$80 Special call PaRiS 💕 💕 Y. O. U. R 💕 💕 L. I. T. T. L. E 💕 💕 S. E. C. R. E. T 💕 💕 - 23
#1 💦₩¡LD & ₩£T💦 ReD🔥hEaD ↔ 🌊jUiCy✔ CuTiE✔ BiG✔ BoOtY✔💋 💯My PiX - 28
(Louisville, OUTCALLS/INCALLS@East Louisville)
💕💕100% Real pics Fetish Friendly Lovely New York Queen OutCalls Ready for when Eva - 19
o© {LET} °o© {MY} °o© {BODY} °o© {DO} °o© {THE} °o© {TALKING } ° - 24
ONCE in a lifetime chance right here!! now have incalls and outcalls. - 25
(Louisville, your place louisville ky)
💋ONE Of A kiNd $UPER SOAkER, COME SEE WhAt YUR MISSIN💋 incalls $$PECiAlS 5029155032 - 22
(Dixie highway/Watterson ewsy, Louisville)
°o♥o° I MUST ADMIT °o♥o° Your Pleaasure is my PASSION °o♥o° - 23
(Louisville, INCALLS - BISHOP LANE !!)
\\OuT cAlLs MoStLy. InCaLls AlSo/ LeT tHiS bEaUtY CoMe MaKe YoUr DaY Hh 100 Fh 180. InCallS cHeAper - 22
(jeffersonville five mins from louisville, Louisville)
REAL PICS GUYS BECCA ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ blonde barbie * GA peach.... ID # 146620. . - 21
(AIRPORT INCALLs outcalls)
$PECiAl$😻dANGEROU$ REdhEAd,$ETTiN U ON🔥hAVE fUN&GET; WAT U dESiRE 5029155032 $60$pecial$ ✅ME*OUT - 22
(Louisville, Louisville/gene synder/dixie)
__PARTY GIRL!!!__ 💋 Big bouncy bOoTy 💋 E✖ΘTiC Curved Bombshell 💦 ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ 💦 Incalls Airport Area - 26
(airport fern valley, Louisville)
o© {LET} °o© {MY} °o© {BODY} °o© {DO} °o© {THE} °o© {TALKING } ° HOT SPECIALS!!! - 23
💋ONE Of A kiNd & iM $OAkiN YU√>COME SEE WhAt YUR MISSIN💋 incalls/outcall $$PECiAlS 5026841009 - 23
(Louisville, Taylor blvd)
ONE OfAkiND [REdhEAd] & iMA $UPER 🌂☔💧🌊🏊incalls/car visits 2girls specials 5029155032 - 22
(dixie /Watterson eway, Louisville)
Outcalls/Incalls💫 Well reviewed👠 Full pleasure 😘 JUICY BOOTY🍑 Video Proof📹 - 22
(Incall/ Outcalls, Louisville)
NEW PICS leaving at noon IM REAL come see me PETITE SEXY hurstbourne - 24
(Louisville, Incalls Hurstbourne)
🐬💄💅 OuT cAlLs Hh 85$/ fH !60$/ Qs 70$//💍👑💅 - 23
(jeffersonville five mins from louisville, Louisville)
Radcliff Are you Looking For now I AM/ INCALL only I'm Big Thick N Beautiful, New in Town - 28
(Louisville, Radcliff, Muldrough)
🎀 Play with this breath taking busty little burnette you will never forget Candi🎀 - 25
(Louisville, Louisville KY in your house🏡)
Come see what your missing. Sexy seductive Ashley @5026451788 - 25
(Clarksville and surrounding areas, Louisville)
DeFiNiTiOn oF Sexy. 1000% me * ___(¯* ESCAPE from the ORDINARY into the EXTRAORDINARY// 1000% me. - - 21
(Louisville, incalls or outcalls)
DownTown Suite S_e_X_y * █ Upscale, FUN Beautiful & SO Tempting... Are You Ready.? ! INCALLS - 22
(Louisville, 859-429-1675❀ 24Hr InCaLL And Outcall ❀)
╚» cLiCk HERE! •☆BuSty ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ ➜ CALL FOR MY SUPER! (SPECIAL)★ half hour $75.00 INCALLS only! .. - 25
(Louisville, INCALLS .......INCALLS)
Call for the experience of a life time your wish is my command!!! Call Jazmine 502 650 7593 - 24
(Louisville, Louisville/Eastend/Hurstbourne Pkwy)
Come play our way!We aim to plz on our knees!Juicy tongue~Juicy thighs!Solo&duo; avail~warm fun bbws! - 40
(Louisville, Hurstborne incalls)
$$$$$ ChEAP 1 & 2 GiRL hOuR sPECiALs aLL dAY lOnG$$$$$h - 22
(Louisville, louisville/southern indiana)
come experience a ride of a life time * lets get sliper on this ride* - 28
(Louisville, My place or yours Southend of Louisville)
Come Get Our 80$$ 2 GIRL SpecialS »$» 60$$ 1 GiRL Specials «$« Available All Day - 22
Brandi is back & ready to play in her NEW location. Available 24/7 for INCALLS or OUTCALLS. - 23
(Louisville, AIRPORT)
Brittany IS her. Call me it's professional.NO TEXTING - 21
(hurstbourne louisville incalls or outcal, Louisville)
♡☆♡ Call Justice 🔜 to Book an Appt. 📔Better than HER ↘ HER ↗ HER ↙ *& HER ↕💯 worth it! ♡☆♡ IN/OUT - 20
(Louisville, ♡ incalls ♡)
CAUTION ~~ ♥° Super Sexy °o♥° Thick °o♥° Nice Azz °o ♥ With 24/7 SPECIALs - 22
(Louisville, airport area)
*•☆◆☆◆☆◆Breath Taking Beauty Ms. Lily☆◆☆◆☆◆•* Incall Special 100%real pics - 22
(Louisville, Louisville, Ky and Surrounding Areas)
[-S-] __[-E-] __ [-X-]__ [-Y-] 💰 💌 🎀 [NEW 4 YOU]🎀 █▓██▓ 👍👍 {LIMITED EDITION}🎀 🎀 💌 💰 - 21
(Louisville, east louisville incalls and outcalls)
☆Letme Freak U💦Licking on U& ride U 2 NEVER misses a drop☆TopNotch tougneskills❇w/bedroom thrills🌠 - 21
(Louisville, Louisville ky Incalls rockford ln)
100 hr specials! Im so freakn fun & good, you would want to call back for more! monica 812-557-0571 - 24
(Louisville, louisville and surrounding cities)
I'm on FIRE baby... Come n get some of this JuiCy WaRm GOodNeSS!!! 812-557-2305 - 27
(Louisville, Southern Indiana/ Louisville)
INDIAN BEAUTY♥♥♥♥IT's TOO JUICY♥♥♥♥& It Talk Back ♥♥♥♥ Fingers &Toes; CURRRLL HERE 859-382-0131 - 22
(Louisville, Preston hwy)
$$ Specials All Night $$ Miss Jasmine!! Young, Sexy & Discreet!! - 24
(Louisville, Louisville, ky, westport rd_watterson ex)
****** miss miranda *****.100$ specials all day!!! 5026901210 incalls only ..... - 21
(Louisville, old louisville)
___SPECTACULAR--ass___!! BLONDE hottie NEW!!! 💟HUMP day SPeciAls💟 - 23
(Louisville, Off 264 highway in or out)
Tan•Toned•Twins¥ upscale outcalls Wednesday night yummy playmates come n get it fellas! - 23
(Louisville, outcalls Lou and surrounding areas)
🔜tesSa (NEW(REAL)PICS)✅please don't review unless it's true ✅ - 22
(Louisville, fairgrounds / airport)
*-:¦:-* *TOP* -:¦:- *NOTCH* -:¦:- *BEAUTY* *-:¦:-* Incalls & Outcalls - 24
(Incall / Outcall)