Thu 02 Jan
▓ ▒ ░ * ❤.•* L✪ ✪K *•.❤* ░ ▒ ▓ ♥•♥ •♥• ABSOLUTELY ★ BEAUTIFUL ★ BLONDE•♥•♥ •♥ ▓ ▒ ░ * ❤.•* L✪ ✪K *•. - 23
Incalls or Outcalls 502-619-8416💖 100%REAL ,Reviewed & Reliable ‼️▬▬ ☆★☆★ YOUNG, SEXY & READY TO PLAY! BRUNETTE PRINCESS ★☆★☆ - 20
(Louisville, ⭐️⭐️ ‼️Louisville ky‼️⭐️⭐️)
LET ME PUT YOUR MIND AT EASE & HELP YOU RELAX!!! Victoria is back! up & ready.. r u? $100 special!! - 25
(Louisville, lyndon st matthews dorsey)
Just Arrived - HIGHLY REVIEWED 💕[τhεε βest BBW εxotic ]💋 💕 44HH's ♥ℓet ME Show U Truε ρℓ℮asυRε ♥[💕] - 23
(Louisville, Near Airport/Expo Center)
It MigHt bE coLD OuT bUt Im.......Mmmm So WArm!!! { SizZiliNg outCAlL spECiAls}! - 20
(Louisville, Louisville OUTCALLS ONLY)
♥ Cold Nights *** Hot Ladies ♥ GiGi ♥ BROOKE ♥ ♥ No Disappointment Here! ♥ - 30
(Louisville, New Albany, Jeffersonville, local areas)
Beautiful inside & out come play with the gorgeous Megan this afternoon! Two girl w/ stunning Aspen! - 25
(louisville, Incalls only!! Hurstborne & 64)
Brazilian Dreaam in you City for 2 dAyz looking for fun ;-)... Not here for long, Come See Me !! - 19
(Louisville, Louisville, East end in call only)
Boundary Bending Pursuits ~Calling out to ALL lonely men! First class service by a REAL provider - 44
(Louisville, Louisville incall LAST DAY!)
Beautiful Blonde!! I'm Your Fantasy Come True; Drama Free.....Real Pics!!! Jeffersonville Area - 28
Beautiful And Exciting,...Specials TONIGHT... Taking IN and OUT Calls....Come see me!!! - 28
(Jeffersonville, Louisville)
★Back In Town Your Curvy Thick Plump & Juicy •• ITALIAN beautie with a BIG BOOTY ★ - 43
(Louisville, West palm beach)
CaLL RaVeN 502-802-8335 EvErYtHiNg yOuR wAy • YoUr WiSh Is My CoMmAnD rEdHeAdS R TaKiNg OvEr - 24
:*(¯`'.¸ ¸.'´¯);¨*: BRAND NEW TO THE BIZ !! Leaving Tomorrow!! NIAVE - yet NAUGHTY - 36
°¤°¤°Bombshell babe Lindsay flirtingly entertaining u all night long sexy& reviewed in/outcall - 22
(Louisville, airport incall or outcall to you!)
Big Thick N Beautiful 60$ Bodyrubs Working with Regulars OUTCALLS OnlY!!!!! - 26
(louisville, Louisville, ETOWN)
*''* BeAuTiFuL * SeXy * ClAsSy * AnD * TaLeNtEd * * LaDy *''* - 25
(Louisville, Louisville (Bardstown Rd Area))
______ ~~~~~ BRANDY __ SWEETER than the REST ~~~~~ I'M the BEST - 24
(Louisville, louisville / surrounding)
((((((( ((((((( BEAUTIFUL.... ...SEXY....... DOMINICAN )))))))))))))))) - 23
(Louisville, , All areas)
**BELLA**,,, Is AVAILABLE **OuTcall Special** UP ALL NITE ## 502-221-0724 ** - 24
(Louisville, outcall)
Are u ready for some night time fun wit BBW KYNDEL? Then come get my freaky wild ..Im waitin 4 u. - 22
♥AVAILABLE!!♥ °•°PETiTE °•° BLoNdE °•° PRiNCESS °•° I`M SiMPLY aMaZiNG °•°♥ - 21
(Louisville, Ky/Ind In and outcalls available)
AwEsOmE Tuesday SpEcIaL! IM N L'VILLE SeXy Italiana- Ask 4 SpEcIaL! HR Glass BoDy! Honest&Sweet;! - 26
(Louisville, East Louisville)
BELLA* is AVAILABLE NoW!!!! (( Incall and OUTCALL Special )) $130 full me ## 502-221-0724 - 24
(Louisville, incall- bardstowny)