Sat 11 Jan
The sweet Sexy seductive classy Sarah ... here just for you!, 502-645-9814. - 24
(Louisville, Indiana area)
StiLL🆙√√M€ Out {Real Live $upa $oaker√}} °©®@z¥° $€×¥°©ooL°B€@utiful° Bl@¢k° Woman°√√√ - 23
**NuNu**=(SeXi MiXeD)**UPScale TreatMenT :4GroWN MeN ONLY!♥♡ - 24
(Louisville, Caution➡Sexi Dominican Were you Want Me)
CALI GIRL NEW IN TOWN! come spend time with me and have all your stressed relieved! call BARBIE NOW! - 19
(Louisville, breckenridge near bardstown rd or outcal)
JUICY Thick Freaky InCall... AVAILABLE NOW **Honey** SpecialS - 25
(louisville, Louisville Expo Area)
★ __________ (¯`'•.¸ ♥ ¸.•'´¯) HOT - VIP - CURVY BLONDE ¯`'•.¸ ♥ ¸.•'´¯) _________ ★ - 21
((HOLA PAPI)) CaLL Harley 💎💎ExotiC Brazillian babe Waitin to Please you in EvErY WaY! - 24
(Louisville, Louisville/My Place..Discreet Incall)
relax and let Sophie spoil and pamper you! - 24
(Louisville, Louisville, Louisville, hurstbourne exi)
100 Rose Incall Specials All Night o★o True Beauty Awaits o★o Well Reviewed - 24
(Louisville, Hurstbourne pkwy)
100 Rose Outcall Specials o★o True Beauty Awaits o★o Well Reviewed - 24
(Louisville, Hurstbourne pkwy)
❤❤1 & 2 GrL sPeCiAlS bGn @ 100$, 1gRl BgN @ 80$. NeW pIcS nEw PiCs HiGhLy ReViEwEd!!!!❤❤ - 22
(Louisville, jeffersonville five mins from louisville)
Fri 10 Jan
Weekday Specials starting at 50$$....100% Satisfaction GUARAnTEED™ - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana)
🌟🍭 LeT ME ★BE YouR ★SeXY SeCrET ¯`CuTie↹↹ JuiCyBooTy↹↹ CuRVy THighs↹↹ SOft LíPs ↹↹ T!ght Grips ↹↹ - 23
(Louisville, Preston Highway)
🔥Louisvilles FINEST🔥 Back by popular demand! AVAILABLE NOW! Incall - 24
(Louisville, Outcall/Louisville/Incall)
√√M€ Out{{Real Live $upa $oaker√}} °©®@z¥°$€×¥° ©ooL° B€@utiful°Bl@¢k° Woman°√√Toyz Included√ - 24
100% REAL & HIGHLY skilled and reviewed! mature men only! no games! txt 502-771-0455 - 25
(Louisville, PRP)
Petite sexy young blonde AVAILABLE only older, men NEW NUMBER 😏💦TAKING ALL INCALLS NOW ! - 19
(Louisville, Lousville)
**NuNu**=(SeXi MiXeD)**UPScale TreatMenT :4GroWN MeN ONLY!♥♡ - 24
(Louisville, Caution➡Sexi Dominican Were you Want Me)
🎉🎊💝😍OnE GiRl StArTiNg @ 60$Qs, TwO gIrLs StArTiNg At 100$ Hh. CaLl NoW WeRe WaItInG!!🎉🎊💝😍 - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana-Lousiville)
!!!@@@NEW GIRL@@@!!! SABRINA !!! Come fill my time all day, 502-276-7828 - 18
(Louisville, Southern Indiana, Jeffersonville)
•••► BIG B⎝ ◕ ⎠ ⎝ ◕ ⎠BIES ➜ 36DDD's !!! Awesome Reviews & Great Rates!!! - 26
(Louisville, Louisville incall & outcall-)
NEW PICS📷 44DD Available ANYTIME24/7 natural BUSTY smaller bbw playmate - 23
(Owensboro, owensboro/eville/henderson/etc)
The EUROPEAN EXPERIENCE... A True Delight! ... 1o0 rose SPECIAL!!! Call me - 20
(Louisville, HurstBOURNE discreet INCALL out.. 247)
NuNu ➡((Cute on OutSide↔WaRm On the InSiDe #1GeNtleMen's ChoiCe!! 💝💝 - 24
(Louisville, all areas louisville, palm springs)
Take your mind off of reality with a massage fantasy...INCALL ONLY! **Alexis** - 26
(Louisville, Fern Creek)
Stop by for my FAVORITE day of the Week "Thirsty Thursday"!!💥 My 💋 are LEGENDARY!! - 35
(Louisville, Taylor Blvd @ I-264)
~Ms JeSSica RaBBit~ '' AVA NOW 502-615-3391 ;-* GET OUT OF THE COLD.. CALL NOW!! - 25
(Louisville, DiScReEt, SAFE, clean INcall)
🌟🍭 LeT ME ★BE YouR ★SeXY SeCrET ¯`CuTie↹↹ JuiCyBooTy↹↹ CuRVy THighs↹↹ SOft LíPs ↹↹ T!ght Grips ↹↹ - 23
(Louisville, Preston Highway)
Let's Get Nasty💋TiGhT GriP 💧💧 Juicy Lips💋 Let's Get Freaky👅 Watch me Slide Down On It🍆💧💧 - 24
(louisville, LOUISVILLE INCALL/Outcall)
®€@L TH!©K and W!LD. 100% Satisfaction GUARAnTEED™ Call NOW 5025282358 - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana)
Big Booty!! Sexy Smile!! Highly Reviewed! **5026552246**IN or OUT! 100hh!! - 24
(Louisville, East End)
$$$HuRRy NoW New NuMBeR 80$ 2 Girl SPECIALS and Cheap 1&2 Girl Specials - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana-Lousiville)
~ ** ~ Incall / Outcall Available ~ ** ~ TRAVELING UPSCALE MATURE BLONDE COMPANION ~ ** ~
(Dayton, Ohio)
HoT Specials PleaSe Give ThiS ViXeN a CaLL I GoT WhAt YoU NeeD AsK FoR RaVeN - 24
(Louisville, Louisville/Discreet Incall Location)
★... _W_@_N_N_A_ .... H_@_V_3 ... S_O_M_3 ...._ R_3_@_L_ ... F_U_N ! .....★ - 22
(Louisville, louisville ,ind,casinos incalls,outcalls)
❤❤1 & 2 GrL sPeCiAlS bGn @ 100$, 1gRl BgN @ 80$. NeW pIcS nEw PiCs HiGhLy ReViEwEd!!!!❤❤ - 22
(Louisville, jeffersonville five mins from louisville)
R♣O♣Y♣A♣L √√√ T♣R♣E♣A♣T♣ M♣E♣N♣T ♥*(¯`'•.¸. Amaaazing Assets!!¸.•'´¯) ♥♥ - 21
(Louisville, Incall only discreet location)
*¨¨*.. S . M . O . K . I . N .*¨¨*. H . O . T . T . *¨¨* B . L . O . N . D .. *¨¨* - 26
Petite sexy young blonde AVAILABLE only older, men NEW NUMBER 😏💦TAKING ALL INCALLS NOW ! - 19
(Louisville, Lousville)
Thu 09 Jan
~ ** ~ ** ~ UPSCALE MATURE BLONDE COMPANION VISITING LOUISVILLE .. Aug 30th / 31st ~ ** ~ ** ~ - 38
(Louisville, Kentucky)
☆☆☆/ Qs 60$// Hh 80$$ //fUlL hOuR sPeCiAl Ask //rEvIeWeD CaLl nOw!★★★★ - 22
(Louisville, jeffersonville five mins from louisville)
*~* NeW NeW Girl Sweet $50 special with HOTT busty brunette Temptation Tiffany *`* - 22
(Louisville, incalls/outcalls)
N€W N€W MiXed PeTiTe TReAt!! :: TanTaLiZiNg• ELecTRiFYing √√EXCiTEMent W/ ReaL LiGhTSKin BeauTY! - 21
Can u TAME this Wild Woman? I DARE YOU!! If so, I have a TASTY TREAT just for u! 💯% REAL REVIEWS - 35
(Louisville, Taylor *New Location* or Outcall)
Come on over & get what you're body is craving incall special - 24
(Louisville, Louisville/cane run)
(*)(*) T!GHT . K!NKY . BUSTY . Freak . BlONd3 . New new new new - 23
(Louisville, Discreet Incall east end)
(*)(*) T!GHT . K!NKY . BUSTY . Freak . BlONd3 . New new new new! 👅👄 - 23
(Louisville, Discreet Incall east end)
√√M€ Out{{40$ 👅👅Specialz}} °©®@z¥°$€×¥° ©ooL° B€@utiful°Bl@¢k° Woman°√√Toyz Included√ - 23
~ * * ~ Dayton 24th / South Bend 25th ~ ** ~ UPSCALE MATURE BLONDE COMPANION ~ ** ~
(Dayton, South Bend)
♡ Exotic Latina vixen. 60+ outstanding reviews♥♥ verified. ill be the best you ever had♡ - 23
(Louisville, airport)
CaLL 859¤494¤ 9071 SteaMin HoT inCaLL WiTh HuNNy What YoU See iS wHaT YoU GeT - 25
(Discreet InCaLL My Place or Yours, Louisville)
Call Eloise -- Louisville Incall Today -- 270=681=2369 - 29
(Louisville, Louisville - Incall or Outcall)