Fri 03 Jan
-------------- upscale experience GODDESS VICTORIA - CALL FOR PRICES as I am running many specials!! - 22
(Louisville/East End)
Missy Mercedes Specials Start your weekend off right! Lets have some fun TGIThursday - 39
(Louisville, 264 and taylorsville rd)
LAST DAY OF SPECIALS! heavily reviewed on NR! READ FULL AD! perfect body! REAL LIFE BARBIE! - 20
(Louisville, INCALL EAST END 264 my home)
~*****~ FIVE **STAR** CALLIE'** SPECIALS~ ___ ~ ThE ~___~ CLaSSiEsT ~ LADY ~*****~ InCaLL OnLy - 24
(Louisville, NeWbUrG, BaRdStOwN Rd, HiGhLaNdS ArEa)
Thu 02 Jan
**Meet Sadie** Louisville's Naughty Pin-up Girl-Next-Door - AUTHENTIC FUN! - Near The Highlands Area - 25
(Louisville, Louisville, East End, Highlands, Central)
Start your weekend off right come have some fun with Missy Mercedes and a SPLASH! - 44
(Louisville, 264 and taylorsville rd)
Goddess Victoria / derby special - $100 off listed price! HURRY N BOOK!! sale ends soon!!
(louisville/ east end)
Highly reviewed hot young busty blonde visiting 26th-30th! Over 70 reviews! - 26
(Louisville Incall)