Mon 06 Jan
TAKE A TRIP DOWN PRETTY GIRL LANE. located conveniently in the east end near hurstbourne - 21
(Louisville, hurstbourne and taylorsville rd)
♥☆♥ LeT's PLAy ♥☆♥ My LAST DAY in the EAST ★ ★ ★★ ★ ★★ ★ - 28
!!!!!! Let Me Cool You Off With A Little Ice !!!!!! - 23
(Louisville, hurstbourne & taylorsville rd)
💜▃▃▃▃▃▃ 💜💜KOREAN 💜💜💜💜TONGUE 💜💜SHOWER TOGETHER💜💜💜 ✦NURU▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ MORE💜💜💜 3308697089 - 22
°•[] KATI€ @ND KAS€¥ [] ¥OUR F@NT@$¥ [] TWIN$ , TWIN$ , TWIN$ []•° - 25
(Louisville, south hurstbourne parkway)
_IN UNTIL 6___-bubbly SEXY-____ HiGhly reviewed‼️ NEW____ ' Verryyy F.Rea.KY 💦👅💦💦 returning back !!! - 21
(Louisville, Hurstbourne 💗)
💋Can I Spoil You Daddy?👅💦💋★★★★★💯 A1 Exp-GF&PS;💦(80) MOUTH skills ► White ★SuperFrEaK★BBW★ - 69
(Louisville, Hurstbourne incall only)
Back in Louisville 💘2girls⭐Super $pecial$!! 30+GrEaT ReViEwS 💟DD, Long Hair💋💋Kissable Lips 👄 - 31
(Louisville, HURSTBOURNE/64 Inc24/7)
💋 Your Ultimate Blonde Fantasy.. Check My Website & Reviews 💋 Multi Hr Deals 👱 New # Same Girl - 21
(Hurstbourne Lane, St Matthews Area, Louisville)
❤ Your Thick, Juicy, Freaky Bomb Of Pleasure!!!!!!! ❤ $60 hh Spzls - 43
(Louisville, Louisville/ Hurstbourne)
This is the one for you!! All your fantasies and desires fulfilled! 2girls also avail 2day only!! - 21
(Louisville, bluegrass pkway and hurstbourne)
Tired of the fake and outdated pictures?! CALL ME 100% REAL! Ask about my Monday Mania SPECIAL! - 25
(Louisville, Hurstbourne area!)
STOP RIGHT HERE!!! No One Can Compete W/ **" DANNI DYNAMITE" ** (Incall Only) 90HH All Day** - 38
(Louisville, East End / Hurstbourne Area/ No Outcall)
Sexy Lexie INCALL SPECIALS Clean fun and Safe Done for TONIGHT!!! - 22
(Louisville, louisville,hurstbourne INCALL)
Most wanted Mouth! Tonsils to thrill! Warm juicy thigh pleasures! Sexy fun pleasing bbw:)Ready! - 40
(Louisville, (Hurstbourne)incall)
My M@UTH iS sOMETHiNg SeRioUSLy GOood .$60.. q .$75..oo ... 3o Mins ... My pLace INCALLS - 26
NEW PICS!! Visit My Updated Website for a discount!! - 25
(Louisville, Taylorsville and Hurstbourne)
my oh my... beautiful dirty blonde lindsay ready to play.. discreet and sweet..out/In All Week - 21
(Louisville, hurstbourne area or to you!)
HOT $80 SPECIALS~ SeXy BLoNdE TrULLy ThUnDeR oVeR LoUiSviLLe CaLL LoNdYn-502 615 5233 HoT GiRL - 24
(Louisville, LOUISVILLE/Hurstbourne pkwy/eastend)
🍫Ebony playmate w/ amazing 💋😘tricks and treats🍓 waiting for YOU ! - 21
(louisville, Louisville (hurstbourne) incalls only)
🚧CAUTION🚧🚧💦💦🔹🔷Slippery When W£T🔹🔷🔹💦💦⚠ 🌴🌴Hola Papi🌴🌴 - 23
(louisville, Louisville Airport/ Hurstbourne)
!!!!!!!! A Little Ice Will Cool You Down Tonight!!!!!!!! - 23
(Louisville, Hurstbourne&Taylorsville; rd)
40qk spzls★ Curvy Thick & Juicy •• Beauty with a BIG OL BOOTY** Avalible All Nite(Incall Only) - 45
(Louisville, Hurstbourne)
40q spzls❤ Let Me Rock Your World ❤ AZZZZZZ LoVerS DreAm ❤ Availabe 4 Incall Only ❤ - 44
(Louisville, Louisville/ Hurstbourne)
19 5 STAR REVIEWS! ALWAYS IN LINGERIE! big 34DD breasts! discreet private apartment! - 21
(Louisville, NEW APRTMT!! hurstbourne/ bardstown road)
*60* "TIA" is DANGEROUSLY ADDiCTING •* FeTiSh FrIeNdLy -:¦:- REAL Sexy, Petite, Ebony FREAK! *60* - 25
(Louisville, Louisville/Hurstbourne((INCALL ONLY!!)))
40qk★ A Tru Azzzzzz LoVerS★ P.L.@.Y★G.R.O.U.N.D. ★ Avalible (Incall Only) - 45
(Louisville, Hurstbourne)
40qk Spzl ❤ Available All Nite ❤ The Azzzzz Luvers ❤ Play-Ground ❤ Of Fun ❤ (Incall Only) - 45
(Hurstbourne/Jtown, Louisville)
❤40q Spzls❤ Highly Skilled, Thick & Juicy ❤U Want It Come Get It❤ - 43
(Louisville, Louisville/ Hurstbourne)
40spzl❤Available All Nite❤ Tru Pleasure - UnRushed Satisfaction ❤ - 43
(Louisville, Louisville/ Hurstbourne)
❤40q Spzls❤ Ur Thick Bomb Of Pleasure ❤Come Pl@y On My Pl@yground❤ - 43
(Louisville, Louisville/ Hurstbourne)
hot petite with great body, beautiful face, and intruiging personality - 21
(Louisville, Hurstbourne off 64)
EASTEND 🍎bottom 100%Real Verified Pics😆😆😆No KIDS☆No STRETCH Marks - 2 - 22
(Hurstbourne/East, Louisville)
❤JUST ARRIVED💫Sweet Lips 💟💋 FETISH FRIENDLY 💟💋 ●Οη℮ Οf A ΚιηD● 💋Let ME βℓØω🌟γΟυr💞ΜιηD - 21
(Louisville, Louisville, Hurstbourne parkway)
❤ Your Thick, Juicy, Freaky Bomb Of Pleasure Is Here!!!!!!! ❤ $60hh/$120hr Oaks & Derby Spzls - 43
(Louisville, Louisville/ Hurstbourne)
Try Something NeWWW...... Curvy and Fun!! Ready for u NOW!!!! $100 special all day!!!!!!! - 21
(Louisville, HurstBOURNE discreet INCALL out.. 247)
°?° ? °?__ TRUE°** DEFINIT ION OF SEXXY °?° - 23
(Louisville, Louisville/Eastend/Hurstbourne Pkwy)
(( S - L - i - P )) ☆ (( -n- )) ☆ (( S_L_i_D_e )) ... LATE NiGHT 7O SPCL ( 5 (☆) S €Rv!C€ ; ) 7O - 24
(louisville, 7o ..INCALLS ...7O 7o HUrstBOurNe)
Real & Reviewed *** Busty ***Big Bootie ***Blonde Barbie* temp# 502-257-6126 - 26
(Louisville, HURSTBOURNE)
😍《Pretty Bubble 💦Butt Beauty》 5☆ S•E•X•Y kitten💋👅💋👅 Call now📞 5022955639☎ % 100 👌 real👍 - 26
(louisville, Hurstbourne/Middletown 👌✋ safe in☎ out☎)
Exotic BBW with huge 38DD and round APPLEBOOTY... With mouth watering & TOE CURLING Skills - 29
(Louisville, Hurstbourne INCALL)
Early Morning💦Dr!pp!ng W€t💦 ✔SpEciaLs✔💦Ultimate ExOtic QuEEn💎Kelly💎Incalls QV 70 - 22
(Louisville, Louisville East, Hurstbourne)
Discreet! Beautiful, Sexy tantalizing treat come to my penthouse suite. Call or text 5029911666 - 25
(Louisville, Louisville Hurstbourne/Shelbyville Rd)
.Be AuTiFuL S-E-X-X-Y- HOT PLaY m ate - 32
(Louisville, Incall ... St hurstbourne Ln)
♥♡ ♥ A True BooTy LoVerS PaRaDi$e ♥♡ ♥ $50 spzls INCALLS ONLY - 43
(Louisville, Louisville/ Hurstbourne)
($80) Ding! Ding! ((JACKPOT)) (TrUe HoT GiRl) Call WhiTnEy 317•366•6399 BLONDE NEW Girl in Town! - 23
(Louisville, Louisville/Hurstbourne Pkwy/Eastend)
40qk ❤Come In Out Of The Cold Snow And Slide Into Something Soft And Warm Tonight ❤ (Incall Only) - 45
(Hurstbourne/Jtown, Louisville)
Available until 9am ♡♥♡ Ready for Y-⊙-U -♥ Sensual & SEXY!!! Call Me, it's Mya 317-366-6399 - 23
(Louisville, Louisville/Hurstbourne Pkwy/Eastend)
23 5 STAR REVIEWS! ALWAYS IN LINGERIE! big 34DD breasts! discreet private apartment! BRUNETTE AGAIN! - 21
(Louisville, NEW APRTMT!! hurstbourne/ bardstown road)
40 spzls ❤ Available All Nite ❤A AZZZZZ LOVERS DREAM ❤ Incall Only - 44
(Louisville, Louisville/ Hurstbourne)
°?° ? °?__ TRUE°** DEFINIT ION OF SEXXY °?° - 23
(Louisville, Louisville/Eastend/Hurstbourne Pkwy)
This is the one for you!! All your fantasies and desires fulfilled! 2girls also avail 2day only!! - 21
(Louisville, bluegrass pkway and hurstbourne)
Tiny Adventure--4'11 tall 100lbs-- Lunch treat ONLY $100--VISITING professional $100 $100 BOOK NOW - 22
(Louisville, Hurstbourne-LV East In-Outcall)
Sexy brown haired REAL LIFE SUCCESFUL MODEL & budding ADULT movie star - 19
Sun 05 Jan
💋SNoW BuNNy ✦▬▬▬▬▬▬✦ T!GHT GR!P ✦ ✦ PERFECT H!PS✦▬▬▬▬▬▬✦💋 BLoNDe PLaYMaTe - 21
(Hurstbourne East upscale, Louisville)
SKINNY BARBIE WITH BIG 34DD BREASTS & A TONGUE RING! private apartment & always in lingerie REVIEWED - 21
(Louisville, NEW APRTMT!! hurstbourne/ bardstown road)
NO❶❤▃❤❤▃❤ AMAZING NEW ❤▃❤ HOT ASIAN BABY ❤▃❤ ❤▃❤ REAL PIC ❤▃❤❤▃❤ - 22
(Louisville, ❤Hurstbourne❤First Day Here❤)
💛💛💜💚💙New Hot&Sexy; Playmate of your Dreams in Town til Thursday...❤💗💓💖 - 23
(Louisville, Louisville TN (Hurstbourne Parkway))
my oh my... beautiful dirty blonde lindsay ready to play.. discreet and sweet..out/In All Week - 21
(Louisville, hurstbourne area or to you!)
💋Ms. Kiwi💋 💯% Real Pics 🍭 2 girl Specials🍭 Too Good To Say No!! Call now 859-381-0131 - 22
(Louisville, Louisville ky South Hurstbourne)