Wed 08 Jan
☆ _________ Tired of going it alone? You need a man to adore you for your promiscuous ways and needs - 50
(Louisville, Tucson Arizona)
PrEttY PinK JuicY TiighT PaY mE RighT aNd I JuSt Might! CaLL Kennedy 502-953-2443 - 25
(Louisville, Louisville/Outcall Only I Come To You)
°o♥° C-O-M-E °o♥° M-E-E-T °o♥° P-A-R-I-S °o♥ 502- 408- 6156 - 27
(louisville, Louisville and shelbyville)
\\OuT cAlLs MoStLy. InCaLls AlSo/ LeT tHiS bEaUtY CoMe MaKe YoUr DaY Hh 100 Fh 180. InCallS cHeAper - 22
(jeffersonville five mins from louisville, Louisville)
°·°· ___ :: P R E T T Y :: ___ :: G i r l :: ___ :: N E X T :: ___ :: D o o r :: ___ ·°·° - 23
(Louisville, louisville/ airport)
NEW IN TOWN!!! Stunning Playmate Leaving Soon So Call Me Now Baby!!! - 26
(Louisville, louisville/surrounding areas)
PerKy BoObieS💋♕💋 Hot PeTitE ♕ SexXy Doll°—💋♕💋 ▬💋♕💋 ₵αℓℓ ME ☞☏ VIP - 20
(Breckinridge lane, Louisville)
🆕 Pictures 🔥💥💢 Hot Sessions With IVY 👑🎆🎀 Sensual, Sweet & Seductive Provider 502 822 8364 - 21
(Dixie highway, Louisville)
~❇ OUTCALLS ⚜⚜ KY & So. IN ⚜⚜ ~❇ Allison 📞📞502-922-6731📞📞 ~❇ Call or Text - 33
(Kentucky and Indiana - Outcalls, Louisville)
Come see what your missing. Sexy seductive Ashley @5026451788 - 25
(Clarksville and surrounding areas, Louisville)
(((Ding))) (((Ding))) (((Ding))) [[[[JackPoT]]]] Available Now Call Montana 502-953-2443 - 24
(Louisville, Louisville/Outcall Only I Come To You)
Call for the experience of a life time your wish is my command!!! Call Jazmine 502 650 7593 - 24
(Louisville, Louisville/Eastend/Hurstbourne Pkwy)
🍦Brand New 4 You!!🍭I got the Fire🔥You Bring the Wood!!🌟🌟Don't waste time & safety with amatures - 23
(Louisville, bluegrass pkwy)
BROOKLYNN ☆Your All brunette Beauty☆Finally a girl with verified pics♡ ☆ - 23
(Louisville, airport area Louisville)
♥ ♥ BLONDE♥ ♥ )) (( ♥ iM uP StiLL ) 100% ReaL Pics( ♥ ♥ ReAdY nOw ♥ ♥ )) : - 23
(Louisville, Lou,IND, LeX, EtoWN)
Brandi is back & ready to play in her NEW location. Available 24/7 for INCALLS or OUTCALLS. - 23
(Louisville, AIRPORT)
♥ Cold Nights *** Hot Lady ♥ BROOKE ♥ No Disappointment Here! ♥ - 38
(Louisville, New Albany, Jeffersonville, local areas)
Backwoods Barbie, NEW NUMBER 859-595-0465 - 33
(Lexington, Winchester, Lexington, Richmond, surroun)
A UPSCALE service - Come relax and have your body worshiped by vicky -- SEXY YOUNG & SMART!
I'm on FIRE baby... Come n get some of this JuiCy WaRm GOodNeSS!!! 812-557-2305 - 27
(Louisville, Southern Indiana/ Louisville)
°*°*ΩΩΩ°;°*°*°* TiFFANi{{ CERtifiEd }} Sexy Unbelievable fun with NEW friend FARAH°*°*°ΩΩΩ;°*°*° - 20
~ ~ SINFULL ~ SEXXY ~ EROTIC ~ ~ Let Me Be Your SECRET ~~ 28 ~~ OUTCALL - 28
(Louisville, your place- no half hours - no specials)
Sexy hot cougar doing deep tissue massage nonsexual you will be reported get out ky come to me only - 37
(Western Kentucky, my place im 35 mins from mayfield in tn!)
Talented - Fun - Entertaining - Adventurous - Blonde Available & Ready When You Are - 26
(Mt Vernon rd & Woodmont in St Mathews)
Tight Grip👌🏼 Curvy Hips 🍑 with Secretively Talented Lips👄 Forget those FAKE ads & Call ME 👈🏼📞 24/7 - 21
(Louisville, Outcalls)
Sugar, Spice, all so nice then add a pinch of . . Together = Fun.♥ SPECIAL - 35
(Louisville, Min. from downtown Louisville in/outcall)
The ebony energizer bunny with a [GØRG€ØU§ FAC€ & KiLL€R CURV€§] -im BACK !!' - 21
(Louisville, Incall & Outcall)
***___***___ ** New Blonde **__**__**__ ** 120 Tulip Special **__**__** 24 Hours **__**__** __** - 24
(Louisville, Louisville Jefferson Town Incall)
@+@+@+Let... ME... PLEASURE... you.... TONIGHT+@+@+@+@ - 25
**** LeT Me UpGrade You! ***DOMINICAN MAMI:)) Will Make The Lollipop!!! - 24
(Louisville, , All areas Baby)
₩!LD & ₩€+ @LLLD@¥ LθΩG. R€@D¥ 4 ¥θU. Incall Qv~Hh~Full. Qv&Hh; Mem Day Special Be4 4pm - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana)
INCALL SPECIALS@@NEW NUMBER@@ COME SPANK ME!!Call for some fun!!Available for You!! - 24
(Louisville, Hurstbourne ln)
INCALLS / OUTCALLS :-) TÕUCH YOU ♥T€AS€ YOU ♥F€€L YOU ♥PL€AS€ YOU !!!! 100$ sp - 23
Juicy&Tightt; Your Favorite GirL is Back in The business I give u What U Want CaLL Missy 502-457-7147 - 23
(Louisville, Louisville/I Prefer To Come To You)
♥ Cold Nights *** Hot Ladies ♥ GiGi ♥ BROOKE ♥ ♥ No Disappointment Here! ♥ - 30
(Louisville, New Albany, Jeffersonville, local areas)
»-★-»»-★-» Blonde Beauty »-★-»»-★-» AVAILABLE NOW! - 21
(Louisville, OUTCALL ONLY PLZ.. Louisville&S.; Indiana)
Black&Indian; Mixed Hot&ReadY; I GiVe U wHaT U wAnT SatiSfaCtiOn GuaranteeD CaLL IsreaL - 25
(Louisville, Louisville/Your Place:) İ Come To You)
Brooke, The California Blonde 💖 💜 Million 💲💲 Legs! - 38
(Louisville, New Albany, Jeffersonville, local areas)
In Louisville Now ~*~ Call Allison ~*~ 502-922-6731 ~*~ OUTCALL ONLY! - 33
(Kentucky and Indiana - Outcall, Louisville)
***** HOT *** SWEET *** BEAUTIFUL *** WAITING *** FOR *** YOU ** ERICA *** - 26
(Louisville, OUTCALL ONLY Louisville & close by)
If You Dont Know Me, You Should! I Crave To Satisfy! - 32
(Louisville, Southern Indiana/Louisville In&Outcall;)
(((( HOT' SEXY' MiXeD' DoMiNicaN MaMi (( 24/7 ))ProFessioNal & Discreet""GRoWN MeN WelCoMe!!!! - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)