Sun 12 Jan
☆☆☆/ Qs 60$// Hh 80$$ //fUlL hOuR sPeCiAl Ask //rEvIeWeD CaLl nOw!★★★★ - 22
(Louisville, jeffersonville five mins from louisville)
New Super Freak💋💕 Thick & Slippery💦 Upscale Ebony 🍫✨ Lets play ♥️ - 23
(Louisville, Louisville, Hurstbourne area)
OUTCALLS ONLY ~*Accepting Cash & Credit Cards*~ Allison ~*~ 502-922-6731 ~*~ - 33
(Kentucky & Southern Indiana - Outcall, Louisville)
NICOLE***NeW NumBerS! $pontaneous $pecials*** NICOLE*** 502-294-3389*** Reviews .. New Webpage *** - 25
(Louisville, Newburg Rd/LouisvilleKY/INCALL ONLY)
°o♥° Louisville Ky °o♥° Call Me °o♥ 502- 408- 6156 - 30
(louisville, Louisville and shelbyville)
100 SpEciAL Call Linsey (OUTCALL ONLY) EvErYbOdY LoVeS a SexY ScorPio ..BLoNdE VixEn! - 24
Educated and Strictly Independent ~ Amy Marie ~ 502-341-9435 - 27
(amy_marie_louisville@yahoo. com, Louisville)
Sat 11 Jan
❤💥I Play ALL DaY💥❤ TiGHT, SlℹpPerY, & YuMMy💧🍫👅Fr3aKy, KiNky,& DisCr33t❗ - 24
(Louisville, Louisville Your Place)
HOT (Pin-up) Girl Next Door ⋯ Sexy Body, Sexier Mind ⋯ Fetish & Newbie Friendly ⋯ DISCRETELY HOSTING - 26
(Louisville, The Highlands - Near Douglas Loop)
VISITING Louisville😏😏 beautiful EVEAH well REVIEWED ID #272792 - 24
Open Minded, Fetish Friendly Babe to ROCK Your WORLD! - 19
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, In town, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky)
~*~NEW GIRL in Town to Rock Your World~*~ - 19
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, In town, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky)
Its CRAPPY out CHEER up with me Y not& Recieve This AMAZING $100 Special !!! @ 502.715.6791 - 31
(Louisville, plz no txting it's sooo impersonal)
I'm WIDE awake and READY to pLay specials specials and MORE sPeCiALs!! UP LATE lets get NaSty - 26
(Louisville, hurstbourne)
KINKY GIRL is Sure to Satisfy Your Fantasies - 19
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, In town)
Juicy&Tightt; Your Favorite GirL is Back in The business I give u What U Want CaLL Missy 502-457-7147 - 23
(Louisville, Louisville/I Prefer To Come To You)
Specialist Slippery When Wet 👅Exotic chocolate🍫 Beauty Guaranteed satisfaction kelly 502.807.5285 - 30
(Louisville, Louisville Kentucky and Indiana)
💋 - - - - yOuNg " FRieNdLy" & Fun ... Ebony BeauTy - - - - - 💋 - 26
(Louisville, hosting 10min fern Creek jtown middleto-)
OUTCALLS ~*Accepting Credit Cards*~ Allison ~*~ 502-922-6731 ~*~ OUTCALL ONLY - 33
(Kentucky and Indiana Outcall, Louisville)
One Hot , Wild, Sexy & Freakishly MILF Lookin To Have Some Fun !!! Low Flat Rates !!! - 36
(Louisville, In Call in Clarksville/ Also Out Calls)
New Super Freak💋💕 Thick & Slippery💦 Upscale Ebony 🍫✨ Lets play ♥️ - 23
(Louisville, Louisville, Hurstbourne area)
Petite CuTiE With BooTy Waiting to Please you to the MAX CaLL Bella 323-739-7274 - 25
(Louisville, Louisville/Outcall Only)
OUTCALLS ~*~ LOUISVILLE, SO. INDIANA ~*Accepting Credit Cards*~ Allison ~*~ 502•922•6731 - 33
(Louisville, Louisville and surrounding)
One Hot, Sexy & Freakishly Wild MILF Lookin To Have A Little (***) Will B Workin Till 10pm. - 36
(Louisville, In Call in Clarksville/ Also Out Calls)
🎉🎊 Qs 60$ Hh. HALF HOUR 80$$ 80$$$$ Fh 140$. TwO gIrLs StArTiNg @ 100$$ CaLl Now!! - 22
(Louisville, jeffersonville five mins from louisville)
NICOLE***NeW NumBerS! $pontaneous $pecials*** NICOLE*** 502-294-3389*** Reviews .. New Webpage *** - 25
((OUTCALL ONLY)) CaLL Paris 502-264-7274 LooK nO FuRtHeR ThAn Me Waitin To PleaSe U to ThE MaX! - 25
(Louisville, Louisville/Outcall Only/I Come To You)
PerKy BoObiEs💋♕💋 Hot PeTitE ♕ SexXy Doll°—💋♕💋 ▬💋♕💋 ₵αℓℓ ME ☞☏ VIP - 20
(Louisville, Louisville near airport)
~*~NEW GIRL in Town to Rock Your World~*~ - 19
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, 10 minutes away)
Come Keep me WARM && I'll do the same 100% Me or your visit is Free - 19
(Louisville, My Warm Place)
$$$««CHeAP 1 giRL AnD 2 gIrL sPeCiALs aLL dAY lOnG»»$$$ cALL mE fOr tHE tiMe oF yOuR LiFe$$$ - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana-Lousiville)
♥♡♥Do you want a tan hot sexy sweetheart that's 100% real and safe. then look no further♡♥♡ - 24
(Louisville, preston hwy my place or yours☆★☆)
need sum1 2 accompany me almost naked & waiting 4 u 502-276-7285 - 25
(7th street louisville ky, Louisville)
**** 💯% REAL deal ~~ Pretty ##1 provider...Upscale UNBELIEVABLE fUN Experience!!! ***** - 20
Last tow day back to city💖open bury special!!!!! Sexy asian===I am submissive!!!!! - 25
(Louisville, Preston highway- Louisville -airport)
tiny blonde, fabulously built, fantastic performance - 21
(Louisville, bishop and goldsmith lane off 264)
♡♥THE SEXY' SEXY' MiXeD DomiNicaN MaMi♥♡((( 24/7 ))) GROWN MeN WelCoME! I MaKE ThE LolliPOP!))) - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)
STOP RIGHT HERE!!! "Danni Dynamite" *Happy Thanksgiving I Have A Buffett U Would Love To E** - 38
(Louisville, Down Town / Also Out Calls (Regulars))
♥::: NEW IN TOWN!! ----->> *»-(¯♥¯) * »- :::♥ (100% INDEPENDENT ! - - 22
Mysterious with strength. Can you handle this alluring enchanter? - 30
(Louisville, Preston Hwy Area)