Sun 05 Jan
Mon. Spec. $90/$150 *"DANNI DYNAMITE"** And U Will C Why I Have **AMAZING REVIEWS** - 38
(Louisville, Close 2 Down Town (Indiana))
**NO ONE** Brings The *THUNDER* Like **"DANNI DYNAMITE"** $75hh/$140hr ** 9 am - 9pm 7 days a week - 38
(Louisville, Close 2 Down Town (Indiana))
DYNAMITE Is Doin It Again $80/$140 ¶;*}The Hottest "MILF" ¶;·} Daily 9 am & I'm Doing Incalls Now - 38
(Louisville, Close 2 Down Town)
Come Stay And Play W/ ** "DANNI DYNAMITE" ** Ask Me About My 1/2 Price Happy Hour!!! - 38
(Louisville, Close to Down Town/ Indiana "In & Out")
$90HH ** No One Does it Like "DANNI DYNAMITE"** The Best Reviews Around!! Working Till 11 pm Guys!! - 38
(Louisville, Close to Down Town/ Indiana "In & Out")
40 Q spzl ❤❤ FREAKY BooTie LoVer$ Pl@Y GroUnd ❤❤ InCall Only ❤ - 43
(Louisville, Louisville/ Hurstbourne)
$100 SpEciAL..OUTCALL ONLY.. AsK fOr STEPHANIE 812-258-8334 Super HoT Seductive BloNdE HottiE - 23
♥☆♥ CoMe StArT uR wEeKeNd OfF rIgHt WiTh SwEeT sExY pEtiT KARMEN♥☆♥ - 23
(Louisville, Louisville/my place or yours)
{{{♥LeT Me UPGraDe U♥}}} SUPeR SKiLLeD★, MiXeD , 100% INDePeNDeNT!! Da BaDDeST SeXi SeXi MaMi♥♡♥}}} - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)
👑FACE down azz up⬆ that's the way Iluv2fu₡Ӝ come un🔓lock the pretty kitty don't 4get the 🔑 - 21
(Louisville, Louisville ky outcalls)
Come see me lets have some mutual Fun. Let Me Show You What erotic really means text! - 26
(Louisville, Louisville/Jeffersonville)
$80/ $140 ¶;*} DANNI DYNAMITE ¶;*} Hottest MILF Around..¶;*}Out Calls If Close ** 4 ** $90/$150 ** - 38
(Louisville, Close 2 Down Town "INDIANA"/ Outcalls)
Come see me lets have some mutual Fun. Let Me Show You What erotic really means text! - 26
(Louisville, Louisville/Jeffersonville)
Come & See 4 Urself Why My Clients Need A Little Bit Of { "DANNI DYNAMITE" } 💋Last Day $100 Spec💋 - 40
(Louisville, Close 2 Downtown 💖 (In Indiana)💖)
Come Stay And Play W/ ** "DANNI DYNAMITE" ** Ask Me About My 1/2 Price Happy Hour!!! - 38
(Louisville, Close to Down Town/ Indiana "In & Out")
Sat 04 Jan
satificaton guaranteed.... $40.00 special let me make ur night - 24
(louisville, louisville outcall available)
Friday *75hh/130hr* (502 528~9585) Louisville's Hottest "MILF" ** "DANNI DYNAMITE" $75/$1 - 38
(Louisville, Close 2 Down Town (Indiana))
👑FACE down azz up⬆ that's the way Iluv2fu₡Ӝ come un🔓lock the pretty kitty don't 4get the 🔑 - 21
(Louisville, Louisville ky outcalls)
drop dead dreamy new pics of your sweet and sexy doll° Lindsay °incall discreet best in area - 21
(Louisville, east end)
75hh ¶;*} Totally Flat Rates¶;*} ¶;*} Louisville's Hottest MILF¶;*}Now Starting At 7 Am Daily... - 38
(Louisville, Close 2 Down Town In "INDIANA")
$80hh ¶;*} Totally Flat Rates¶;*} ¶;*} Louisville's Hottest MILF¶;*}Now Starting At 7 Am Daily... - 38
(Louisville, Close 2 Down Town In "INDIANA")
Talented - Fun - Entertaining - Adventurous - Blonde Available & Ready When You Are - 26
(Mt Vernon rd & Woodmont in St Mathews)
****** KARMA' ~~~~~~ sPeCIaL ~~~~~~ I"M HERE ViSiTing ur city !!!!!!!!!!! Outcalls only - 27
(Louisville, near airport)
♥♡♥BeTtEr ThEn ThE rEsT-KARMEN wIlL fAFiLl Ur EvErY dEsIrE♥♡♥ - 23
(Louisville, Louisville/my place or yours)
satificaton guaranteed.... $40.00 special let me make ur night - 24
(louisville, louisville outcall available)
I'm on FIRE baby... Come n get some of this JuiCy WaRm GOodNeSS!!! 812-557-2305 - 27
(Louisville, Southern Indiana/ Louisville)
♡♥Highly reviewed! 100 %REAL! Adventurous! Available NOW DAY/NIGHT! GREAT SUNDAY SPECIAL RATE! - 25
"DANNI DYNAMITE" Does It Right!!! Come C Why Everyone Leaves With A Smile..... HH & HR Specials.... - 38
(Louisville, Close to Down Town/ Indiana No Outcall)
$75hh ¶;*} Come C Why Everyone Loves A Little "Dynamite" In Their Life ¶:*} Totally Flat Rates ¶:*} - 38
(Louisville, Close 2 Down Town In "INDIANA")
Big Booty dream💕💞💕 THE BIGGEST BOOTY U EVER ☆ready☆ professional sit a wine glass on this @ss☆💋💋💋💋💋💘 - 25
*New 2 Area* Im LAST DaY Here.. come over and let me do something SpeCiaL to U! - 22
(Lexington, WINCHESTER RD)
******I Leave In 2 Days$$$$GET THE BEST N FORGET THE REST$$$Specials Also LOWEST I've HAD - 26
(Louisville, airport)
🛀Truly Relax 🛀& Unwind 💋 (No Rush)💋 I Know Exactly What U Need💋So Let Me Show u How It's Done💋 - 40
(Louisville, Close To Down Town)
SMOKING -- --- -- Hot --- -- AMAZING ---- -- Body --- --SWEET as HEAVEN ---- as HELL - 21
★ ★ ___ SEXY New GIRL $$$ SPECIALS __ ★ ★ BEST TIME ONLY A CALL away ! __ - 24
▃▅▆█▓ Petite Bodied 🎉 ★ WORLD CLASS __ ★ MEDITERRANEAN BeauTy __ ★ 100% ReaL ___ ★ 🎉 ▓█▆▅▃ - 22
**$90/$160 ** 9 am ** My * Fav * Day * It's ** Tastie ** Tuesday ** "DANNI DYNAMITE" ** $90/$160 ** - 40
(Louisville, Close 2 Down Town (Indiana) **Incall**)
**♡♥SeXY MiXeD MaMi♥♡**( ((AllDaY)AllNite)) )♥♡THE PRIVATE & DISCREET**SEXI SEXI♡♥ - 24
(Louisville, Ms.worldwide)
Come Help Me Celebrate My Birthday ***DANNI DYNAMITE*** No One Brings It Like i Do 9am-5pm. - 38
(Louisville, Close 2 Down Town (Indiana))
Fri 03 Jan
I'm everything a man would ever want 💯FREAKY💦wild💖💞Sexy and skilled RedBone🌹JAZMIN💕💖 - 22
(Louisville, Preston highway Lousiville ky fernvally)
STOP!!!! **"DANNI DYNAMITE'S"** **B/Friday Spec** (502)528-9585 **B/Friday Spec** - 38
(Louisville, Close 2 Down Town In "INDIANA")
!!!!! ** LOUISVILLE' S FAVORITE LADY ** !!!!!, BELLA, IS available now * call me - 502 -221-0724* - 23
$$$$ Hey Guys Its MelAnie ....... Time for the ReAl dEaL!!!!! - 24
(Louisville, Louisville/Newburg Rd.)
****** HOliday SPECIALS*** HANDS DOWN.........I HAVE The Best & PrEtTiEsT Cat In ToWn ;-) ;-) - 26
(Louisville, airport)
******FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY *** HANDS DOWN.........I HAVE The Best & PrEtTiEsT Cat In ToWn ;-) ;-) - 26
(Louisville, airport)
《《♡♡ *FANTASY *{[(F)]}* FRIDAY* ("Fulfill▪ Your▪ Fantasies▪ With▪ My▪ Southern▪ Comfort▪") ♡♡》》 - 28
friday specials 5027672901 im back on hit me up $65n up - 29
(Louisville, Jeff Indiana/Downtown Louisville)