Sun 05 Jan
**Two Beauties that will leave you speechless** treat yourself! Ask about 2 girl SPECIAL! - 22
(Louisville, east louisville)
STOP ✋RiGHT ✋THΞRΞ !! 💯Real HORNY👉X.X.X. Playmate™🐰💫 SuPeR SkiLLs_SizzLiN' H🔥TT $PeCiAL$ � CALL - 21
(Louisville, Outcalls Specials (your bed))
new pics! ¡ Exotic Latina vixen. 60+ outstanding reviews. verified. References Needed. monday 12-5pm - 25
(Louisville, weekend outcalls)
o© {LET} °o© {MY} °o© {BODY} °o© {DO} °o© {THE} °o© {TALKING } ° HOT LATE NIGHT SPECIALS!!! - 23
* *I MaKe DrEaMs CoMe TrUe* *BrUnEttE CuTiE* *CuRVy GiRL NeXT DooR aLL 4 U* - 21
(with U)
HOLiDAY SPECiALS 💙💙💙💙💙 Visiting 💙💙💙💙💙 TIGHT & SLIPPERY 💙💙💙💙💙 BLONDE ViXEN 💙💙💙💙💙 - 22
(Louisville, Louisville OUTCALLS & IN)
i know what u want & need let me give it to u! dream girl sexy brunette lindsay in/out discreet trus - 22
Come let me show u wut its suppose to be like!! new number guys!! 5022245022 - 24
(Louisville, YuR pLaCe or MiN3)
come let miss sexy red makeu you're knees weak you're heart skip a beat & your body lose control - 31
(Louisville, louisville ky,5029365043)
8O sPeCiaL ... a VeRy FReaKy GiRL who WANTS to PLeaSe... 8O hh OUTcaLL sPeCiaL CALL NOW! - 25
(Louisville, on the floor sofa ...OUTCALL IN YOUR BED)
12O •°o.●.•°. [JuSt Me] .____ 12O___ ____ .[.aNd My.]. ___ __12O *_____. [. GiRLFRieNd ] .•°o●• 12O - 24
NEW Exotic beauty Pleasure Sessions,, (new)) new new vegas style ,,,, - 24
(Louisville, UPSCALe suite)
BROOKE The California Blonde 💋💋 Dream Girl 💋💋 One Smoking Hot Lady ❤❤❤ - 37
(Hurstbourn, Hikes Point, New Albany, Louisville)
★ ★incalls / outcalls ~⭐ Y_O_U_R •💕• ~D_R_E_A_M~ •💕• G_I_R_L ⭐~* SinFully SWeET ★ - 22 - 22
💖💗💖 ELLISE 💖💗💖 WhAt YoUvE BeEn SeArChInG For 💖 Blue Eyed Blondie 💖💗💖 - 24
(Louisville, Louisville outcalls only)
★•:.•:*.• YOUR REAL CHOCOLATE FANTASY :*★¨*: •STuNniNG UpScaLe BeAuTY • :*★ - 20
(Louisville, OUTCALLS ONLY)
(¯`☆`¯) Up ALL NiGhT - EVERY -:¦:- MANS -:¦:- FANTASY (¯`☆`¯) -- Vicky - 25
(East endBardtown Road & Hurstbourne Lan)
»(¯`v´¯)» T H E»(¯`v´¯)» T O T A L »(¯`v´¯)» P A C K A G E » (¯`v´¯)-» - 19
(Louisville, Preston Hwy)
❤ ViCKY • Beauty on DUTY!! • Try something different N let's see if THE BLONDES HAVE MORE. FUN!• - 22
(Louisville, Visiting YOU - Louisville n Sou Indiana)
_S W E E T_o ♥o° _ S E X Y_ °o ♥o° _S E D U C T I V E_ °o ♥o° - 21
(Louisville, Louisville, louisville and indiana)
..... SEXY ღ° .. SOFT LIPS° .. CUTE HIPS ღ° ..SLIM BODY* ღ° . - 21
(Louisville, louisville indiana)
Sexy exotic girl next door.. skills that will leave you speechless highly reviewed.. Jaz it up! - 26
(Louisville, Fri Sat Tuesday Thursday (pre book))
_S W E E T_o ♥o° _ S E X Y_ °o ♥o° _S E D U C T I V E_ °o ♥o° - 21
(Louisville, indiana, louisville,)
!!!! Let .Me.Take .You.On .A .Memorable .Journey !! $100 Outcall to the Downtown Area - 28
(Louisville, Louisville downtown OUTCALLS)
★ ★ E—V—E—R—Y ★ ★ M—A—N—S ★ ★ F—A—N—T—A—S—Y ★A★ T-GIRL - 22
**♥** ((*BEAUTIFUL*)) **♥** ((*BLONDE*)) **♥** ((*HALEY*)) **♥** ((*AVAILABLE 24/7*))**♥**< - 21
(*♥*Louisville/Sou. Indiana*♥)
All bbw lover attention Something fun to top your day off! Thickness at request - 22
(Louisville, south 7th st)
Super sexy Twin Lindsay waiting on u hand & foot. Hot Sunday OC specials new pics comingsoon - 23
(Louisville, your place)
.°.Dreamy Lindsay granting wishes° incalls or out° discreet reviewed playful sexy brunette bombshell - 22
Dominican Lust! Incredible Reviews! Best BODY In The Business! Unmatched Skills! - 21
👑FACE down↙azz up↗that's the way Iluv2fu₡Ӝ come un🔓lock the pretty kitty don't 4get the 🔑 - 21
(Louisville, Louisville ky in/outcalls)
((ExOTiC CuTiE)) CaLL TaRa ExotiC Mami Waitin to Please you in EvErY WaY! - 24
(Louisville, Louisville /Private Residence)
Sat 04 Jan
✋🚫Stop calling Fakes! Leave the Cheap&Tiered; Alone👎Have FUN with a Classy🍷,Real☑SEXXXY Playmate💋 - 19
(Louisville, Louisville Outcalls only! qv Special✨)
♥*♡♥sWeEt SEXY BloNdE!!! ;-)**♥♡ ♥**All DaY SPEcIALS!! *♡*♥♡*in/oR Outcalls all day***♥♡♥ - 21
(Louisville, EASTSIDE Incalls & Outcalls Available)
❤️💛💚💙💜💖 SLiM & SeNsUaL 💖💜💙💚💛❤️ TiGhT & TaNtALiZiNg ❤️💛💚💙💜💖 BLiSsFuL & BeAuTiFuL 💖💜 - 23
(Bardstown Rd Downtown Jeffersonville, Louisville)
Sexy Awesome Ladies •:*:• ♥ •:*:• Welcome Derby Fans! - 25
(Louisville, Louisville and surrounding areas)
*★ ShE's A vErY FrEaKy GiRL ★ WiTh ★ mOuTh WaTeRiNg SpEciAL$ uP LaTe!!! - 23
(Louisville, Louisville/Airport/Indiana)
specials 👈 Beautiful, elegant & well reviewed. Here to please you😘 outcalls only👈 - 20
(Louisville, Outcalls)
-=-=-= (NeW) -=-=-= EXOTIC -=-= (AsIaN) -=-= PLAYMATE -=-= CALL NOW -=-= (24 - HoUrS) -=-= - 20
(Louisville, Downtown/Airport Area outcalls)
NEW Exotic beauty Pleasure Sessions,, (new)) new new vegas style ,,,, - 24
(Louisville, UPSCALe suite)
NEW NEW▃▅▆█ (.★. )*THICK *(★)* ❤ ♛ TREaT YOUrSELF ❤ ▀▄▀▄❤ 5★Service ❤ ▄▀▄▀ - 21
(Louisville, Louisville/Airport)
🌟 New Girl In Town! 🌟 Limited Time Only 🌟 (I ♥ Kisses) Don't Miss Out! 🌟 - 27
(Louisville, Louisville, surrounding areas)
💙 lOUiSVillE'S bEST SATiSFACtiON ;take advantage (tessa)🌟 , specials 100hh and 150h call now - 22
(Louisville, airport /fairgrounds)
My M@UTH iS sOMETHiNg SeRioUSLy GOood ... .$75..oo ... 3o Mins ... INCALLS & OuTCaLls - 26
(Louisville, My M@UTH IS SOMETHING SERIOUSLy good)
NEW BRUNETTE ((B A R B I E)) !! 1000% Realll •♥•♥•♥• Perfect BUSTY Tiny - 21
(Louisville, LOUISVILLE (CALL NOW!!))
____Hey Boys____Hot Young Sexy____Petite southern bombshell. - 21
*~*~ HOT XxX Porn StaR & CeNtErFoLd in Louisville ~*~*~* SPECIAL RATES*~*~* - 23
(Louisville KENTUCKY)