Fri 10 Jan
The Real Deal 💕Get Addicted to my Pleasure 💞 Highly Reviewed Blond Bombshell! 💋💕 Available NOW!! - 28
Sweet ~~~ Petite ~~~ Girl ~~~ Next ~~~ Door ~~~ Hot Body ~~ Ariel - 20
(Louisville, your place/no half hours/no African Amer)
Specials tonight only.. i promise to amaze u with my skillz come play - 26
(Louisville, near churchill downs)
_T_R_ Y__❤__ BENTLEY __❤___ I_'M___❤ ___ T_H_E __❤__ B _ e_ S_ t - 24
(Louisville, ky/in anywhere within 100 miles)
Tequila Red 👯NEW NUM 👸 Come see why I'm Louisvilles favorite redhead 🔥 - 21
(Louisville, Louisville🏪)
♡ 💋 ♡ 💋 ♡ 💋♡ 💋 ♡ ——💋▐ ► SUPER HOT BLONDE ❤️ BARBIE IN Louisville💋 —▐ ►* ♡ 💋 ♡ 💋 ♡ 💋 ♡ 💋 - - 24
(Hurstbourne, Louisville)
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ THE PERFECT BLONDE BEAUTY ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤❤ ❤ ❤❤ ❤ - 19
(Louisville, me to you or you to me)
~Ms JeSSica RaBBit~ '' AVA NOW 502-615-3391 ;-* GET OUT OF THE COLD.. CALL NOW!! - 25
(Louisville, DiScReEt, SAFE, clean INcall)
JuS*SiMpLy*NeVaEh!StIl* ThE*One&ONly; ! Naturally Beautiful* Youll Absolutely love what I Can do! - 24
✦ ✧ ¸¸.•¨¯`• ¸¸.•¨ LEADING YOU into TeMpTaTiOnS; HoW BAD Do YOU WaNt IT?Hurry✦ ✧ ☎CALL NOW ★$100★
(Louisville, *LOUISVILLE & INDIANA*)
In Louisville Now ~*Accepting Credit Cards*~ Allison ~*~ 502-922-6731 ~*~ OUTCALL ONLY - 33
(Kentucky - Outcall, Louisville)
Just moved to the area from Houston! 832-780-9068 - 23
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky)
Big Booty!! Sexy Smile!! Highly Reviewed! **5026552246**IN or OUT! 100hh!! - 24
(Louisville, East End)
Brazilian Dreaam in you City for 2 dAyz looking for fun ;-)... Not here for long, Come See Me !! - 19
(Louisville, Louisville, East end in call only)
BEST BLONDE * ▓ ▒ ░ * ❤.•* L✪ ✪K *•.❤* ░ ▒ ▓ * ON BACKPAGE - 19
(Louisville, me to you or you to me)
Best Butt n the State!♧♧♧♧ ~♡Amy Marie♡~502-432-9661 - 27
(Louisville, Louisville-East End-Breckenridge Lane)
+++C-O-M-E_ S-E-E_ W-H-A-T-S_ S-O_ A-M-A-Z-I-N-G_ I-N_ P-A-R-I-S+++ 502- 408- 6156 - 27
(Louisville, Louisville and Shelbyville)
°¤°¤°Bombshell babe Lindsay flirtingly entertaining u all night long sexy& reviewed in/outcall - 22
(Louisville, airport incall or outcall to you!)
°•°π°•° incalls °•° •°• super hot lindsey .. upscale localtion call dnt txt.. txt is broken °•°π°•° - 21
(Louisville, east end very nice location)
JaW CleNchiNG ___ °..°___ BeD RoCKiNG __°..° He@dTuRnEr __°__ READY FOR ACTION - - 22
Incall Tonight Get your weekend off to a great start! ... Hailey Baby new pics :) - 29
(Louisville, East End Upscale)
I CaN ShOw YoU HoW YouR SuPPosE To Be TreaTeD... OuTCaLL SpeCiaL - 27
(Louisville, Louisville, Ky OutCaLL ONLY)
HeY EaRLy BiRD!! SWeeT playmate~ EaGeR 2 PLeaZe~ HoT & ReaDy NoW - 20
Hey fellas plz help, tried to do good deeds for folks and now i'm in need and everyone turned on me - 23
(Louisville, Louisville, your place)
♨HEAT WAVE!♨Come CHILL w/a REAL WOMAN!! Legendary 💋Lips & Hips you can Grip!! 👀REAL REVIEWS - 35
(Louisville, Taylor Blvd @ I-264)
Iam the real burnette playmate dream barbie girl - 20
(Louisville, Louisville, indiana shelbyville,etown)
GeT OuT ThE CoLd ReLaX WiTh Me I GiVe u WhaT u WanT SaTisfactioN GuarenteeD CaLL Becca - 25
(Louisville, Louisville/Private Residence)