Wed 08 Jan
Cali is looking to be spoiled... - 22
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, OutCall, Owensboro, Western Kentucky)
CALL TARA tHe SuPeR HoT Blonde 317~366~6399 Y. O. U. R 💕💕 L. I. T. T. L. E 💕💕 S. E. C. R. E. T - 24
***** HOT *** SWEET *** BEAUTIFUL *** WAITING *** FOR *** YOU ** ERICA *** - 26
(Louisville, OUTCALL ONLY Louisville & close by)
Hey it' britt with big blue eys an a beautiful body:) Come have time to yourself reasonable prices - 22
(Louisville, in/outcall)
HoT -^ SeXy-:¦:- bLoNdE -:¦-:: aLL -:¦:- fOr -:¦:- YoU!!! - 23
(Louisville, LOUISVILLE/AIRPORT), beautiful, sweet, exotic! In call ASAP 502-648-9826 - 24
(Louisville, Near Louisville downtown)
***** HOT *** SWEET *** BEAUTIFUL *** WAITING *** FOR *** YOU ** PARIS *** - 18
(Louisville, OUTCALL ONLY Louisville & close by)
💕🍭GorGeous MiXeD PriNceSS 👑 BoDy LiKe WoW 🎀 BuSty BoMbSheLL 💕 Incall Available Now💋 ReAl PhoTos!! - 24
(Louisville, Near Airport)
Friday & saturday Specials 5024384383. im back on hit me up $65n up - 29
(Louisville, Jeff Indiana/Downtown Louisville)
Hey it' kayla with big blue eys an a beautiful body:) Come have time to yourself reasonable prices - 22
(Louisville, Hurstbourne Parkway)
Good evening guys, kind of chilly out come get warm and have some FUN for low prices Tonight - 22
(Louisville, Hursbourne Parkway right off the highway)
Fetish Friendly Sexy Lil Freak. Exotic Elle ~~~ Electric EYES ~~~ MILE LONG LEGS - 24
(Louisville, my place or your place)
HoneyLove highly reviewed 60qk 80 20 min 100 hh 180 hour - 27
(Louisville, shepherdsville 15 mins from downtown Lou)
👑 Exotic Thick & chocolate Amazing Skills 💫guaranteed PlEAsure✨✨$100 hour special - 23
(Louisville, Louisville/Indiana areas accepted)
ೋ _*U_N_L_ I_M _I_T_E_D*_ ೋ _*P_L_E_A_ S_U_R_E*_ ೋ $$$ 100 SpeCiAls $$$ - 24
(Louisville, Airport area. INCALL & OUTCALL)
TrUe RedHeAdS aRe SuPeR fReAkY!✅ JuIcY cOoChie ✅BIG BoOtY💯My PiX - 28
(Louisville, incallsEAST END/outcalls vary)
((( SeXi NaUgHty SeNSaTioN...FiT 4 A KinG! (24'7) Availability! Make it Go Drip Drop!!!! ♡♥ - 24
(Louisville, , All areas)
Sensual, Sinuous, Seductive**** Louisville's Own Katana **** - 30
(Louisville, Louisville/Surrounding Cities)
Open minded, Fetish Friendly with a Gorgeous Body - 19
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky)
$100 INCALL ONLY AsK fOr STEPHANIE Super HoT Seductive BloNdE HottiE (INCALL ONLY) - 23
Super Sexy FrEAky BBW with toe curling mouth skill$$....and 52 DDD's. Offer hot oil body massages.. - 39
(Louisville, Louisville-Incall)
One More Day & Night Book Now Kat Highly Reviewed Halfs Available Total Package Don't Miss Out - 29
(Louisville, Incall & Outcall 16th-19th)
Open minded, Fetish Friendly with a Gorgeous Body - 19
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, In town)
✈🍩OuT calls ONLY🍫🔥╠╣✪ T 👄💋💄 S€x¥ 👄💋💄 ♛ ⓒⓛⓐⓢⓢⓨ ♛ FREAK ♛ Avαiℓαbℓe➜ ⓝⓞⓦ 📲 5026317910 - 22
(Louisville, Louisville and southern IN)
**NEW #**💋💦💦😍Sexy,Young & ReAdY FoR FuN😍😘Naughty BuT Sweet ReAdY 2 PlEaSe😍💦💦💁👙👠 - 21
(Louisville, Louisville Ky)
$100 Special Call Paris 502-650-5495 SeXy BuStY BEAUTIFUL BLoNdE HeRe To Please YOU To tHe MaX!!!** - 24
Tue 07 Jan
-------------- upscale experience GODDESS VICTORIA - CALL FOR Freaky friday specials!! - 22
(Louisville/East End)
🍭🍒🍬• YuMmY EbOnY TrEaT 🍭🍬🍭 cRazY SkiLLs §PaNkABL€ BѺѺTY♛【# ❶ Ebony 🙋🏾Playmate - 22
(Louisville, outcalls)
☆★ ViCTORiA ★ ☆ *its 3pm next person to call me n book gets 1hr4 $125 - 22
(LOUISVILLE- east end)
Local Playmate for *ALL* Your Erotic Desires - 19
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky)
Local Playmate for *ALL* Your Erotic Desires - 19
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, anywhere you want me!)
LeT Me WaRm YoU Up.. 100% ReaL PiCs... LeT Me GiVe YoU SatiSfaCtIoN $75 SpeCiaL - 28
(Louisville, LOUISVILLE incall $75 Special)
INCALL!!!!!N€W ™🐝👑£XTR£M£Ly SKiLL£D=🍓 SeXy EboNy SuPeR ✨ NaUgHtY FETISH FRIENDLY🔥$1OO Specials❗️ - 23 - 25
(Louisville, Ft. Knox, Radcliff, Elizabethtown)
*!*()*()*!*Im ReAdY 2 ShOW yOu the WilDeSt TiMe yOu eVeR HaD 75 spEciAL all night TiL 3AM*!*()*()*!* - 28
(Louisville, Louisville AirPoRt ArEa InCaLL)
INCALLS / OUTCALLS :-) TÕUCH YOU ♥T€AS€ YOU ♥F€€L YOU ♥PL€AS€ YOU !!!! 100$ sp - 23
KYLIE 100% Independent, sexy, SWEET once in a lifetime experience why wait to see me@502-645-1788 - 25
(Louisville, Louisville southern ind surrounding area)
‼️HOT‼️ GOLDEN 🍑💦BABE 👅 💦 Louisvilles finest 💅🏽 APRIL 💋 4"11 🍒and ready for some fun 🍾🍷🍭🎊💦 established - 22
(Louisville, Louisville Airport)
Cute Asian Women are waiting for YOU!
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, OutCall)
100$early morning specials....*beautiful German upscale blonde fantasy come have some fun with me * - 21
(Louisville, Louisville ky)
12O •°o.●.•°. [JuSt Me] .____ 12O___ ____ .[.aNd My.]. ___ __12O *_____. [. GiRLFRieNd ] .•°o●• 12O - 24
502~ 812~ 7166 *°¤•*°•¤ Thick »»» Big Booty Judy ««« Triple Threat *°•¤*°•¤ - 25
(Louisville, Downtown)
$100 SpEciAL CaLL SHANYN 502~994~6942 OUTCALL ONLY ♥ S_U_P_E_R S_E_X_Y ♥ S_W_E_E_T ♥ B_L_O_N_D_E♥ - 24
$100 SpEciALs CaLL StEpHaNiE 502~416~7912 PrEtTy, PiNk, JuiCy, TiiGhT, PaY mE RiGhT iF iM yOuR TyPe● - 23
(($80)) CALL BRITTANY: 317-366-6399 SaTiSFyiNg YoU iS mY #1 AiM BloNdeS hAve MorE FuN!!! - 23
(Louisville, Louisville/Airport Area)
$100 SpEciALs CaLL KaTie PrEtTy, PiNk, JuiCy, TiiGhT, PaY mE RiGhT iF iM yOuR TyPe● - 24
$100 CALL KaRmA 502-296-0914 CaLL me aNd YoU wOn't rEgret iT I bEt YoU iM bEttEr ThaN hEr! - 23
$100 SpEciALs CaLL KaTie PrEtTy, PiNk, JuiCy, tiiGhT, PaY mE riGhT aNd I JuST miGhT!!! - 23
$100 Incall Special AsK fOr JULIA 502 :-) 821 :-) 0302 ReAl Seductive hottie..... Incall Only - 23
45$ Louisville New Girl A MUST SEE, 👀 MUST HAVE, & MUST DO! Tell ur pants 👖its not POLITE TO POINT!! - 23
CASTING FOR REALITY TV SHOW - Miami adult film model house, 2-3 weeks, travel expenses fronted - 19
(Louisville, FL)
::: Seeking an Rare | Exceptional Female for a possible change of Life. Not just a job. ::: - 100
(Louisville, Nationwide)
❤❤💕"SeXXY MiXeD MaMi" WaXeD &W;💦T"❤ BODY 2 BODY❤ WatCh Me While I BOUNCE ON IT! (GrOwN MeN ONLY)❤❤ - 25
(Louisville, Louisville International)
► 🔥🔥 PARTY TIME❗ 🆕🆕🆕 ╠╣UNG 📦📦 PACKAGE 📦📦📦 MULTIPLE SHOOTER🍼💧💦💦💦💦 👄👅 🔱🔱 [★★★★★] - 23
(Louisville, Outcall)
Open Minded, Fetish Friendly Babe to ROCK Your WORLD! - 19
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, 10 minutes away)
(NEW)) 💎Super H0T #1 BlonDe 💎✨ 24/7 OUTCALLs 😙H0T& TighT👅Fetish Queen 👑💦STRAP PLAY - 27