Mon 06 Jan
👯 Back in town for 2nights only $100 HHR specials OUTCALLS 💦🍑 Ready to pleasure all your needs 💋 - 24
(Louisville, Outcalls Only)
Are you looking for a happy end for the night? That's what I like to see happen call 502-442-9125 - 28
80$ *BELLA Is Available NOW!!* •IN CALL ONLY• ##502- 417- 7913# BELLAs BlAcK FrIdAy SPECIAL**80$!!! - 25
(Louisville, INCALLs ONLY- Airport Area-)
***** SPECIALS ***** 80QV ***** FUN **** 120HH **** SEXY **** 150FH **** BUSTY **** SPECIALS - 23
(Louisville DownTown)
5029155032💨💨🔥🔥REdhEAdS R TiGhT & RiGhT & REAdY 4U All NiGhT SUPER W3T💦💧☔5029155032 CAll ME NOW - 22
UPSCALE COMPANION HERE✔️ **Sweet Caramel** Elite Petite** Erotic Exotic** Bombshell***** 5 ☆ S✔️ - 24
(Louisville, Out Only)
(Louisville, INCALLS/OUTCALLS 24/7)
Get the Rest and Relaxation You deserve ... Blonde Vixen Visiting .. - 24
(Louisville, Louisville and surrounding areas)
**** Coming Soon *** Busty *** Sexy *** Brunette *** Hazel Eyes **** Coming Soon *** - 23
(louisville Coming Soon 18th tell the 22n)
Derby is Over Ready For a Soothing-Touch with a Hot Women!!Call For Today's Special Tonight Only!! $ - 69
Sun 05 Jan
***NiCoLe*** $$100 $pecial$$*** NiCoLe*** Now Taking Late Night Calls *NeW ReViEwS *#* 502- 994-4397 - 25
(Louisville, Louisville/Newburg Rd)
O __U__T__C ___A___L___L_* ==* ( (_* *160 * * $_) ) _*S___P___E __C__! __A__ L_ - 21
(Louisville, Louisville & indiana)
NEW NUMBER 💋💋💋 Finest Girl 💋80💋💋 Just What U Need 😘😍😘 Available Day/Night 😍😘😍Louisville's Fav 😍 Loui - 24
(Louisville, Highlands)
FreaKy FriDay!! 💕💕 Exotic Erica SPECIALS 80 💕Morning /AFTERNOON / NIGHT FUN 📞 call now 💓80 - 23
(Louisville, Highlands iIn and out call)
Hey guys! I AM your morning wake up call! - 22
(Louisville, Hurstbourne Parkway- Outcalls available)
***Exotic Petite *** Sexy,classy brunette playmate!!! dont miss out xoxo $pecials all Day*** - 19
(Louisville, Louisville Airport)
feast your eyes on these hotties ° lindsay & kelli up all nite w/ male appetite ° out or incall 2gir - 21
(Louisville, east end, outcall 2 residence/hotel etc)
HEY FELLAS! You wanna teach me a thing or two. I will be your student..Come & Get IT! - 24
(Louisville, Fern Valley Road)
*//👑💎 HeY iTs MeGan!!// Hh 80$//*Fh 160$// qS 60$// My SkIlLs ArE aMaZiNg/ 502/356/8542 - 23
(jeffersonville five mins from louisville, Louisville)
here still visiting extra day book apt. lovely her any kinky ideas/ just passn threw - 22
80 ***** Welcome to the show ****I am the main attraction (perfect rates) 80 - 23
(Louisville, Highlands)
80 ♡♥♡♥ Fun Sexy Clean Safe ♡♥♡♥ Available Day /Night ♡♥♡♥ #1 Baby ♡♥♡♥ 80 - 23
(Louisville, Highlands)
80$ *BELLA Is Available NOW!!* •IN CALL ONLY• ##502- 417- 7913# BELLAs BlAcK FrIdAy SPECIAL**80$!!! - 25
(Louisville, INCALLs ONLY- Airport Area-)
80 Louisville Favorite 😘 Louisville Most Trusted😍😍😍80😍 in and out call - 22
(in and out, Louisville)
NEW PICS!!! I am what you have been looking for!!!! ADDICTIVE!!!! AMY 859-779-2381 - 34
(Lexington, Richmond/Surrounding Areas)
o*•°o°☆So MÅNY• °o♥o°• ChÕIc€S but • °o♥o°•NÕN€ LiK€ • °o♥o°• ME!! • °o♥o °• - 26
(Louisville, louisville / airport in and out calls)
•:*:• ♥ •:*:• Make Me Your Early Christmas Gift •:*:• ♥ •:*:• Ishy - 29
(Louisville, Louisville, Jeffersonville, Horse Shoe)
Tired of throwing money away? Im not trash so no time or money wasted here! Call me im waiting - 29
(Louisville, louisville n surrounding areas)
looking to spend time with a beautiful/sweet girl - 27
(louisville, all areas of Louisville.incall N outcall)
Let me Come Warm You Up...Don't Let This Weather Keep us From Having Fun.... - 28
(Louisville, Louisville, Ky Outcall Only!)
lonely? come unwrap tessa for Christmas 🌃 specials (incall 100hh & 150full) available now ** - 22
(Louisville, airport /Philips lane)