Thu 09 Jan
🎥Pr👀F 😍 goRgeOus THiCK sNoW🐰 🔥BeAuTiFuL🌋ReDhEad🔥 💋💯%REAL🍦sExy 🍭TrEaT🍦 - 29
Open minded, Fetish Friendly with a Gorgeous Body - 19
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, In town)
playful sexy brunette bombshell lindsay upscale in/out. ur safe hot&steamy; date awaits reputable - 22
(louisville, downtown inc or to you)
OUTCALL/INCALL 2nite 165 EXCLUSIVE wont last all night hurry b4 it goes back up - 99
(Louisville, incall/outcall)
Professional sensualist💦👅 Secret keeper🤐 Your favorite bedfellow. - 21
(Louisville, Louisville Incall/Outcall)
Open Minded Attractive Couple Fulfilling Fantasies! Lookimg for Male Companions - 25
♧♢♤¤ Come Relax W Louisville's Finest ! [CLiCK ME] Dont Miss♡NiYA♡ °■AViALABLE NOW■° 502•416•6998♤♢♧ - 22
(Louisville, Eastend Incall/Outcall)
CaLL HuNNy 859💄494💄9071💄GorGeuoS Petite Mami SuPeR $qirTeRR 😉👢♡👗👙 (True ViXeN) - 25
(Louisville, Louisville/Incall&Outcall.....My; Place)
DDD **** DDD *** DELIGHT **** DDD *** DDD *** CAN ** U ** HANDLE ** IT ** INCALL - 32
(Louisville, louisville / surrounding)
Come on over & get what you're body is craving incall special - 24
(Louisville, Louisville/cane run)
BUSTY all Natural Sweetness! Escape Into My World! - 19
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, anywhere you want me!)
*♥♡♥ IM SO SEXY YOU ALREADY KNOW!!! 5★SeRvICes! FiT 4 A KinG! (AllNite) CALL ME♡♥ - 24
(Louisville, , All areas Baby)
lEGs UP hEElS oN iLl b Up AlL NiGHt LONg CAll Me NoW iMa Put iT doWN u GnE FaLl iN LoVe ! - 24
(Louisville, in and out)
:* ☆*: ThE TrUe DeFiNiTiOn Of SeXy...A ThOrOuGhBrEd BlOnDe LiKe NoNe OtHeR :*★¨*: - 23
(louisville, INCALL/OUTCALL)
_T_R_ Y__❤__ ME __❤___ I_'M___❤ ___ T_H_E __❤__ B _ e_ S_ t - 22
(Louisville, louisville indiana incall and outcall)
This Is What AWESOME Looks Like;-) Sexy, Freaky, Badd, Thick, Goddess!!!!!! - 22
(Louisville, incall special or outcall)
•●• SunDae SpeciAl•●• I'll be YouR favOriTe FlaVoR...xoxo - 20
(Louisville, louisville{ airport area} incall &out;)
Super *Seductive* Charisma the *ReadHead* Goddess is BACK!!!! - 23
(Louisville, incall in Jeffersonville, IN or outcall!)
Outcall to DownTown... Only a Call Away... Can Be There in 20 mins.. Sexy..ReaL.. - 28
(Louisville, Louisville, Ky Downtown outcall/incall)
~ * * ~ Dayton 24th / South Bend 25th ~ ** ~ UPSCALE MATURE BLONDE COMPANION ~ ** ~
(Dayton, South Bend)
Miss Krystal💋 Use your time wisely & come see my fine behind 😘Available 24/7 Incall/Outcalls - 22
(Incall/ Outcall, Louisville)
MISS LOVELY DOME here again visting 4 a D@Y r 2 200$ special$ !!!!! Limited!!! - 22
(louisvill,lexington,newalbany, cicinatti)
Late nights with brunette bombshell Lindsay! Incalls avail! Ask about duo s w/ Kelli or jaz! - 25
Ky Blondes always have more fun!! Only in town for 2 nights! - 25
(Louisville, Louisville, Jeffersonville)
✋↬🇱✷✷K💋ⓔⓧⓣⓡⓔⓜⓔⓛⓨ 👅ⓣⓐⓛⓔⓝⓣⓔⓓ 🔥HOT🔥 S=E=X=Y 👉T╠╣e BEST ARⓞuNd ❣ ✌PErFeCt ➓ *💎 Available ➜➋➍/➆ - 20
(Louisville, 🌼Incall Or Outcall🌸Airport Area ❤❤)
Come and See me NOW. Let me ease your mind ;) Im worth the $$ - 18
(Louisville, E town Radcliff Fort Knox Louisville)
Call MiLeY 502-650-5597 💗💗💗💗 Absolutely STUNNING busty blonde available right NOW!!!💗💗💗💗💗 - 24
CALL HARLEY 502-298-5851 (($100 INCALL AND OUTCALL )).. EvErYbOdY LoVeS a ScOrPiO..SeXy ViXeN - 25
(Louisville, Louisville/Arthur St. Exit...)
BELLA & BAILEY R both AVAILABLE *OUT & INCALL* C One of us or Both of us ##502 743-1410 ,,SPECIAL$ - 24
(Louisville, OUTCALL & Incall)
CaLL 859¤494¤ 9071 SteaMin HoT inCaLL WiTh HuNNy What YoU See iS wHaT YoU GeT - 25
(Discreet InCaLL My Place or Yours, Louisville)
Call Eloise -- Louisville Incall Today -- 270=681=2369 - 29
(Louisville, Louisville - Incall or Outcall)
BUSTY all Natural Sweetness! Escape Into My World! - 19
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky)
!!!•- :¦:- • : ° C° L°A° S ° S ° Y ° •:• & •:• ° H ° O ° T ° • -:¦:- • ° ° B ° U ° N° N ° Y ° S° - 25
(Louisville, Louisville- St. Matthews *INCALL/OUTCALL)
BLONDE Dream Girl !@! BLONDE Dream Girl !@! BLONDE Dream Girl !@! BLONDE Dream Girl !@! BLONDE Drea - 21
✨BeINg BaD NeVeR FeLt So GoOd✨100$ Special Until Midnight - 22
(Louisville, Louisville INCALL/OUTCALL)
INDEPENDENT: Exotic and Passionate Fun for U! - 19
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, In town)
••••• H@v€ ¥0U TR!€D M€???••••• §H€'§ 100% ¥UMM¥ €Y€ C@ND¥! ••••• P®€††¥ FA©€! •••••SEXY BODY - 23
(Louisville, INCALL/OUTCALL)
Highly reviewed❤️astonishing talents❤️ Playful Personality❤️ - 20
(Louisville, Louisville Incall/Outcall)
💝😘💝 Hi guys SPECIAL TONIGHT $$ 80 $$ ... its lovely Lacy. 502-709-0494 - 26
(Louisville, Louisville incall-outcall)
HOT & SEXY !! Real Juicy & Thick - 23
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, INCALL/OUTCALL, Lexington, Louisville, Western Kentucky)
=== H E L L O ✿ BRUNETTE ✿ K I T T Y ======= ✿ HOT and FREAKY ✿ == - 22
(Louisville, OUTCALL/INCALL)
Im in Louisville 2nite 4/20/16 WuTz ThE 🔑 2 🔓 🌟yOuR 🌠FaNtAsIeS🌟❓📞A🆒 LiL FrEaK❗ - 29
(Lexington, Louisville, OUTCALL/INCALL DwnTown)
GET WILD with Me! Available for Fun Now! - 19
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, 10 minutes away)
💄💢❤💢 ——💄💢❤💢[[ GORGEOUS BRUNETTE]] 💢❤💢✌——💢❤💢[[ SUPER SEXY ]] 💢❤💢Playful💢❤💢[[ READY NOW - 25
(Louisville, Louisville INCALL & OUTCALL)
_____ I ______ N____ C______ R_____ E_____D _____I ______B ______L ______ E - 22
♧♢♤¤ Treat Yourself ! [Cllick Me] 100% Satisfaction ♡NiYA♡ IN/OUT °■AViALABLE NOW■° 502•416•6998♤♢♧ - 22
(Louisville, Eastend)
ur Sexy sweet little treat in/outcall all day &night; special Lindsay SOLO or 2girl w twinsis kelli - 21
(Louisville, blankenbaker or to you babe)
You have got to SEE this beauty! Jawdropping REAL sweetheart! (pics are real & accurate) AVAILABLE - 24
READY NOW... NO GAMES... NO DRAMA... NO PROBLEM!!! Your Once in a Lifetime ★★★★★ Experience is here! - 22
(Louisville, INCALL/OUTCALL)
Ready to have fun.. Stop and look no more I am the right one for you... - 25
(Louisville, Louisville InCall/ OutCall)
Playful twin kitties Lindsay & kelli! Solo or duos! Rise & Raump with twiNS IC/OC! NEW#AGAIN! - 25
only taking three calls tonight each could you be the lucky winner - 18
(Louisville, incall and outcall)