Sat 04 Jan
INDULGE YOURSELF with a one of a kind White/Italian mix diamond!!!812946582four! - 24
(Louisville, Downtown Louisville and Surrounding Area)
____ I AM THE BEST!!!!! _____ CLICK HERE IF YOU WANT ...! - 21
((BaCk FroM SpRing BreAk!! ((HoT,SeXi, SeXi MiXed)).↑UpScale TreatMent 2 GroWN MeN ONLY!♥♡ - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)
$60 prederby special Outcall Only 502.807.5285 √Unbelievable Skills will be pleased - 30
(lou ky, Louisville)
°¤°¤°Bombshell babe Lindsay entertaining u up all nite reviewed incall and oc tease entice please! - 23
(Louisville, upscale east end incall or o.c.)
~ ** ~ ** ~ UPSCALE MATURE BLONDE COMPANION VISITING LOUISVILLE .. Aug 30th / 31st ~ ** ~ ** ~ - 38
(Louisville, Kentucky)
《★Tropical Treasure... Is ur key the right fit?¿♥Unlock the box of endless goodies★》■■■■■■ - 24
(Louisville, incall ONLY UPSCALE DOWNTOWN)
ALLIE! Brand New and Very Experienced. Come Check me out! - 24
(Louisville, Louisville ky Taylor Blvd South Side.)
🈴Asian& Blk㊗️ Leaving soon ❗️🔴VIXEN🔴❓❓♨️ 💥 F 💢E💢E💢D💢 { your } A💢 P💢 P💢 E 💢T 💢I 💢T 💢E 💥 🍫🍫 - 25
(Louisville, ❓U of L area (ic/Oc)💄😘👠)
☆ _S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! Amber ♥╠╣ot!!✨UPSCALE🏆🎀🏆PeTiTE PLAyMATe💢 💥🌹❗️💎 - - 21
(Louisville, Airport area)
**♡♥SeXY MiXeD MaMi♥♡**( ((AllDaY)AllNite)) )♥♡THE PRIVATE & DISCREET**SEXI SEXI♡♥ - 24
(Louisville, Ms.worldwide)
《·♡·》《·♥·∆ Freaky Fridays With ®NIYA® √LOUISVILLE'S MOST WANTED√ Call Now 502_416_6998《·♡·》《·♥·》 - 22
(louisville, Incall/Outcall 24/7)
Fri 03 Jan
▃ ▅ ▆ █ ♥ NEW♥ GIRL ♥NEW♥GIRL♥ NEW♥ GIRL♥ A M A Z I N G ♥SkiLLs ▆ ▅ ▃ ★ ★ - 23
(Louisville, Incall east end upscale)
**frisky feline****sexy Santa helper* *sexy student* have it your way. 130$ holiday half$. Jaz it up - 23
(Louisville, Downtown)
☆ _S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! Amber ♥╠╣ot!!✨UPSCALE🏆🎀🏆PeTiTE PLAyMATe💢 💥🌹❗️💎 - - 21
(Louisville, Airport area)
WHY WAIT? TEXT NOW! You will be glad you did! Sexy, additive, with personality to match! - 34
(Lexington, Richmond)
NuNu ➡((Cute on OutSide↔WaRm On the InSiDe #1GeNtleMen's ChoiCe!! 💝💝 - 24
(Louisville, all areas louisville, palm springs)
♡♥THE SEXY' SEXIEST' MiXeD DomiNicaN MaMi♥♡(( 24/7 )) SO DeliCiOuS!! BOOTY CuRValiCioUS!!♥♡ - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)
Let Us Be Your Dirty Little Secert Come Play With *Stacy Or Khloe* - 43
(Lexington, Upscale Hotel)
{{{♥LeT Me UPGraDe U♥}}} SUPeR SKiLLeD★, MiXeD , 100% INDePeNDeNT!! Da BaDDeST SeXi SeXi MaMi♥♡♥}}} - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)
Beautiful snow bunny🐇100% real, dependable &independent; Incall/Outcall available 24/7⌚️CALL ME NOW - 22
(Louisville, Outcalls/ Jeffersontown Incalls)
((BaCk FroM SpRing BreAk!! ((HoT,SeXi, SeXi MiXed)).↑UpScale TreatMent 2 GroWN MeN ONLY!♥♡ - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)
VIP Playmate ♥-:¦:- GoRgeOuS Discreet ExoTic -:¦:- Only for Exquisite Tastes - - 21 - 21
In Louisville Now ~*~ Call Allison ~*~ 502-922-6731 ~*~ OUTCALL ONLY! - 33
(Kentucky and Indiana - Outcall, Louisville)
💖💖▬🍎InCALL▬💖💖 Two GIRLS💖💖▬🍎🌺🍎🍎🌺🍎▬💖 512-202-0516 💖▬🍎🌺🍎🍎🌺🍎▬💖 GORGEOUS VIET MODE - 20
(Louisville, Red roof Pl)
812_697_8280 specials lasting all night highly reviewed and verified and we love to party - 25
(Louisville, in each others ar Jeffersonville Indiana)
$55Spcl "The 🅿ipe Master "🚰🐾Come Give Me a Mouth Full Best Mouth in TOWN💦XTRA Messy SLURP QUEEN - 24
$$$Come to Washington DC and Make $3000 to $6000 a Week with DC's Premier Elite Agency$$$
(Louisville, Washington DC)
Established Female owned ESCORT agency needs ELITE models for upscale clients. $1,000 + per day - 44
(Louisville, Travel)
💙💙WILLinG 🌟✨🌟✨WAnTInG 🌟✨😉🔥💚ReADY!!! 🌟✨FrEaKY SeXY HoTTiE - 24
(Louisville, upscale incall old louisville)
((( SeXi NaUgHty SeNSaTioN...FiT 4 A KinG! (24'7) Availability! Make it Go Drip Drop!!!! ♡♥ - 24
(Louisville, , All areas)
OUTCALL "The 🅿ipe Master "🚰🐾Come Give Me a Mouth Full Best Mouth in TOWN💦XTRA Messy SLURP QUEEN - 24
New Adventures... Lets eXXXplore together! ~ Sexy Thighs, Perfect Size ~ A TRUE BREATH OF FRESH AIR! - 23
**frisky feline****sexy Santa helper* *sexy student* have it your way. 130$ holiday half$. Jaz it up - 23
(Louisville, Downtown)
fLexible SupEr tHick reDBone ✨"100splcs"✨ available 8329351345 - 21
(Louisville, (Louisville) in/outcalls)
💋Available Now💋 Blonde Beautiful BBW💋Ms Katana Madison 💋 incall and outcall available - 34
(Louisville, Louisville/Southern Indiana)
Sexy Chick Hot&ReadY; I GiVe U wHaT U wAnT SatiSfaCtiOn GuaranteeD CaLL Ebony 502-264-9067 - 25
(Louisville, Louisville/My Place or Yours)
_______________ _______________ ☆ ____ SIMPLY ______ STUNNING! ____ ☆ ______________ __ - 22
♡ Exotic Latina vixen. 60+ outstanding reviews♥♥ verified. ill be the best you ever had♡ - 23
(Louisville, airport)
DESTINY working a rare late night shift my new FRENCH MAID LINGERIE!!! - 26
(Downtown Louisville)
Thu 02 Jan
NuNu ➡((Cute on OutSide↔WaRm On the InSiDe #1GeNtleMen's ChoiCe!! 💝💝 - 24
(Louisville, Louisville, all areas)
Tell me baby are you lonely? Don't wanna rush you...I can help you if you only...let me touch you - 26
♡♥THE SEXY' SEXI' MiXeD DoMiNicaN MaMi♥♡(( 24/7 ))Do U LiKE AZZ AZZ AZZ??? GRoWN MeN WelCoMe!!!! - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)
♡♥THE SEXY' SEXY' MiXeD DomiNicaN MaMi♥♡((( 24/7 ))) GROWN MeN WelCoME! I MaKE ThE LolliPOP!))) - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)
Sweet, Sexy, Seductress Destiny. Don't be fooled by bait and switch. I'm the realest!!! - 26
(Downtown Louisville)
**** BIG BooTY lovers ONLY ;)***** SEXi EXoTiC BLonDe SMokiN HOT BoDY ReadY NOW - 24
(Louisville, Upscale INcall or OUT)