Tue 07 Jan
Saturday Night SWEET&SPICY; Specials. Busty, Curvy, Soaking, and WILD. Brand NEW Pics CALL NOW - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana)
Monday Early Morning WorkWeek Specials. Busty, Curvy, Soaking, and WILD. Brand NEW Pics UP ALL NIGHT - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana)
:¦: :¦:L O O K :¦: :YOU'RE: :GONNA: :¦:LOVE:¦: :¦:SOCCER MOM - 32
(Louisville, your place)
I CaN ShOw YoU HoW YouR SuPPosE To Be TreaTeD... OuTCaLL SpeCiaL - 27
(Louisville, Louisville, Ky OutCaLL ONLY)
INCALLS AND OUTCALLS ; ShE's A vErY FrEaKy GiRL WiTh mOuTh WaTeRiNg $100 SpEciAL$!!! - 23
How bout a Long Kiss Goodnight....Charlie is the right gal for the best time of your life - 24
(Louisville, Louisville,KY)
★¨*•- ¨*•-:★¨*•-:☆ I'M GOING 2 JUMP ➖➖⚡️⚡️➖➖ UP♥&♥DOWN ➖➖⚡️⚡️➖➖ YOUR💈POLE★*¨•-:☆★¨*•-:☆ ¨*•-:★ - 23
(Louisville, ❗️Incall /outcalls)
** Coming Your Way ** Super Sexy ** Brunette ** Busty ** Coming Your Way Soon!! ** - 23
(Louisville downtown Coming The 12th)
Come on over & get what you're body is craving incall special - 24
(Louisville, Louisville/cane run)
40$qv 80$ hr BE4 11amFriday MORNING INCALL Specials Qv 45$ hh 60$ full 80$ - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana)
Extremely skilled✔️ 👍Super Sexy ✔️ Exotic Latin Bombshell✔️
(Louisville, louisville Ky&Indiana; OUTCALL ONLY!)
* ° * VICTORIA * ° * ALL DAY - Enjoy The FINER THINGS!! - 25
WHATEVER you want... HOWEVER you say!! After all, you're the Boss!! - 26
(Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, UPSCALE/DISCREET IN/OUT CALL 24/7!!, Western Kentucky)
You don't want to pass this up,,,,u will regret it! Discounts all week, 2- for - 1 specials all week - 23
(Dwntwn/By the Bridge/Ur place is prefere)
WELCOME FARMERS!!! Available NOW! New Pics! HR Specials! Tasty & sweet 🔥THE LOVELY LACY🔥 - 21
(Louisville, OUTCALL: Prospect/Louisville/Indy)
♡ V ♡ E ♡ N ♡ U ♡ S ♡ Come See ♥ SEXY ♥GUSHING ♥ SHOWS ♥ With A Beautiful Escort - 29
(Louisville, Incall Jeffersonville INoutcall)
Sabrina Nicole 💋 Im Back so Call/text me anytime @502-408-1606 - 25
(dixie hwy/shively area, Louisville)
Let me make your morning one you'll never forget..I've got what your body needs.. Incall special - 24
eroctc body rubs come to me get out ky nonsexual x stripper doing lap dance to tuesday special 140!
(Western Kentucky, my place im 35 mins from mayfield in tn!)
Early Monday Morning CHEAP Specials Qv 50$ hh 80$ full 120$$ WILD AND READY 4 U. CALL NOW!!!!! - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana)
FREAKY FRIDAY $80/ $140 ¶;*} DANNI DYNAMITE ¶;*} Hottest "MILF" Around.¶;*} Amazing Reviews ¶;*} - 38
(Louisville, Close 2 Down Town "INDIANA"/ Outcalls)
❤❤❤❤▃❤✿❤▃❤✿❤✿FIRST DAT❤✿❤▃❤✿❤HOT ASIAN ❤✿❤▃❤✿❤ NO YOUNG NO PAY✿❤▃❤✿✿❤▃❤✿ Very SWEET CUTE✿❤▃❤✿❤▃❤❤❤❤❤ - 21
(Louisville, Preston Highway I-65--Exit 127)
°== !! B_L_O_N_D_E == °❤° ==== 100% Real PiX == °❤° ==== S_E_X_Y !!==° - 24
(Louisville/Southern Indiana)
《《ATTENTION KY DERBY FANS!!》》"Don't Gamble with your $, Bet your Money on Stacy& Know your A Winner - 28
40qk Spzl ❤ Start Ur Evening Off Right Wth The Azzzzz Luvers Dream ❤Available ❤INCALL ONLY - 45
(Hurstbourne/Jtown, Louisville)
**$90hhr ** 9 am ** Daily ***It's *Magical * Monday * Madness W / "DANNI DYNAMITE" ** $90hhr ** - 40
(Louisville, Close 2 Down Town (Indiana) **Incall**)
>>> d i s c o u n t s ¦ ¦ FORT KNOX, E-TOWN, RADCLIFF / / / available now! - 20
(Louisville, Fort Knox, E-Town, Radcliff)
The Most Amazing, Addictive, Sensual, Seductive, Sizzling Hot Mistress Around "Mon. Spec. $100hhr" - 40
(Louisville, Close To Down Town)
★☆★ * ◆ * SmOking Hot BurNette ~ freaKy 5 STAR TREATMENT AvAilable NOw!!* ◆ * ★☆★ - 20
(Louisville, iNCALL & OUTCALLS)
I LIKE ALL MEN ~HOT $100 SPECIAL~ CALL KOREY 502~650~5495 ☞ YoU LoVe it WheN I do ThAt RiGhT tHeRe ☜ - 24
Cute, busty, blonde, and sexy M.I.L.F. Now having specials. - 27
(Louisville, Louisville/So. Indiana)
°♥° EXOTIC °♥° SEXY °♥° EBONY °♥° 100 Rose Outcall Special - 23
(Louisville and Sou. Indiana)
Discreet, Sexy, Sweet thing here for you! Come join me in my suite..In calls only!8125571999 - 25
(Louisville, Louisville Airport/ Preston Hwy)
Come see the citys #1 DIVA! 24-7 services. Come see wat u been missin out on! - 28
(Louisville, Taylor Blvd Bluegrass Ave,)
Mon 06 Jan
STOP RIGHT HERE!!! No One Can Compete W/ **" DANNI DYNAMITE" ** INCALL ONLY 80HH All Day** - 38
(Louisville, East End / Hurstbourne Area)
♥[Stunning ]♥[ Pretty ]♥[ Sweet ]♥[ 100% Real Blonde ]♥ $100 special - 24
(Louisville, Outcalls and Incalls -So. Indiana)
Summer is here to come and show you what you have been missing.... Outcall special - 25
(Louisville, Louisville incall/ outcall)
♥[Stunning ]♥[ Pretty ]♥[ Sweet ]♥[ 100% Real Blonde ]♥ - 24
(Louisville, Outcalls and Incalls -So. Indiana)
No One Does It Like "DANNI DYNAMITE" So Come Stay & Play and Have Some Wild Freaky Fun... - 38
(Louisville, Close 2 Down Town (Indiana))
♡ [New Companion ]【BEST iท τσωท】【♥】1OO% Rεaℓ↱【GORGEOUS 🔥 PeTiTE BLONDE 💋BOMBSHELL💋 - 26
(Airport Expo Center area, Louisville)
No complaints only satisfaction, if you haven't seen me you are definitely missing out!! - 24
(Your place/Dwntown area)