*** SaTuRdAY NIgHt,,, CuM PlAy WItH Me ***WeEkEnD SPeCiaLs* Up AlL NiGhT - 21

Posted : Monday, January 06, 2025 08:10 AM | 9 views

HeY GUyS IM BeLLA, IM a SWEeTHEaRT AnD VErY KInD WOMEN. I HaVE A GoOD HeAD On MY SHoULDeRS AND CUrRENtLY ATtENDiNG COLlEGe COUrSEs FOr My NURsING DEgREE. I EnJOY MAkING NeW FReINDS AnD COMPaNIONS. I LIkE TO MAkE OTHeRS FEeL GOoD AnD ENjOY THEiRSELvES. I HOpE TO HEaR FRoM YOU So IF Ur INTeRESTED GO AhEAD AND CALl ME Up AnD LEtS GeT AQUaINTED. 1 812 774 7843 PLEASE NO BLOCKED CALLS OR TEXT MESSAGES. LAST NIGHT FOR THE WEEKEND SPECIALS HALF HOUR 130 WHOLE HOUR 170 I am Absolutely Discreet, Extremely Classy, Very Friendly, Educated, Funny and Loves to Laugh an have Fun, Open-minded, Adventurous, Completely Independent This is not an illegal offer. Donations are made for time and companionship only you will not offer me money for anything illegal.2. Solicitation is a crime, therefore, explicit language is forbidden. 3. I do reserve the right to decline appointments as I deem necessary. By contacting me (either through phone or email) you agree to these terms and hereby agree that you are not part of any governmental agency using this advertisement for entrapment or for detainment. This is a contract you agree to by contacting me either by phone or email. evansvilleescorts,escorts lousiville,escorst de louisville,escorts indianapolis indiana,maine escorts ts,queens escorts ts,albany trans escorts,shemale escorts in sac,scort alligator,transexual escorts long island
  • Post ID : 1368566
  • Poster's age : 23
  • City : Louisville
  • Address : louisville