Mon 27 Jan
Mary is working 10am until after MIDNIGHT all week. Call 812-282-6642 - 40
(Louisville, jeffersonville)
Mon 13 Jan
Come on in and give Mary a try. 10am until after MIDNIGHT all week. Call 812-282-6642 - 40
(Louisville, jeffersonville)
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
Mary is in until midnight tonight. 11am until midnight all week..even if I don't post..812-282-6642 - 42
(Jeffersonville, Indiana, Louisville)
Mary is working until midnight tonight. 11am until midnight all week. Call 812-282-6642 - 42
(Jeffersonville, Indiana, Louisville)
Fri 10 Jan
Thu 09 Jan
Mary is working all day Tuesday until after midnight; 11am until after MIDNIGHT all week. Call 812-282-6642 - 40
(jeffersonville, Louisville)
Happy New Year! Mary is in 10am until AFTER MIDNIGHT all week. Call 812-282-6642 - 40
(Louisville, jeffersonville)
Wed 08 Jan
Mary is working tonight until Midnight. Come see me before I leave for Dubai on Friday - 39
(Louisville, jeffersonville)
(((((****3 DAY WEEK END DISCOUNT SPECIAL! Soft Touch Body RUB Southern IN***** ))))))) - 68
Mary is working Wednesday 2pm-12am. Call 502-599-8203 for appointment - 40
(Louisville, jeffersonville)
Tue 07 Jan
Happy Halloween. Mary is in all night; 11am until after MIDNIGHT all week. Call 812-282-6642 - 40
(jeffersonville, Louisville)
Mary is working 10am until after MIDNIGHT all week. Call 812-282-6642 - 40
(Louisville, jeffersonville)
Mary is working Sunday until after midnight; 11am until after MIDNIGHT all week. Call 812-282-6642 - 40
(jeffersonville, Louisville)
Sun 05 Jan
Mary is working Thursday until after midnight; 11am until after MIDNIGHT all week. Call 812-282-6642 - 40
(jeffersonville, Louisville)
Sat 04 Jan
Fri 03 Jan
Come in out of the cold. Mary, 10am until AFTER MIDNIGHT all week. Call 812-282-6642 - 40
(Louisville, jeffersonville)
Mary is working Monday until sometime after midnight; 11am until after MIDNIGHT all week. Come check me out. Call 812-282-6642 - 40
(Louisville, jeffersonville)
Happy New Year! Mary is in 10am until AFTER MIDNIGHT all week. Call 812-282-6642 - 40
(Louisville, jeffersonville)
Thu 02 Jan