Mon 27 Jan
Callie.... amazing skills... incredible now - 22
(Louisville, Fairgrounds, Airport area)
tesSa (lets relax and enjoy eachother )✅please don't review unless it's true ✅ - 22
(Louisville, fairgrounds / airport)
tesSa (blonde&petite;) TUESdAY'S bEST SATiSfACTiON (special's) - 22
(Louisville, fairgrounds / airport)
allow yourself a since of relaxation with Tessa ❤➡⭐ (specials ) (the best gaurenteed⭐) - 22
(fairgrounds / airport/ preston highway, Louisville)
Sat 11 Jan
Fri 10 Jan
CRAViNG tESSA (bl0NdE hAiR / blUE EYEd bOMbShEll) late night cravings - 22
(Louisville, fairgrounds / airport)
💙 blONdE SEdUCTiON, EXPERIENCEd FUN ;take advantage (tessa)🌟 , specials 100hh and 150h call now - 22
(Louisville, airport /fairgrounds)
Thu 09 Jan
tessa apple of your eye📲 (🐴derBY week speciaLs✅) ✔new pictures ✅ - 22
(Louisville, airport/fairgrounds)
💙 last day working guys take advantage (tessa)🌟 , specials 100hh and 150h call now - 22
(Louisville, airport /Philips lane /fairgrounds)
Wed 08 Jan
iNTENSE TESSA (non-rushed) BLONDE GODDESS, (in-call specials today only) - 22
(Louisville, airport/fairgrounds)
🔜tesSa (NEW(REAL)PICS)✅please don't review unless it's true ✅ - 22
(Louisville, fairgrounds / airport)
CALLIES low rates- everything is just a call the very last drop.... - 24
(Louisville, Louisville, Airport Fairgrounds)
tesSa (lets relax and enjoy eachother )✅please don't review unless it's true ✅ - 22
(Louisville, fairgrounds / airport)
Tue 07 Jan
Callie.... amazing skills... incredible now - 22
(Louisville, Fairgrounds, Airport area)
💙 lOUiSVillE'S bEST SATiSFACtiON ;take advantage (tessa)🌟 , specials 100hh and 150h call now - 22
(Louisville, airport /fairgrounds)
iNTENSE TESSA (non-rushed) BLONDE GODDESS, (in-call specials today only) - 22
(Louisville, airport/fairgrounds)
Mon 06 Jan
tessa apple of your eye📲 (🐴derBY week speciaLs✅) ✔new pictures ✅ - 22
(Louisville, airport/fairgrounds)
💙 blONdE SEdUCTiON, EXPERIENCEd FUN ;take advantage (tessa)🌟 , specials 100hh and 150h call now - 22
(Louisville, airport /fairgrounds)
Sun 05 Jan
Are you looking for the best?? Call me now Blonde Curvy Aspen - 25
(louisville, Incalls only!! Airport and fairgrounds)
tesSa (blonde&petite;) TUESdAY'S bEST SATiSfACTiON (special's) - 22
(Louisville, fairgrounds / airport)
Are you looking for the best?? Call me now Blonde Curvy Aspen - 25
(louisville, Incalls only!! Airport and fairgrounds)
allow yourself a since of relaxation with Tessa ❤➡⭐ (specials ) (the best gaurenteed⭐) - 22
(fairgrounds / airport/ preston highway, Louisville)
Sat 04 Jan
💙 lOUiSVillE'S bEST SATiSFACtiON ;take advantage (tessa)🌟 , specials 100hh and 150h call now - 22
(Louisville, airport /fairgrounds)
💙 last day working guys take advantage (tessa)🌟 , specials 100hh and 150h call now - 22
(Louisville, airport /Philips lane /fairgrounds)
STOP.......New sexy Hot pics of Callie You will be happy you STOPPED...... - 24
(Louisville, Louisville, Airport Fairgrounds)
Fri 03 Jan
STOP.......New sexy Hot pics of Callie You will be happy you STOPPED...... - 24
(Louisville, Louisville, Airport Fairgrounds)
🔜tesSa (NEW(REAL)PICS)✅please don't review unless it's true ✅ - 22
(Louisville, fairgrounds / airport)
CRAViNG tESSA (bl0NdE hAiR / blUE EYEd bOMbShEll) late night cravings - 22
(Louisville, fairgrounds / airport)
Thu 02 Jan