Sat 11 Jan
/ LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST! college gymnast! call now! im the real deal & im in my own apartment! - 19
BRaZilan beauty in town until tomorrow , come see me 100000% me or free roses - 19
(Louisville, East end in call only)
Beautiful Blonde!! Incalls and Outcalls; Drama Free.....Real Pics!!! Jeffersonville Area - 28
CALLIE'*** SeXy*** NeVeR RuSh*** NeW PiCs*** HoT DEALS ***HoT!!! InCall Only - 24
(Louisville, NeWbUrG, BaRdStOwN Rd, HiGhLaNdS ArEa)
💋BACK BY DEMAND💋bIG b00bs ((SmacKaBle)) "B"oO"ty ♡PINK & jUiCY!♡ ★SK¡LL €D L¡PS & T¡GHT GR¡PS♥ -25
(Louisville, Louisville *hurstborne pkwy)
Kayj is back in town tonight until 5am be GONE 4 WEEK 150hh real picks and ad 5023818076 HOT body - 21
(Louisville, incall)
°© If YoU lIkE it.... I lOvE iT !!!°© My NeW pIcS aRe Sooo SeXy - 26
(Louisville, ** Your Place** Louisville)
Incall specials only Im sooooo freaky RARE EXOTIC BBW. Great MOuth. Kinky lets Play.. - 39
(Louisville, Frankfort-Incall)
HoneyLove #1 provider amazing skills 60qk 80 20 min 100 hh 180 hour - 27
(Louisville, shepherdsville 15 mins from downtown Lou)
I Have A Very Nice Body & A Sparkling Personality! - 21
(Louisville, Louisville, KY (Airport South Area))
***** HOT *** SWEET *** BEAUTIFUL *** WAITING *** FOR *** YOU ** LIZ *** - 25
(Louisville, OUTCALL ONLY Louisville & close by)
OWENSBORO OUTCALL☆☆☆Here to Show you a great Time💎💎💎💎💎💋💋💋💋 IN CALL OR OUTCALL - 22
(Owensboro, Owensboro outcall/Evansville incall)
👼Friendly 🙆🌠💲Open-minded🌟⛔Stop 🚦✋RIGHT✋📴 THERE ⚡️I'll 🌟 💨🅱 L 🅾 W 💋your 💞😱💣💥mind💫💫 - 22
(Louisville, Louisville and southern IN)
Hot Summer Time Fun With Me ::*: ♥ :*: F=R=A=N=K=I=E - 20
(Louisville, Louisville / Jeffersonville / Horse Shoe)
Get a taste of the LUXURIOUS pure💗Honey💗 Outcall Only or text 812-946-8120💋 - 24
(Louisville, Louisville and surrounding areas)
$$$$ Hey Guys Its MelAnie ....... Time for the ReAl dEaL!!!!! - 24
(Louisville, Louisville/Newburg Rd.)
.★HiGhLy SkIlLeD ☆*°★°*☆**Aim to Ple@se ☆*°★°*☆** 100% PLEASURE ☆*°★°*☆** 100$ - iNC@LL$ - 22
(Louisville, @irport @rea)
#*#*# Freaky Friday Incall Specials H.O.T with Alexis #*# 36DD #*# Earlybird Specials #*#*# - 32
(Louisville, Airport Area Incall)
100 hr specials... if u want to experience complete pleasure call jasmine 502-650-1821 - 22
°o.O {( Extremely!Hot! )} °o.O ((♥)) O.o° {(UPSCALE GORGEOUS BLONDE BEAUTY )} - 22
O __U__T__C ___A___L___L_* ==* ( (_* *160 * * $_) ) _*S___P___E __C__! __A__ L_ - 21
(Louisville, louisville and indiana)
READY NOW Kelly $80 Special 502.807.5285 Unbelieable Skills, Outcall - 30
(Downtown Louisville Ky, Louisville)
○°○°○°RAVEN○°○°○°○ GREEN EYED BEAUTY○•○• all night specials ♡♡♡hosting & traveling ♡♡♡ - 21
(Louisville, Incalls and outcalls)
#➊ ➸ ❝BbW DYN@MiC DUO❞ ▲ 2 H0T GiRLs & BEST FRieNDs ▲ AVailAbLe NoW - 27
(Louisville, Louisville incall)
100 hr & other specials limited time!! if you want some real pleasure call me alexis 502/650-6897 - 22
(Louisville, Louisville & Surrounding Locations)
15 Min $50 Special👈NEW NUMBER💋CheliBella 💗👭2 girl avilable 👭 38DD🍒 Long Dark Hair 🍬A1 Reviews - 31
$100 BlonDe VixEn (INCALL AND OUTCALL) CALL BRITTANY 502-802-8296 ReaDy 2 PleaSe U 2 the MAX! - 23
Fri 10 Jan
❤ * UPSCALE ! * :•: * New HoTTie * ❤* ❤ * Tired of THE GAMES * Call me Satisfaction Garunteed ❤ - 24
you have never seen a brunette that like me - come kick it like a king with VICKY -- 7a-3p - 23
(Louisville, 264 & Shelbyville RD- right off eway!)
TsGoldie $45top speicals only tumbler link below for videos(CALL WHEN READY)7065641122 - 20
(Hurstbourne, Louisville)
__M __y__ *__P __a__ n__t __i__e__s _* W__a __n__n __a __*_ C __o__ m__ e__ *__O __f__ f - 20
°•°π°•° lindsays so hot.. see this fox now!!! can you say hottie! outcalls/incall - 21
(Louisville, to you babe or my incall)