Mon 27 Jan
***new pics*** $50qv ***new pics*** THE BEST YOU'LL EVER FIND *** - 24
(Lexington, Lexington**INCALL & OUTCALL(depending)**)
***sexy star in town looking for a great time*** mixed puerto rican - 22
(Louisville, louisvillee, ky and surrounding)
40 qk spzl ❤Come Out 2nite & Play With A Azzzz Lovers Dream ❤ (Incall Only) - 45
(Hurstbourne, Louisville)
🍭🍬🍭🍡2 GIRL SPECIAL ....Kandy(Land)& Vanilla Treat🍭🍬🍭🍡💦💦For You💦💦🍭🍬🍭🍡 - 23
(Louisville, IN/OUT....Louisville/Lexington)
THE SWEET LOVELY CLASSY AVA , Call or Text 812946582Four💗 - 24
(Louisville, East Louisville,Some of Indiana.)
💋Pretty Priscilla💋 Come see me on Valentines Day!! Specials all day&nite; - 21
(louisville, Louisville/Southern Indiana)
******* Amy Marie ******** Blonde Barbie 502-551-0379 - 26
(Louisville, Louisville Only - Incall or Outcall)
ALL NIGHT LONG CHEAP Specials Before 5am. DONT MISS THIS Thick & Wild & ReADy 4 U. DONT Miss Out $$ - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana)
1000000 %%%%% REAL 💕💕💋 MiSS KiNK¥ Kimberly¥♡💕💕 ➡£X0TiC MiXXTUR£ ♡ S£X¥ B0D¥ 💜㏂/㏘ TH£ B£ST❗⬅ - - 22
(Louisville, louisville ky)
$100 SpEciALs CaLL KaTie 859-550-0186 PrEtTy, PiNk, JuiCy, tiiGhT, PaY mE riGhT aNd I JuST miGhT!!! - 23
$100 Specials CALL JaZmiNe 502-810-7679 YouNG★ SeXY ★ BLonde ★100% ME ★ CerTiFiED ★ STAMPED&APPROVED; - 24
(Louisville, Louisville/Hurstbourne Pkwy/Eastend)
Sun 12 Jan
🌟🔥YoUr PeRsOnAL PO*N StAR((★ SiMPLy AMAZiNG!* ★ )) (( ★ SexY ChOcALaTe TrEaT★)) 🔥🌟 - 22
(Louisville, Louisville INCALL ONLY)
Sat 11 Jan
💋Kissable Kacie🌞💋Put Me On Your To Do List 🍭 Let Me Be Your Naughtee Lil Secret 💋💕 - 22
(Louisville, 🏩🏩🏩🏩 downtown)
°©•° !!!((CAUTION )) !!!°©•° (( I'M A BADGiRL)) °©•° (( I WANNA)) °©•° ((D0 BAD THiNGS)) ♂♀70hh - 23
(Louisville, Breckinridge Lane 70hh 5027092441)
Incall specials only Im sooooo freaky RARE EXOTIC BBW. Great MOuth. Kinky lets Play.. - 39
(Louisville, Frankfort-Incall)
Fri 10 Jan
Your Sexy MILF next door..INCALL, Louisville (airport).REAL PICS ..Incall.. 4' 9", 85 lbs..Kylee - 52
(Louisville, Louisville / Airport area)
$1OO.OO ... JU!CY, T!GhT & WetTt.... OoHhh YESssSs!! ..... I'm One SExXxY ..... G.F.E.. - 19
Thu 09 Jan
WHY WAIT? TEXT NOW! You will be glad you did! Sexy, additive, with personality to match! - 34
(Lexington, Richmond)
$100 ((DING)) ((DING)) ((DING)) (((JACKPOT))) StEaMiNg HoT SpEciALs wiTh KAYLA 502..298..5851 - 23
👑💎 PRINCESS 🔜 502-625-8168 😘. . . I'm what you are looking for.... promise. - 22
(.... Housecalls Only ...., Louisville)
Wed 08 Jan
Alli here, Beautiful,Thick Big Girl!! Incall. FORT KNOX Come see me this weekend!! Time to Relax!! - 26
(Louisville, Fort Knox,Incall)
40 spzls ❤ Available 4 Tru Fun ❤ The AZZZZZ LoVerS Dream ❤ Incall Only - 44
(Louisville, Louisville/ Hurstbourne)
CaLL PaRiS 502¤457¤7147 Ding Ding Ding ((Jackpot)) What YoU See iS wHaT YoU GeT - 25
(Louisville, Louisville/My Place..)
**FEMALE Owned ESCORT Agency**Only Serious MODELS Wanted***MINIMUM$1,000 Per DAY Guaranteed** - 35
Tue 07 Jan
LAST DAYS...(( BiG )) _ B(o)(o)B!! _ (( CuRvY )) _ BODY_(( ReAL )) FREAK With the BEST *60* Special! - 27
(Louisville, Louisville, ky(AIRPORT AREA )INCALL ONLY)
NEW and ready to Play with Benjamin and his friends! Sexy and fun! 859-492-0937 IM HERE - 25
(Louisville, louisville ky, in/out)
♧♢♤¤ Treat Yourself ! [Cllick Me] 100% Satisfaction ♡NiYA♡ IN/OUT °■AViALABLE NOW■° 502•416•6998♤♢♧ - 22
(Louisville, Eastend)
Mon 06 Jan
ONE OfAkiND [REdhEAd] & iMA $UPER 🌂☔💧🌊🏊incalls/outcalls 2girls specials 5026841009 - 22
(dixie / crums lane, Louisville)
CaLL MyA GoRgEoUs LaTinO MaMi ...StEaMiNg HoT InCaLL wiTh MyA 502~298~5851 - 24
(Louisville, Louisville/Airport)
👋💄👠💰💳 Last night here👇 Better Than ➹Her➹ 👉❤👈 ➷Her➷ And ➹Her➹ 👆 Don't Believe Me❓ You Be The Judge •l - 27
(Louisville, Airport/phillps Ln Incall only)
Sun 05 Jan
Eb0Ny L0VeRs #1 PiCk ! ___CERTiFiED H0TTiE !! ____ ((TREAT Y0URSELF)) ____ y0ULL ♥ WHAT i D0 ! - 22
HoT Specials PleaSe Give ThiS ViXeN a CaLL I GoT WhAt YoU NeeD AsK FoR RaVeN - 24
(Louisville, Louisville/Discreet Incall Location)
40qk spzls ★ Azzzzzz LoVerS❤ P.L.@.Y-G.R.O.U.N.D of F.U.N.❤Available INCALL ONLY - 45
(Louisville, Hurstbourne)
🚨💋WelCome to the Winners CirCle ✅ IRRESISTIBLE SATISFACTION🚨 - 23
(Louisville, Louisville (in&out;))
Incall specials only Im sooooo freaky RARE EXOTIC BBW. Great MOuth. Kinky lets Play.. - 39
(Louisville, Frankfort-Incall)
40qk Spzls❤ T.G.I.F. Start Ur Weekend off Right With The Azzzz Luvers Dream ❤ (Incall Only) - 45
(Hurstbourne, Louisville)
☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡ Leaving In A few♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆ COME BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE ☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡ - 27
(Louisville, Louisville/Dixiehighway)
40Q spzls ❤Available All Nite 4 Unrushed True Pleasure ❤ Get It While It's Hot Rates Going Up Soon!! - 43
(Louisville, Louisville/ Hurstbourne)
Sat 04 Jan
💦😻👅STACEY GOT THAT G🍥🍥D, G🍥🍥D💦😻👅 Choose The Best👸& Forget the ↗Rest↙🙈 - 27
Kara Lee~will give you the best time a man can get. 100% Guaranteed - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana)
ೋೋ °M°A °G° I °C° A °L°L°Y ° -:+:- ° D°E °L°I °C° I° O°U ° S ° - 24
(Louisville, East End of Louisville)
Fri 03 Jan
====hot asian💜💜sexy and young===big boobs----slender!!!!!! Real 25 - 25
(Louisville, Preston highway- Louisville -airport)
HoT Specials PleaSe Give ThiS ViXeN a CaLL I GoT WhAt YoU NeeD AsK FoR RaVeN 513-616-1847 - 24
(Louisville, Louisville/Discreet Incall Location)
💔💔╚» ╚» ♥ YOUR #❶ CHOiCE ♥ «╝ «╝ ☜ Caℓℓ Mє! ☎ _❤ 💯%REAL❤× {✔#❶♥* FuN & FℓirTy} 💔 - - 22
(Airport Area.INCALL or Outcall, Louisville)
🍬🍬🍭🍭Sweet 90$ two girl special 70$ one girl special. 🍬🍬🍭🍭 - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana-Lousiville)
Big BOOTy FuN** $75** $75 ** HOT $pecials All Day All Night!!! - 22
(lexington, Louisville East End)
💦Total KNOCKOUT👙BUSTY 👄Freaky& Juicy👑💋💖🍭ω€TTMouth🍭🍬JuiCy PhAt A§§ - 24
(Louisville, LouisvilleINCALL)
((( SeXi NaUgHty SeNSaTioN...FiT 4 A KinG! (24'7) Availability! Make it Go Drip Drop!!!! ♡♥ - 24
(Louisville, , All areas)
fLexible SupEr tHick reDBone ✨"100splcs"✨ available 8329351345 - 21
(Louisville, (Louisville) in/outcalls)
Feel the heat this summer w/ Lindsay & my sexy gf! Hottest duet in town! lN/OC! NEW NUMBER, NEW DUO! - 25
Thu 02 Jan