Mon 27 Jan
Pretty Brittany fun and petite with a big booty - 21
(Louisville, Louisville/ preston highway near airport)
**** miss sparkle **** incalls only 100$ specials all night 5026901210 - 21
(Louisville, downtown Louisville)
lovely laceyy incalls only [80$ SPECiAlS$ tonite only] - 23
(Louisville, dixie highway by waterson 265)
50$ Special TODAY ONLY Bubble Booty36 G ALL NATURAL Visiting from SEATTLE - 23
(lexington, Lexington 50$ SPECIAL UNTIL 7pm TONIGHT)
Gentleman I'm Candi. Do you have a sweet tooth and need to cure your craving? OUTCALLS ONLY - 25
(Louisville, Louisville KY in your house)
Hello im mariah new in bowling green im doing incalls only night's ,mornings,evenings available now - 29
(Bowling Green, bowling green ky(incalls only))
BeAuTiFuL BlOnDE, IN and OUT Call👑Always Available!!👍!✨💵Keeping An Open Mind😘👄💞 - 28
(Jeffersonville, Louisville)
💄502.939.3067💕NEW💯REAL PICS ❤🌹🎆 SeXy BlOnDe👄HeRe to👄ROCK YoUr👄WoRlD 🎆🌹❤👄 - 28
(Louisville, Louisville (Old Louisville))
*BEAUTIFUL BELLA** , is Available!!! SaTuRdaY NIGHT INCALL...502 221 0724# SPECIAL$** - 24
(Louisville, INCALLS~ PRESTON HWY!!!!!!)
StEaMiNg HoT incALL with RoXXiE So CoMe GeT iT!!! YoUr LittLe DiRtY $ - 23
*★ INCALLS ONLY--> ShE's A vErY FrEaKy GiRL ★ WiTh mOuTh WaTeRiNg $100 SpEciAL$!!! - 23
Incall $pecial ~ I have what you want, come and get it in the Airport area! ~ 270-300-5282 - 21
(Louisville, Airport area / Incalls ONLY!!!)
If you like it! I LOVE it! satistfaction guaranteed!! 100 specials ! - 27
(louisville, louisville ky)
l💢 ) (( TOE CURLING SKILLS )) 💄💢❤💢Ask AboUt MY INCALL 120 fh specials - 33
(Lexington, Incalls Only :: up late)
iMA SUPER $OAkER All NATURAl REdhEAd lET ME MAkE it RAiN ON YU☔🌂💧 50$PECiAl$ iNCAllS/5029155032 - 23
(Louisville, Louisville/Gene synder/Dixie)
$exy All Day& night long !502-593-3186 (4 hand specials how do u want it !New 100% real amazing pics - 23
🍪🍪🍪 CHOCOLATE 🍩🍩 FACTORY🍩🍩 ( now open) TRY Something sweet🍪🍪 CHOCOLATE❗❗🍪🍪 - 23
(Louisville, I will travel🚙 80$ INCALL (east end))
♥♡♥CoMe StArT uR LaBoR dAy WeEkEnD oFf RiGhT wItH sWEeT sExY KARMEN♡♥♡ - 23
Call Devin Skylar A Real Professional Giving Maximum Pleasure Incalls Only - 25
(Louisville, Louisville/clarksville/jeffersonville)
Come Get Our 80$$ 2 GIRL SpecialS »$» 60$$ 1 GiRL Specials «$« Available All Day - 22
❌502.939.3067💥 BiG BoOtY🚨❌🚨Blonde DOLL Face BeAutY 💋💎💋 - 28
(Louisville, Louisville (Old Louisville))
— A — v — A — i — L — a — B — l — E — °*••*° — R — i — G — h — T — °*•—•*° — N — o — W —°* - - 23
(Louisville, Newburg Rd(Incalls ONLY))
$$$$$2 GiRl 100$ SpEcIaLs!!!!! HaLf HoUr AnD HoUr SpEcIaLs.. LoCaTeD oN DiXiE hIgHwAy$$$$$$$$$$$ - 22
(Louisville, louisville/dixie highway)
7O/ 3O min xOxO - LoOves to get Nasty . w/ NO HaNds ..F@C3 DowN JU!CY @zz UP..YOUR personal PLaymaTe - 24
(Louisville, 7o INCALLS ONLY 7o ... ... . Hurstbourne)
☆♡☆(502)593*3186 Specials on INcalls limited time only !All NEW PICS - 23
(Louisville, right off the gyne snyder new cut road)
60$PECiAl$😻dANGEROU$ REdhEAd,iMA $ET U ON🔥hAVE fUN&GET; WAT U dE$iRE 5029155032 incalls only - 22
(Louisville, Louisville/gene synder)
60$ specials💨🌟💥💦🔥💧👀👀👌NAUGhTY $kOOl GiRl∆MAkiN UCOME bAC iPROMi$E 5029155032 $60$PECiAl$ - 22
(Louisville, Louisville /gene synder/dixie)
BeAuTiFuL BlOnDE💋💓ReAl PiCs!!👑Always Available!!👍Specials Daily!✨💵Keeping An Open Mind😘👄💞 - 27
(Louisville, Jeffersonville)
lovely laceyy incalls only [80$ SPECiAlS$ tonite only] - 23
(Louisville, dixie highway by waterson 265)
502.939.3067➖💥REAL💥 PETiTE BLONDE💥 ➖➖ 👉 B🔞🔞TY 👈 ➖➖ (Green🙈eyes) ➖➖✌THUMBS☝➖ 💯Percent REAL - 28
(Louisville, Louisville (Old Louisville))
Gentleman I'm Candi. Do you have a sweet tooth and need to cure your craving? OUTCALLS ONLY - 25
(Louisville, Louisville KY in your house)
BeAuTiFuL BlOnDE, IN and OUT Call👑Always Available!!👍!✨💵Keeping An Open Mind😘👄💞 - 28
(Jeffersonville, Louisville)
💄502.939.3067💕NEW💯REAL PICS ❤🌹🎆 SeXy BlOnDe👄HeRe to👄ROCK YoUr👄WoRlD 🎆🌹❤👄 - 28
(Louisville, Louisville (Old Louisville))
won't be available after to night so don't miss out by not coming to see me - 28
(Louisville, My place or yours Southend of Louisville)
xOxO 125 FOR 2girls hhr incall l ITS cold and raining let us warm u up xOxO - 20
(Louisville, louisville KY eastend)
were the fun never ends! H°O°T°T° New pics *1-502-224-8186 call now! no regrets! - 27
(louisville, louisville ky)
«$« WE ARE WAITING 90$$$ 2 GIRL SpecialS »$» 1&2 GiRL Hour Specials «$« Available All Day - 22
with just one touch Ill give you the best rush) - (lATE NiGhT SPECiAL'S ❤) 💙 - 22
(Louisville, Louisville/airport/)
❤ ViCKY • Trusted & Local • THE REAL DEAL! 2AM- 2PM THURSDAY ❤ All Night! ❤ $90 hhr & $150 hr - 22