Mon 27 Jan
Addictive Booty 💝🌹🌹 Bardstown Springfield Lebanon Incall/OutCall - 24
(Bardstown Springfield Lebanon Area, Louisville)
❤❤❤▬▬▬ SEXY ♥ & ♥ FUN ▬▬▬ ❤❤❤ WAITING FOR YOU ◆◆⚡️💚💙◆◆💙💚◆◆REAL BEST◆◆💚💙◆◆Tableshower◆◆💙 - 23
(Louisville, 💝 502-732-0002)
💋 I'm all you'll ever need and more - out calls only 💋 - 24
(Louisville, Mainly southern Indiana/Some Louisville)
come out and play all day and all night with missy mercedes!! - 36
(Louisville, 264 and taylorsville rd)
*100% REAL W/ Stellar Reviews! BEST RATES AROUND! Extreme beauty, FUN, sweet! TRULY UNIQUE! NOW-LATE - 25
❤❤❤❤❤We Know How To Make U Happy ❤ Heavenly Touch and More+ ❤ Sexy Young Girls ❤ Amazing Service -- - 23
(502-732-0002 ❤ H 71 N.EXIT 44, Louisville)
★—ULTIMATE girl NEXT door!! ——$$$ SPECIALS—SExy Exotic BOMBSHELL!! ★ NEW in Town - 22
(Louisville, EASTSIDE AREA)
Thank God It's Friday... Party with the #1...The Realist Latin Queen Nadia! 812-557-2305 - 27
(Louisville, Southern Indiana/ Louisville)
♡♥THE SEXY' SEXI' MiXeD DomiNicaN MaMi♥♡(( 24/7 ))So DeliCiOUS((GrOWn MeN WeLCoME!!!)) - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)
sUpEr lAtE nIgHt sPecIAls .... dOnT miSs oUt... " HeaVeNlY HeAthER" CaLl NoW ... - 28
(Louisville, eAst Louisville)
SPECIAL R8 2DAY ONLY! SeXy Italiana w/ Lng Legs, HR Glass figure N LoNg B'tFL HaiR! HoNeSt & Sweet!! - 26
(Louisville, East end)
AwEsOmE SpEcIaL! IM N L'VILLE SeXy Italiana- Ask 4 SpEcIaL! HR Glass BoDy! Honest&Sweet;! - 26
(Louisville, East Louisville)
70/140hr specials»-❤-»*YOUNG & THICK☆▬ _I AiM to Pl∈AS∈!_ »-❤-» & i LUV to Be NAUGHTY ★☆
(Louisville, wanna come over and play? 70& 140sp)
Addictive Booty 💝🌹🌹🌹Bardstown Springfield Lebanon 💝🌹🌹🌹Incall/OutCall - 24
(Louisville, Bardstown Springfield Lebanon Area)
Sun 12 Jan
*INCREDIBLE SATURDAY RATES* Stellar reviews! TRUE exotic model beauty! Sinsationally HOT body! - 25
(Louisville, 3PM-12AM! : ) 3 KINDS OF SESSIONS!)
HoneyLove is in shephardsville 80 20mins 100 hh 180 hour read entire ad - 27
(Joe b hall Shepherdsville, Louisville)
in&ouT;🍪🍪 CHOCOLATE (80$)🍩🍩 FACTORY🍩🍩 (Now open) 🍫🍫🍫🍫(80$) LATE NIGHT SNack 🍪🍪🍪🍪Sweet CHOCOLATE❗❗🍪 🍫🍫 - 23
(Louisville, Phillips lane 80/120/180)
........ Hottie Kasey looking for Friends ...... 502-650-7263 - 24
(Louisville, louisville/outcalls/incalls)
Sat 11 Jan
LUSCIOUS LATINA × WAY ×°x°×] ---- TOO [×°x°× GOOD ×°x °×] TO [×°x°× MISS! ×× - 19
(Louisville, Louisville in out)
💋 I'm all you'll ever need and more - out calls only 💋 - 24
(Louisville, Mainly southern Indiana/Some Louisville)
$~PLEASURE!¡!~$ * Country hottie that will do ANYTHING to please you!! * I'LL BE WAITING!! ;-) - 27
(Louisville, westend)
*Sweet , Sexy ,Seductive *Very EXCLUSIVE,,,,, Ready to have fun - 30
(Louisville, Louisville ky ,IN AND OUT)
IM N L'VILLE SeXy Italiana- Ask 4 SpEcIaL! ***** Rvws! HR Glass BoDy! LONG BTFL Hair!! Honest&Sweet;! - 25
(Louisville, East Louisville)
REAL pix JAW DROPPING SKILLZ, KISSABLE, tight and juicy, SPECIALS avail now - 25
(Louisville, North DWNTWN INCALL ONLY)
Oh she won't do that DIRTY Fantasy for u?? I WILL ;) Have a DOUBLE TROUBLE SPECIAL 2!!! - 23
(Louisville, Bent over up Louisville)
Fri 10 Jan
LaTe nIgHt SpEcIaLs .. lET mE sAtiSfY U ... AppTs iMmeaDiatlY CaLl nOw hEaveNly HeaThEr - 28
(Louisville, east Louisville)
💎NaUgHtY but ClAsSy ~💙LoOkInG fOr DaDdY~💎ReAdY nOw$100 hh$ $60qv In call only - 23
(Louisville, Preston/ Fern valley rd)
Leave'N ToDay L!k3 R3@llY sOOn GuY$ $TL FINEST " LOVELY" high class exscorting in heels only! - 22
🍪🍪🍪 CHOCOLATE 🍩$80🍩 FACTORY🍩🍩( NOW OPEN ) TRY Something sweet🍪🍪 CHOCOLATE❗❗🍪🍪 Last daY••Catering 247 - 23
(Louisville, InCALL• (Phillips lane ) 80/120/180)
NuNu ➡((Cute on OutSide↔WaRm On the InSiDe #1GeNtleMen's ChoiCe!! 💝💝 - 24
(Louisville, all areas louisville, palm springs)
Need relief~wanna tingle;) hv some tongue&fun; this way~sexy bbw!Great rate! - 37
(Lexington, frankfort)
👏$100👏💖TH¡CK & S€X¥ R€DBON€✓ AMAZ¡NG Body *ExxoTiC* ✓ NiC€ FAT @SS R£@L PiX - 22 - 25
(Louisville, louisville OUTCALL ONLY)
+ ((OnE)) + {"♥"} + ((BaDD)) + {"♥"} + BRUNETTE + TueSDAY - 25
(East endBardtown Road & Hurstbourne Lane)
Thu 09 Jan
👄👄👄We Know How To Make U Happy ❤ Heavenly Touch and More+ ❤ Sexy Young Girls ❤ Amazing ❤ - 23
(502-732-0002 ❤ H 71 N.EXIT 44, Louisville)
PoRfaVoR CaLL MyA 317-362-6724 GoRgEoUs LaTinA MaMi ...StEaMiNg HoT LatE NiGhT iNcALL wiTh MyA - 24
(Louisville, Louisville/Eastend/Hurstbourne Pkwy)
Jesssi wants to play..with quick sessions available .100 half hour 75 quick visit - 29
(Lexington, lexington ky)
★ 【✔ NiCe AsS 】 ★ 【✔ SEXXY 】 ★ 【✔ NeW GiRl in ToWn 】100% REAL ★💗💗100 hh ToDaY OnLy 💗💗 - 21
(Louisville, Airport Incall Only)
start your weekend with this sexy beauty - 19
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, 10 minutes away)
I love car guys! ;-) outcall specials !! dont miss out,great reviews 812_697_8280 - 25
(Louisville, sou. indiana and lou.)
Hey Guys Its MelAnie....... Time for the ReAl dEaL!!!!! - 24
(Louisville, Louisville/Newburg Rd., Southern Indiana)
........ Hottie Kasey looking for Friends ...... 502-356-2130 - 24
(Louisville, louisville/outcalls/incalls)
Super sexy Twin Lindsay waiting on u hand & foot. Hot Sunday OC specials new pics comingsoon - 23
(Louisville, your place)
1000%Real Deal..TEXAS GIRL 👧 OUTCALLRainy special💤100 $30MINS OUTCALLSpecials💦🚚Trucker FRIENDLY - 22
(Louisville, Louisville area New Albany st mattews sh)
Wed 08 Jan
▄▄ ❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ 3 ScOops Are BeTter ThaN 1 ❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ ▄▄▄ 2 for 2 tnght. OnLy OuT/In - 21
(Louisville, Lou(airport)out:in)
Tan•Toned•Twins¥ upscale outcalls Wednesday night yummy playmates come n get it fellas! - 23
(Louisville, outcalls Lou and surrounding areas)
The ebony energizer bunny with a [GØRG€ØU§ FAC€ & KiLL€R CURV€§] -im BACK !!' - 21
(Louisville, Incall & Outcall)