Mon 27 Jan
Best Vip Elite Models, Louisville High Class Agency, Finest Ladies Available 24 hours 7 Days A Week - 23
(Louisville, Louisville and Surrounding Areas)
The Hottest Models In The Area ☆☆ Make A ReservationToday ! (Toll Free) 1-800-526-2994 - 23
(Louisville, Louisville and Surrounding Areas)
Best Vip Elite Models, Louisville High Class Agency, Finest Ladies Available 24 hours 7 Days A Week - 23
(Louisville, Louisville and Surrounding Areas)
Best Vip Elite Models, Louisville High Class Agency, Finest Ladies Available - 23
(Louisville, Louisville and Surrounding Areas)
Best Vip Elite Models, Louisville High Class Agency, Finest Ladies Available - 23
(Louisville, Louisville and Surrounding Areas)
Local, Fun, On-time, Real Pics, Ready to have Fun.. $150 outcall - 28
(louisville, Louisville outcall)
I'm a N@aaSty GoOd giRL.Im available Late Night's & Early Mornings ... CALL me When you're ready - 25
(Louisville, I'm 15-20mins from most areas incalls)
6O.oo 2o... Mins pReTty Lil' BrOwn GiRL... (((SPECIALS))) ... 6O..oo 2omins UP LaTe tonight - 25
Best Vip Elite Models, Louisville High Class Agency, Finest Ladies Available 24 hours 7 Days A Week - 23
(Louisville, Louisville and Surrounding Areas)
Best Vip Elite Models, Louisville High Class Agency, Finest Ladies Available - 23
(Louisville, Louisville and Surrounding Areas)
Best Vip Elite Agency, Louisville High Class Service, Finest Ladies Available 24 hours 7 Days A Week - 23
(Louisville, Louisville and Surrounding Areas)
Best Vip Elite Models, Louisville High Class Agency, Finest Ladies Available - 23
(Louisville, Louisville and Surrounding Areas)
Best Vip Elite Models, Louisville High Class Agency, Finest Ladies Available 24 hours 7 Days A Week - 23
(Louisville, Louisville and Surrounding Areas)
❤ SEXY sweet LOLA IS BACK❤♥♛ READY ♛NOW 100% REAL..... - 22
(Louisville, Downtown/J-Town/in/out/surrounding area)
A true girl next door beauty With 36D's and a round Rump XOXO - 20
2 Girl SPECIAL♥ Exotic & Classy ♥ "UPSCALE ONLY" *EXPERIENCE Of A Life Time* - - 22
(Louisville, Low $$ INCALL Downtown Airport Area)
Mon 13 Jan
Best Vip Elite Models, Louisville High Class Agency, Finest Ladies Available 24 hours 7 Days A Week - 23
(Louisville, Louisville and Surrounding Areas)
Sun 12 Jan
I'm a N@aaSty GoOd giRL.Im available Late Night's & Early Mornings ... CALL me When you're ready - 25
(Louisville, I'm 15-20mins from most areas incalls)
INDULGE YOURSELF with a one of a kind White/Italian mix diamond!!!812946582four! - 24
(Louisville, Downtown Louisville and Surrounding Area)
🍒🍒 Black & Beautiful SPECIALS 🌟 💦👅 $50qk Incall Only 🌹 💨 - 20
(Incall Near Downtown area., Louisville)
Sat 11 Jan
Best Vip Elite Models, Louisville High Class Agency, Finest Ladies Available 24 hours 7 Days A Week - 23
(Louisville, Louisville and Surrounding Areas)
Best Vip Elite Models, Louisville High Class Agency, Finest Ladies Available 24 hours 7 Days A Week - 23
(Louisville, Louisville and Surrounding Areas)
Fri 10 Jan
🍒🍒 let me get YOU 🆙 💦👅 , Busty Babe Ready To Show You How It's Done 💨 50qk/cv - 20
(Incall & Car Visit ' Near Downtown area., Louisville)
🍒🍒 Black & Beautiful 🌟 💦👅 $65hh , $40qk Incall Only 🌹 💨 - 20
(Incall & Car Visit ' Near Downtown area., Louisville)
New🌟🌟...💋👅 The Gorgeous Moana Lisa 💋👅 In Town Now👅💋Highly Reviewed T.3.R~ - 22
(Downtown Area, Louisville)
Thu 09 Jan
Best Vip Elite Models, Louisville High Class Agency, Finest Ladies Available 24 hours 7 Days A Week - 23
(Louisville, Louisville and Surrounding Areas)
New🌟🌟...💋👅 The Gorgeous Moana Lisa 💋👅 In Town Now👅💋Highly Reviewed T.3.R~ - 22
(Downtown Area, Louisville)
Call AVA♡ Sweet *sultry Seductive Sensuous, 502-645-981four ♡AVA - 24
(Louisville, Downtown Louisville and Surrounding Area)
💕 ThE🌸 eArLy🕖 BiRd🌟 GeTs 🌺ThE🍒 wOrM 💋 Morning 💲SpEcIAlzzz💲 5-11am. 💕 - 25
(Downtown U of L area, Louisville)
🍒🍒 Black & Beautiful SPECIALS TONIGHT 🌟 💦👅 $60hh , $40qk Incall Only 🌹 💨 - 20
(Incall & Car Visit ' Near Downtown area., Louisville)
☆♥☆♥☆ BeAuTiFuL BlOnDe FrOm OuT Of StaTe ★♡★♡ Limited time ☆★☆★ AnD VeRy KinKy hehe - 22
(Louisville, louisville outcalls)
Wed 08 Jan
incall Sweet * Sexy * Sensuous * Seductive°•°Very Well Reviewed§>§>Call Ava 812946582Four - 24
(Louisville, Louisville Downtown and Surrounding area)
6O.oo 2o... Mins pReTty Lil' BrOwn GiRL... (((SPECIALS))) ... 6O..oo 2omins UP LaTe tonight - 25
The Hottest Models In The Area ☆☆ Make A ReservationToday ! (Toll Free) 1-800-526-2994 - 23
(Louisville, Louisville and Surrounding Areas)
incall Sweet * Sexy * Sensuous * Seductive°•°Very Well Reviewed§>§>Call Ava 812946582Four - 24
(Louisville, Louisville Downtown and Surrounding area)
***_Brand New Face Porcelynn aka Ms. Petite*150 Special*In Calls_Only*** - 19
(louisville, Downtown Louisville area)
Tue 07 Jan
ZOEY ** Cute Face ** Slim Waist ** ready to PLAY ** Can you Handle it? - 24
(Louisville, your place)
Best Vip Elite Models, Louisville High Class Agency, Finest Ladies Available 24 hours 7 Days A Week - 23
(Louisville, Louisville and Surrounding Areas)
🍬🍬🍭sweet specials starting at 60$ qs hh 80$ fh 140$. two girl specials starting @ 100$.! 🍬🍬🍭🍭 - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana-Lousiville)
Best Vip Elite Agency, Louisville High Class Service, Finest Ladies Available 24 hours 7 Days A Week - 23
(Louisville, Louisville and Surrounding Areas)
-=-=-= (NeW) -=-=-= EXOTIC -=-= (AsIaN) -=-= PLAYMATE -=-= CALL NOW -=-= (24 - HoUrS) -=-= - 20
(Louisville, Downtown/Airport Area outcalls)
❤ SEXY sweet LOLA IS BACK❤♥♛ READY ♛NOW 100% REAL..... - 22
(Louisville, Downtown/J-Town/in/out/surrounding area)
Mon 06 Jan
SuNdAe🍧SpEciAlS bAbY.... I'll Be YoUr FaVoRiTe FlAvOr🍬🍭 SwEeT n FrEaKy - 24
(Louisville, Downtown area in calls& out)
(L) (O) (V) (E) (S) ♥ ..:2:.. PaRtY S-E-X-Y AsIaN UP aLL NIGHT ♥JUST GOT IN TOWN!!! - 20
(Louisville, Downtown/Airport Area OUTCALLS)
Local, Fun, On-time, Real Pics, Ready to have Fun.. $150 outcall - 28
(louisville, Louisville outcall)
🍒🍒 Black & Beautiful SPECIALS TONIGHT 🌟 💦👅 $60hh , $40qk Incall Only 🌹 💨 - 20
(Incall & Car Visit ' Near Downtown area., Louisville)
Best Vip Elite Models, Louisville High Class Agency, Finest Ladies Available 24 hours 7 Days A Week - 23
(Louisville, Louisville and Surrounding Areas)
(L) (O) (V) (E) (S) ♥ ..:2:.. PaRtY S-E-X-Y AsIaN UP aLL NIGHT ♥JUST GOT IN TOWN!!! - 20
(Louisville, Downtown/Airport Area OUTCALLS)
Discreet' private setting in and out call provided with a highly reviewed provider KAYLEE 5026489826 - 24
(Louisville, Near Downtown and surrounding area)
Visiting Again~~~ Prebooking Now~~~ Fun ** Gorgeous *** Red Hot Red Head *** - 24
(Louisville~ Coming Soon)
Sun 05 Jan
Best Vip Elite Models, Louisville High Class Agency, Finest Ladies Available 24 hours 7 Days A Week - 23
(Louisville, Louisville and Surrounding Areas)
Best Vip Elite Models, Louisville High Class Agency, Finest Ladies Available 24 hours 7 Days A Week - 23
(Louisville, Louisville and Surrounding Areas)
¨¨*•- ( E-X-0-T-i-C) ¦:-•* ♥*•-:¦ ( D - R - E - A - M - G - I - R - L ) •*¨¨*• - 21
(Louisville, downtown area/ southern indiana)
🍒🍒 let me get YOU 🆙 💦👅 , 1day Special Special Special!! 💨 40qk/cv 65hhr 90hr !! - 20
(Incall & Car Visit ' Near Downtown area., Louisville)
🍒🍒 Black & Beautiful SPECIALS 🌟 💦👅 $50qk Incall Only 🌹 💨 - 20
(Incall Near Downtown area., Louisville)
Call AVA♡ Sweet *sultry Seductive Sensuous, 502-645-981four ♡AVA - 24
(Louisville, Downtown Louisville and Surrounding Area)
A true girl next door beauty With 36D's and a round Rump XOXO - 20
!!!! Let .Me.Take .You.On .A .Memorable .Journey !! $100 Outcall to the Downtown Area - 28
(Louisville, Louisville downtown OUTCALLS)
Sat 04 Jan
-=-=-= (NeW) -=-=-= EXOTIC -=-= (AsIaN) -=-= PLAYMATE -=-= CALL NOW -=-= (24 - HoUrS) -=-= - 20
(Louisville, Downtown/Airport Area outcalls)
!!!! Let .Me.Take .You.On .A .Memorable .Journey !! $100 Outcall to the Downtown Area - 28
(Louisville, Louisville downtown OUTCALLS)
INDULGE YOURSELF with a one of a kind White/Italian mix diamond!!!812946582four! - 24
(Louisville, Downtown Louisville and Surrounding Area)
2 Girl SPECIAL♥ Exotic & Classy ♥ "UPSCALE ONLY" *EXPERIENCE Of A Life Time* - - 22
(Louisville, Low $$ INCALL Downtown Airport Area)
Visiting Again~~~ Prebooking Now~~~ Fun ** Gorgeous *** Red Hot Red Head *** - 24
(Louisville~ Coming Soon)
🍒🍒 let me get YOU 🆙 💦👅 , Busty Babe Ready To Show You How It's Done 💨 50qk/cv - 20
(Incall & Car Visit ' Near Downtown area., Louisville)
*°♥*° ________ *°♥*° Exotic Asian Doll *°♥*° ________ *°♥*° - 20
(Louisville, downtown/airport area outcalls)