Mon 27 Jan
50$ Special TODAY ONLY Bubble Booty36 G ALL NATURAL Visiting from SEATTLE - 23
(lexington, Lexington 50$ SPECIAL UNTIL 7pm TONIGHT)
BeAuTiFuL BlOnDE, IN and OUT Call👑Always Available!!👍!✨💵Keeping An Open Mind😘👄💞 - 28
(Jeffersonville, Louisville)
StEaMiNg HoT incALL with RoXXiE So CoMe GeT iT!!! YoUr LittLe DiRtY $ - 23
If you like it! I LOVE it! satistfaction guaranteed!! 100 specials ! - 27
(louisville, louisville ky)
🍪🍪🍪 CHOCOLATE 🍩🍩 FACTORY🍩🍩 ( now open) TRY Something sweet🍪🍪 CHOCOLATE❗❗🍪🍪 - 23
(Louisville, I will travel🚙 80$ INCALL (east end))
BeAuTiFuL BlOnDE💋💓ReAl PiCs!!👑Always Available!!👍Specials Daily!✨💵Keeping An Open Mind😘👄💞 - 27
(Louisville, Jeffersonville)
BeAuTiFuL BlOnDE, IN and OUT Call👑Always Available!!👍!✨💵Keeping An Open Mind😘👄💞 - 28
(Jeffersonville, Louisville)
won't be available after to night so don't miss out by not coming to see me - 28
(Louisville, My place or yours Southend of Louisville)
xOxO 125 FOR 2girls hhr incall l ITS cold and raining let us warm u up xOxO - 20
(Louisville, louisville KY eastend)
♥ ☆ •🌺*° S€x¥ & Sw€€† 🌹°*• ♛ •🌺*° †h€ oN€ ¥oU WaN† †O M€€† °*• 🌺 ♥ - 30
(Louisville, louisville/surrounding areas)
*☆* Q_U_Â _L_! _F_i_ _D * (( O LÂV U )) * §_Â __i_§ _F_!_ _D *☆* - 21
(Louisville, READY FOR YOU)
~*~, Beautiful, Blue Eyes, Big Chested Brunette with Flexible Rates!~*~ - 23
(Lexington, Richmond/Lexington)
💃100% Real! 💖╠╣OT §eXy Petite BLONdE NeW In ToWN 💖 READY 4 YOU! 📲💋💃100% SATiSFACTiON!👍 - 26 - 26
Sun 12 Jan
Hello im kiesha new in bowling green im doing outcalls and incalls available now - 29
(Bowling Green, bowling green ky(outcalls and incalls))
$PECiAl$😻dANGEROU$ REdhEAd,$ETTiN U ON🔥hAVE fUN&GET; WAT U dESiRE 5029155032 $60$pecial$ ✅ME*OUT - 22
(Louisville, Louisville/gene synder/dixie)
Sat 11 Jan
If you like it! I LOVE it! satistfaction guaranteed!! 100 specials ! - 27
(louisville, louisville ky)
Pretty Hot and very Tempting!! 2 blondes r better than 1 Andie and Charlie - 27
(Louisville, bardstown road area incall, charlie out)
♥ ☆ •🌺*° S€x¥ & Sw€€† 🌹°*• ♛ •🌺*° †h€ oN€ ¥oU WaN† †O M€€† °*• 🌺 ♥ - 30
(Louisville, louisville/surrounding areas)
♥ ☆ •🌺*° S€x¥ & Sw€€† 🌹°*• ♛ •🌺*° †h€ oN€ ¥oU WaN† †O M€€† °*• 🌺 ♥ - 30
(Louisville, louisville/surrounding areas)
If you wanna play! well then today must be your lucky day! sizzlin hott new pics - 27
(louisville, louisville ky)
Im having such a great day on my Birthday that im doing(80 specials) only till midnight - 27
(louisville, louisville/ indiana)
New Girl Alert! Ga Peach. Stunning Treat w/ Luscious lippSs - 21
(Louisville, Louisville Preston hwy In/ Out)
Fri 10 Jan
xOxO START your week out right with 2 hott young girls xOxO special 2girl rate - 20
(Louisville, louisville KY AIRPORT AREA)
* Incall $pecial * Bet I can curl your toes. ~ 270-300-7604 - 21
(Louisville, Elizabethtown / Ft. Knox area only!!)
Hello im kiesha new in bowling green im doing outcalls and incalls available now - 29
(Bowling Green, bowling green ky(outcalls and incalls))
BeAuTiFuL BlOnDe💋, InCalls And OutCalls☎️Outgoing, Fun, 👀Looking For Fun, Or Just To Relax💞I'm It💋 - 27
(Louisville, Jeffersonville)
Come Relax With Beautiful Young Blonde Alanna!!! 👄 - 21
(Louisville, Louisville and surrounding areas)
♥ ☆ •🌺*° S€x¥ & Sw€€† 🌹°*• ♛ •🌺*° †h€ oN€ ¥oU WaN† †O M€€† °*• 🌺 ♥ - 30
(Louisville, louisville/surrounding areas)
♥ ☆ •🌺*° S€x¥ & Sw€€† 🌹°*• ♛ •🌺*° †h€ oN€ ¥oU WaN† †O M€€† °*• 🌺 ♥ - 30
(Louisville, louisville/surrounding areas)
♡ Nashville escorts Cody, Jasmine & Ashley from Fantasys ♡ - 19
(Bowling Green, Elizabethtown, Bowling Green, Franklin)
* Incall $pecial * Bet I can curl your toes. ~ 270-300-7604 - 21
(Louisville, Elizabethtown / Ft. Knox area only!!)
BeAuTiFuL BlOnDe, Nicole...Available NOW...IN And Out Calls!!! Some Specials!!!!, New Pics - 28
(Jeffersonville, Louisville)
Call Me and Get exactly What u need* 502- 650-5512* Satisfaction is Guaranteed! fern valley road - 27
(louisville, louisville/ indiana)
Hey ya'll its Denver! TGIF! Calls only at--->502-565-8458 if u must txt do it here -- >502-296-8621 - 31
*//👑💎 HeY iTs MeGan!!// Hh 80$//*Fh 160$// qS 60$// My SkIlLs ArE aMaZiNg/ 502/356/8542 - 23
(jeffersonville five mins from louisville, Louisville)
Thu 09 Jan
Kaylee* my clients always leave happy! No incalls .Very curvy white woman. - 22
(Louisville, Preston highway)
🍪🍪🍪 CHOCOLATE 🍩🍩 FACTORY🍩🍩 ( now open) TRY Something sweet🍪🍪 CHOCOLATE❗❗🍪🍪 - 23
(Louisville, I will travel🚙 80$ INCALL (east end))
Alli here.. I N C A L L S/Outcalls All Evening/night Thursday! Come Have Some Fun!!!! - 25
(Louisville, louisville, surrounding Outcall just ask)
BeAuTiFuL BlOnDe💋, InCalls And OutCalls☎SUNDAY SPECIALS 👀Looking For Fun? Ask4 More Pics💞I'm It💋 - 28
(Jeffersonville, Louisville)
Paris is back for a very short time only!! See me while you can. New number: 859-489-6983 - 21
(Lexington, Lexington, KY)
Stop right here look no further the girl u want and need is ME - 28
(Louisville, My place or yours Southend of Louisville)
This Is What AWESOME Looks Like;-) Sexy, Freaky, Badd, Thick, Goddess!!!!!! - 22
(Louisville, incall special or outcall)
StEaMiNg HoT incALL with RoXXiE 502 650 7593 So CoMe GeT iT!!! YoUr LittLe DiRtY $eCrEt.... - 23
*☆* Q_U_Â _L_! _F_i_ _D * (( O LÂV U )) * §_Â __i_§ _F_!_ _D *☆* - 21
(Louisville, READY FOR YOU)
Pretty Hot and very Tempting!! 2 blondes r better than 1 Andie and Charlie - 27
(Louisville, bardstown road area incall, charlie out)
Wed 08 Jan
$PECiAl$😻dANGEROU$ REdhEAd,$ETTiN U ON🔥hAVE fUN&GET; WAT U dESiRE 5029155032 $60$pecial$ ✅ME*OUT - 22
(Louisville, Louisville/gene synder/dixie)
Tue 07 Jan
oNe AnD tWo GiRls SpEcIaLs/ Hh 120$/Fh 190$/ 1 gIrL 80$/ fH130$/qS 1 60/2 GiRlS Qs 85$/ - 22
(Jeffersonville five mins from Louisville, Louisville)
*^*^MIXED*^*^* &*^*^ SEXY^*^ Exotic*^ BLONDE/ Brunette N Town ---Treat 4 U*^*^ 2See
(Hurshbourne/ Jefferson)
Kaylee* my clients always leave happy! No incalls .Very curvy white woman. - 22
(Louisville, Preston highway)