Mon 27 Jan
▬★★▬▬▬★ REAL ★ ★ ▬ BIG BOOTY ▬ ★★▬▬ ★ SEXY ★ ★★▬▬ SWEET ★▬▬ BLONDE ★★ ▬ - 22
(Louisville, East Louisville)
My name is Carrie im just arriving here in bowling green will be here a lil while just outcalls - 31
(Bowling Green, bowling green ky,franklin ky)
★—ULTIMATE girl NEXT door!! ——$$$ SPECIALS—SExy Exotic BOMBSHELL!! ★ NEW in Town - 22
(Louisville, EASTSIDE AREA)
💃100% Real! 💖╠╣OT §eXy Petite BLONdE NeW In ToWN 💖 READY 4 YOU! 📲💋💃100% SATiSFACTiON!👍 - 26 - 26
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
♡☆ 60QH/80 HH/ 160 HR ☆♡☆Ashley AKA: College Cutie ☆♡☆ Weekday Specials ☆☆ - 26
(Louisville, Watterson east)
OUTCALLS ~*~ LOUISVILLE, SO. INDIANA ~*Accepting Credit Cards*~ Allison ~*~ 502•922•6731 - 33
(Louisville, Louisville and surrounding)
Busty, Beautiful, Smart & Funny!!! Dakota! Great Reviews ******* - 27
(Lexington, Lexington & Local Cities)
Call Barby 502 416 7934 Breath Taking Blonde True Pleaser.. Let me take your stress away!!! - 24
Call Barby Breath Taking Blonde True Pleaser.. Let me take your stress away!!! - 24
(Louisville, LOUISVILLE/)
INCALLS AND OUTCALLS ; ShE's A vErY FrEaKy GiRL WiTh mOuTh WaTeRiNg $100 SpEciAL$!!! - 23
Fri 10 Jan
100 Rose Specials till 2:00pm o★o True Beauty Awaits o★o Well Reviewed - 24
(Louisville, Southern Indiana)
Karma: fantasy becomes reality with me baby💋- incalls && outcalls - 21
(Louisville, Louisville- incall ONLY)
Thu 09 Jan
♡☆60qh z80hh 160 hr♡☆♡ Ashley aka College Cutie Available Tonight☆☆☆ WEEKDAY SPECIALS!!! - 26
(Louisville, Watterson east)
•- :¦:- • : ° C° L°A° S ° S ° Y ° •:¦:• & :¦:-• ° H ° O ° T ° • -:¦ :- • ° ° B ° L ° O ° N ° D ° E - 21
(Louisville, KEntucky...IndIaNa anD suRRouNdinG)
*¨¨*-:¦:- Hot SPECIALS WITH STEPHANIE:) * *¨¨*-:¦:-* - 23
Wed 08 Jan
Juiccyy&Tiigghhtt; I Guarentee a good Time and meet your NeeDs.. Does She? CaLL RaVeN 502_457_7147 - 24
(Louisville, Louisville/ Fern Valley Rd)
Tue 07 Jan
memorial day weekend dlscounts... jasmine 502/650-1821 - 22
(Louisville, Louisville & Surrounding Locations)
OUTCALLS ~*~ LOUISVILLE, SO. INDIANA ~*Accepting Credit Cards*~ Allison ~*~ 502•922•6731 - 33
(Louisville, Louisville and surrounding)
☆☆ Let Savannah take away those Monday Blues!! Call her soon before it's too late!! ☆ - 20
(Louisville, Louisville/So. Indiana Outcalls)
INCALLS AND OUTCALLS ; ShE's A vErY FrEaKy GiRL WiTh mOuTh WaTeRiNg $100 SpEciAL$!!! - 23
《《ATTENTION KY DERBY FANS!!》》"Don't Gamble with your $, Bet your Money on Stacy& Know your A Winner - 28
I LIKE ALL MEN ~HOT $100 SPECIAL~ CALL KOREY 502~650~5495 ☞ YoU LoVe it WheN I do ThAt RiGhT tHeRe ☜ - 24
Mon 06 Jan
♥[Stunning ]♥[ Pretty ]♥[ Sweet ]♥[ 100% Real Blonde ]♥ $100 special - 24
(Louisville, Outcalls and Incalls -So. Indiana)
♥[Stunning ]♥[ Pretty ]♥[ Sweet ]♥[ 100% Real Blonde ]♥ - 24
(Louisville, Outcalls and Incalls -So. Indiana)
Ms. KIWI★ Grade A+ ✔★ Back By POPULAR DEMAND!!★ ✔★ Toes & Fingers Currrl Here!! 859-382-0131 - 22
(Lexington, In & Outcalls)
your wish, your desire, your fantasy, is my command.. I dream of Lindsay. derby pleasure outcall - 22
(Louisville, Louisville and surrounding areas)
♥[Stunning ]♥[ Pretty ]♥[ Sweet ]♥[ 100% Real Blonde ]♥ - 24
(Louisville, Outcalls and Incalls -So. Indiana)
my oh my... beautiful dirty blonde lindsay ready to play.. discreet and sweet..out/In All Week - 21
(Louisville, hurstbourne area or to you!)
HoT IncALL with Ashley •Classy Vixen •-:•-:All¦:-• fOr :¦:-• YoU!!! Look its pretty pink & gushy! - 25
((HOLA PAPI)) CaLL Harley 💎💎ExotiC Brazillian babe Waitin to Please you in EvErY WaY! - 24
(Louisville, Louisville/My Place..Discreet Incall)
Sun 05 Jan
☆☆ Let Savannah take away those Monday Blues!! Call her soon before it's too late!! ☆ - 20
(Louisville, Louisville/So. Indiana Outcalls)
♥[Stunning ]♥[ Pretty ]♥[ Sweet ]♥[ 100% Real Blonde ]♥ $100 special - 24
(Louisville, Outcalls and Incalls -So. Indiana)
Busty, Beautiful, Smart & Funny!!! Dakota! Great Reviews ******* - 27
(Lexington, Lexington & Local Cities)
BeAuTiFuL BlOnDe💋, InCalls And OutCalls☎️Outgoing, Fun, 👀Looking For Fun, Or Just To Relax💞I'm It💋 - 27
(Louisville, Jeffersonville)
Sat 04 Jan
BAILEY is back!! AvAiLaBlE fOr InCaLlS && oUtCaLlS** MoNdAy NiGhT SpEcIaL!! *Call Now* - 20
(Louisville, Wherever you want me)
Just Arrived Highly Reviewed & Recommend Magic¤al blue eyed blonde beauty - 26
(Louisville, Louisville InCall & OutCall)
Fri 03 Jan
《《♡♡ *FANTASY *{[(F)]}* FRIDAY* ("Fulfill▪ Your▪ Fantasies▪ With▪ My▪ Southern▪ Comfort▪") ♡♡》》 - 28
College CO-ED California Party Girl Visiting 100%Real!! Its Me or Its Free! - 21
(Downtown Incall, Outcall, Louisville)
☆☆☆College Cutie all ALONE in the Big City ♡call tonight for WEEKEND SPECIAL☆☆☆ - 24
(Louisville, watterson east)
were the fun never ends! H°O°T°T° New pics *1-502-224-8186 call now! no regrets! - 27
(louisville, louisville ky)
((ExOTiC CuTiE)) CaLL PreTTy 502-457-7147 ExotiC Mami Waitin to Please you in EvErY WaY! - 24
(Louisville, Louisville /Private Residence)
Come let me show u wut its suppose to be like!! new number guys!! 5022245022 - 24
(Louisville, YuR pLaCe or MiN3)
Thu 02 Jan
★•♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ ☆ N.A.U.G.H.T.Y ~ N.E.V.E.R •☆•L.O.O.K.E.D ~ S.O. ~ N.I.C.E.¸★ ¸.•Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ☆ - 21
(Bardstown Rd Shepherdsville Downtown, Louisville)