Mon 27 Jan
CLiCk HERE ➜➜ⓑⓐⓓⓓⓔⓢⓣ° EXØTiC BABE👅💦👄 [[A-1 Skills]]🚫FAKE GIRLS WITH FAKE PICS!🚫🎯100% REAL! - 26
(Louisville, louisville incall ONLY)
🔅🔆SEXXXYYY 🔅🔆🔅ExoTic🌟 ⓑⓞⓜⓑⓢⓗⓔⓛⓛ 💋αναιℓαвℓє иσω! ✨🔝quality skilled 💜 🄱🄰🄱🄴😍🔅 🔆🔅🔆 - 24
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, here, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky)
Specials °•★•°o©• {SNEAK} °o©• {AWAY} °o©• {WITH} °o©• {ME} •©o°•★•° - 24
(Louisville, Louisville, Sou. Ind, Etown and Radcliff)
♥ Cold Nights ** Hot Ladies ♥ BROOKE ♥ Barbie♥ Sexy ♥ New 100% real Photo's ♥ - 36
(Louisville, Louisville, New Albany, Jeffersonville)
100 incalls! new number 5024727888! WHAT U SEE IS WHO U GET! - VICKY - 24
(Louisville, Westport rd & Herr Ln - Priv Resid)
Happy Angels are Now Open for Business! - 22
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, OutCall)
🈲❌🈲❌🈲❌🈲❌🈲❌DATE 910——262——8508❌🈲❌🈲❌🈲❌🈲❌ NEW YOUNG ASIAN 🈲❌🈲❌🈲❌🈲❌🈲❌🈲 FIRST DAY 🈲❌ - 23
(Blairwood RD▃▃▃ Hurstbourne Pkwy ▃▃▃rt64, Louisville)
WilD WeNsDAyS LatE NiTE SpeCiaLS - CaLL NoW FoR yOuR ApPoiNtMeNt .... NEW NUMBER - 28
(Louisville, EaST Louisville)
♡♥THE SEXY' SEXI' MiXeD DoMiNicaN MaMi♥♡(( 24/7 )) Best N The BusiNezz...GRoWN MeN WelCoMe!! - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)
100 incalls! new number 5024727888! WHAT U SEE IS WHO U GET! - VICKY - 24
(Louisville, Westport rd & Herr Ln - Priv Resid)
$150 WK DAY SPECIALS!!! LONELY??? Look NO further ..... LOVELY LAYLA is ready &wantin; 2 play! - 29
(Louisville, So. Indiana & Louisville area)
Mon 13 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
GRAND OPEN (NEW)🍋🍊🍇🍋🍊🍇🍋 36D SUPER BUSTY STUDENT 🍋🍊🍇🍋🍊🍇🍋 36D FANTASY Playmate 🍋🍊🍇🍋🍊🍇🍋 NEW OPEN 🍋🍊🍇🍋🍊🍇 - 19
(Louisville, 🌺🌺Brooks Incall🌺🌺917-770-9121)
*☆* =J_U_S_T= { SeXy } =W_H_A_T= {5☆ SeRViCe} =Y_O_U= {'n HoT} =N_E_E_D= *☆* - 22
(Lyndon/ Anchroage AREA)
Incalls only!!! ~ Need your toes curled, I'm sure I can do that for you. ~ 270-300-5282 - 21
(Louisville, Louisville / Incalls ONLY!!!)
100 incalls! UP EARLY!! WHAT U SEE IS WHO U GET! - 24
(Louisville, Westport rd & Herr Ln - Priv Resid)
Sat 11 Jan
Non-Rushed Session with the Girl next door
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
Professional Tiny cranium specialist! Early bird $100 incall. No gagn policy lol! Fun girl $100 $100 - 22
(Louisville, Hurstbourne-LV East In-Outcall)
** Come Play With Me!! ** Here to Please, Not Tease!! ** INCALL SPECIAL!! ** - 23
(Louisville, Louisville/S. Indiana)
█__BIG BUSTY √ BeaUTifUL √ dirrty¤BLOND€ ¤ CASSIE! ♡__█ ((24/7)) - 24
☆Late N!ght Satisfaction? IM THE 1 U NEED {T!GHT & JU!CY} *DON'T MISS* ♡RAYVEN♡ Call ME 502-296-9249 - 23
(Louisville, Incall/Outcall (Eastend) All Night)
iMA SUPER $OAkER All NATURAl REdhEAd lET ME MAkE it RAiN ON YU☔🌂💧 50$PECiAl$ iNCAllS/5029155032 - 23
(Louisville, Louisville/Gene synder/Dixie)
🌺🌺🌺🌺hot 34c Asian maid!!!!!! I want to be ur slave girl!!!! Flawless body - 24
(Louisville, Preston highway- Louisville -airport)
((HOLA PAPI)) CaLL Harley 💎💎ExotiC Brazillian babe Waitin to Please you in EvErY WaY! - 24
(Louisville, Louisville/My Place..Discreet Incall)
New Location 🏩 💸130hr/85hh/60qv💸 🌟24/7🌞🌙 💞👠Lingerie👙!Great Reviews 🎉 Incall - 31
(Louisville, Fern valley)
$100 BlonDe VixEn (INCALL AND OUTCALL) CALL BRITTANY 502-802-8296 ReaDy 2 PleaSe U 2 the MAX! - 23
Fri 10 Jan
You wont want anyone else, after you meet me!**!*! BRIANNA!**!*! - 22
(Louisville, Westport Rd. Herr Lane. by hwy, 264)
need a lil' foreplay baby? •☆➜CALL ME for SaTisfyiNg (SPECIALS)★ ╚» cLiCk HERE (($75 OUTCALL only!)) - 25
(Louisville, your bed,room,house,OR couch OUTCALLS !!)
It couldn't get better than this!!! Beautiful Brianna - 22
(Louisville, hwy 264 E. westport rd, ormsby)
▬▬▬▬▬✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ GRAND OPENING ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ SEXY 💋YOUNG 💋 Beautiful 💋 Asian SHOW GIRLS✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨▬▬▬▬▬ - 23
(502-732-0002 ❤ H 71 N.EXIT 44, Louisville)
Outcalls... Enjoy this rainy day in the comfort of your own home :) - 22
(Louisville, louisville westport rd)
Thu 09 Jan
$100 SpEciAL..OUTCALL ONLY.. AsK fOr STEPHANIE 812-258-8334 Super HoT Seductive BloNdE HottiE - 23
WHY WAIT? TEXT NOW! You will be glad you did! Sexy, additive, with personality to match! - 34
(Lexington, Richmond)
★ 【✔ NiCe AsS 】 ★ 【✔ SEXXY 】 ★ 【✔ NeW GiRl in ToWn 】100% REAL ★💗💗100 hh ToDaY OnLy 💗💗 - 21
(Louisville, Airport Incall Only)
~!~*~!~ Sweet ! ~!~*~!~Tasty ~!~*~!~ china ~!~*~!~ Doll ~!~*~!~ ! - 22
(come visit me or i can visit you)
Beautiful Blonde!! I'm Your Fantasy Come True; Drama Free.....Real Pics!!! Jeffersonville Area - 28