Mon 27 Jan
🎀Invite this busty adorable southern bomeshell over to keep you warm on this snowy night🎀 - 25
(Louisville, Louisville KY in your house🏡)
Gentleman I'm Candi. Do you have a sweet tooth and need to cure your craving? OUTCALLS ONLY - 25
(Louisville, Louisville KY in your house)
Talent Scouts and Recruiters Wanted! PAYING TOP DOLLAR!!!!!! Petite Models Wanted as well - 25
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, South FL and LA)
Become the Next Adult Star Safely Only Female Ran $800-$1000/day $20K/1st Mo. - 48
(Western Kentucky, Miami/LA)
► ► ► ► ► ► Come be transformed into an elite level escort in beautiful San Francisco - 99
(Louisville, San Francisco)
🎀Sexy brown eyed busty💋 brunette ultimate Southern belle🍭 Candi wants to play🍭🚗 OUTCALLS ONLY - 25
(Louisville, Louisville KY in your house🏡)
🎀Invite this busty adorable southern bomeshell over to keep you warm on this snowy night🎀 - 25
(Louisville, Louisville KY in your house🏡)
Gentleman I'm Candi. Do you have a sweet tooth and need to cure your craving? OUTCALLS ONLY - 25
(Louisville, Louisville KY in your house)
Talent Scouts and Recruiters Wanted! PAYING TOP DOLLAR!!!!!! Petite Models Wanted as well - 25
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, South FL and LA)
► ► ► ► ► ► Come be transformed into an elite level escort in beautiful San Francisco - 99
(Louisville, San Francisco)
Mon 13 Jan
♡♡Guys hurry and get a appointment with this adorable sexy and sweet busty southern Belle♡♡ - 25
(Louisville, Louisville KY in your house🏡)
Sun 12 Jan
🎀Invite this busty adorable southern bomeshell over to keep you warm on this snowy night🎀 - 25
(Louisville, Louisville KY in your house🏡)
Sat 11 Jan
CALLIE'*** SeXy*** NeVeR RuSh*** NeW PiCs*** HoT DEALS ***HoT!!! InCall Only - 24
(Louisville, NeWbUrG, BaRdStOwN Rd, HiGhLaNdS ArEa)
🎀Invite this Busty Burnette Bombshell Candi over to keep you warm on this cold night🎀
(Louisville, Louisville KY in your house🏡)
♡♡Relax and cool off with this refreshing sweet busty southern Belle of your dreams♡♡ - 25
(Louisville, Louisville KY in your house🏡)
Fri 10 Jan
need a lil' foreplay baby? •☆➜CALL ME for SaTisfyiNg (SPECIALS)★ ╚» cLiCk HERE (($75 OUTCALL only!)) - 25
(Louisville, your bed,room,house,OR couch OUTCALLS !!)
Become the Next Adult Star Safely Only Female Ran $800-$1000/day $20K/1st Mo. - 48
(Western Kentucky, Miami/LA)
SpEcIaLs Qs 50$ // Hh 70$// Fh 120$$// CaLl nOw 502/356/8542 CaLls OnLy PleAse! - 23
(jeffersonville five mins from louisville, Louisville)
Thu 09 Jan
Young hot petite girls wanted - 25
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, Miami)
🎀Invite this busty adorable southern bomeshell over to keep you warm on this snowy night🎀 - 25
(Louisville, Louisville KY in your house🏡)
🎀 Play with this breath taking busty little burnette you will never forget Candi🎀 - 25
(Louisville, Louisville KY in your house🏡)
♡♡Guys hurry and get a appointment with this adorable sexy and sweet busty southern Belle♡♡ - 25
(Louisville, Louisville KY in your house🏡)
ReAdY fOr YoU! Hh 75$/ Fh 125$/ Qs 50$// 502/356/8542 CaLls OnLy PlEaSe!! - 23
(jeffersonville five mins from louisville, Louisville)
Wed 08 Jan
ReAdY fOr YoU! Hh 75$/ Fh 125$/ Qs 50$// 502/356/8542 CaLls OnLy PlEaSe!! - 23
(jeffersonville five mins from louisville, Louisville)
Only Female Owned Adult Modeling Agency Hiring New Models Film/Magazines $20K/1st Mo. - 48
(Lexington, Miami/LA)
🎀 Play with this breath taking busty little burnette you will never forget Candi🎀 - 25
(Louisville, Louisville KY in your house🏡)
🎀 Need this Burnette playmate to cuddle with you tonight to keep you warm🎀 - 25
(Louisville, Louisville KY in your house🏡)
(*S* -W- *E* -E- *E* -T-) ♥ (*A* -N- *D*) ♥ (-A- *D* -D- *D* -I- *C* -T- *I* -V- *E*) - 31
Tue 07 Jan
♡♡Relax and cool off with this refreshing sweet busty southern Belle of your dreams♡♡ - 25
(Louisville, Louisville KY in your house🏡)
CASTING FOR REALITY TV SHOW - Miami adult film model house, 2-3 weeks, travel expenses fronted - 19
(Louisville, FL)
Forget a loan or Working a slow 9-5 to make $$...Go 2 another state 2 Escort..Up to 1,000 Cash daily - 35
(Louisville, your area)
Forget a loan or Working a slow 9-5 to make $$...Go 2 another state 2 Escort..Up to 1,000 Cash daily - 35
(Louisville, your area)
CASTING FOR REALITY TV SHOW - Miami adult film model house, 2-3 weeks, travel expenses fronted - 19
(Louisville, FL)
(*S* -W- *E* -E- *E* -T-) ♥ (*A* -N- *D*) ♥ (-A- *D* -D- *D* -I- *C* -T- *I* -V- *E*) - 31
need a lil' foreplay baby? •☆➜CALL ME for SaTisfyiNg (SPECIALS)★ ╚» cLiCk HERE (($75 OUTCALL only!)) - 25
(Louisville, your bed,room,house,OR couch OUTCALLS !!)
Let's cuddle up and get warm on this chilly Halloween night I'll be your sweet treat
(Louisville, Louisville KY in your house🏡)
Gorgeous BLONDE Playmate ♡☆♡ Magnetic Personality /w Mouth-Watering Skills ♡ SMOKING HOT SPECIALS! - - 29
(Louisville, airport area)
Mon 06 Jan
Gorgeous BLONDE Playmate ♡☆♡ Magnetic Personality /w Mouth-Watering Skills ♡ SMOKING HOT SPECIALS! - - 29
(Louisville, airport area)
► ► ► ► ► ► Come be transformed into an elite level escort in beautiful San Francisco - 99
(Louisville, San Francisco)
Sun 05 Jan
CALLIE'*** SeXy*** NeVeR RuSh*** NeW PiCs*** HoT DEALS ***HoT!!! InCall Only - 24
(Louisville, NeWbUrG, BaRdStOwN Rd, HiGhLaNdS ArEa)
Sat 04 Jan
🎀Invite this Busty Burnette Bombshell Candi over to keep you warm on this cold night🎀
(Louisville, Louisville KY in your house🏡)
Fri 03 Jan
🎀Sexy brown eyed busty💋 brunette ultimate Southern belle🍭 Candi wants to play🍭🚗 OUTCALLS ONLY - 25
(Louisville, Louisville KY in your house🏡)
🎀 Need this Burnette playmate to cuddle with you tonight to keep you warm🎀 - 25
(Louisville, Louisville KY in your house🏡)
Let's cuddle up and get warm on this chilly Halloween night I'll be your sweet treat
(Louisville, Louisville KY in your house🏡)
🎀 Play with this breath taking busty little burnette you will never forget Candi🎀 - 25
(Louisville, Louisville KY in your house🏡)
Thu 02 Jan