Sat 04 Jan
Fri 03 Jan
I'm everything a man would ever want 💯FREAKY💦wild💖💞Sexy and skilled RedBone🌹JAZMIN💕💖 - 22
(Louisville, Preston highway Lousiville ky fernvally)
💜T💙A💙Y💛L💜O💛 R 💛💙💜Perfect 🔟 💛💜Petite Treat💛 💜2💜4💙7 💜3 💛6💙5💛call me📞📞 last day - 23
(Louisville, Phillips ln💜💜$80 INCALL 💜💛 OUTCALLS ALSO)
TGIF lets get freaky its Friday spend some time with Missy Mercedes! - 39
(Louisville, 264 and taylorsville rd near east side)
SpecIaLs AlL daY..... YoU WONT b disPpoInTEd ... CaLl NoW fOr DIScoUnTs - 28
(Louisville, eaSt LouiSviLLE)
SPECIAL GREAT RATE 2Day!! ~*SeXy Italiana*~ Coke Bottle Figure NEW NUMBER!! - 25
(Louisville, Near Old/Jeff Co Line 3 min off 71N)
♡OUTCALL♡ (502)593*3186 Start slow and Last long!all night long! ○•°♡SeXy BaBi leave u with a smile♡ - 23
**OMG $75hh** Monday Morn. Madness!!! ONLY Till 3pm *DANNI DYNAMITE* VERY Fettish Friendly - 40
(Louisville, Close 2 Down Town (Indiana))
NEW number 931-266-7276 HoneyLove highly reviewed 60qk 80 20 min 100 hh 180 hour - 27
(Louisville, shepherdsville 15 mins from downtown Lou)
nEed To ReLax AftEr tHe HoLidAy lEt mE helP u ..... LaTe NiGhT sPeCiAl ...CaLl nOw - 28
(Louisville, eAst Louisville)
__________o Real Pleasure is Only 10 Digits Away !!!°o __________ - 24
(Louisville, Louisville & nearby cities)
Missy Mercedes Specials BEFORE 3pm Start your day off right! Lets have some fun - 39
(Louisville, 264 and taylorsville rd)
%$$$~MS. TexAs*eBonY*: *OnE of A KinD * ProMisE yOu I'll B£0w youR MIND*~ $$$ ~*%$$$*NeW piCs!New# - 21
(louisville, louisville ky)
*^*^MIXED*^*^* &*^*^ HOT^*^ Exotic*^ BLONDE/ Brunette N Town ---Treat 4 U*^*^ 2See
(Prospect, Hurstbourne, Jeffersontown)
Honest, Sweet & BEAUTIFUL!!~SeXy Italiana~ Taking Appts 2DAY!! Presidents Day Special Rate! - 25
(Louisville, 71N near Old-Jeff Co Line 3 Min off exit)
▬▬▬▬▬✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ GRAND OPENING ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ SEXY 💋YOUNG 💋 Beautiful 💋 Asian SHOW GIRLS✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨▬▬▬▬▬ - 23
(502-732-0002 ❤ H 71 N.EXIT 44, Louisville)
........ Hottie Kasey looking for Friends ...... 502-356-2130 - 24
(Louisville, louisville/outcalls/incalls)
👉✈️✈️ *[ FLIGHT]*✈️ 💋{TO} 💋🌴☀️* [PARADISE]*🌴☀️ Upscale Mixed Playmate💋 - 24
(Louisville, old louisville• Incalls & outcalls)
💋💋💋💋💋💋 GRAND OPENING 💝💝💝💝 VIP TOP CLASS💋💋 HOTTEST 💋💋 PERFECT Table Shower 💝💝💝💝💝💝 - 23
(502-732-0002 ❤ H 71 N.EXIT 44, Louisville)
《《♡♡ *FANTASY *{[(F)]}* FRIDAY* ("Fulfill▪ Your▪ Fantasies▪ With▪ My▪ Southern▪ Comfort▪") ♡♡》》 - 28
AwEsOmE SpEcIaL! IM N L'VILLE SeXy Italiana- Ask 4 SpEcIaL! HR Glass BoDy! Honest&Sweet;! - 26 - 26
(Louisville, East end)
absolutely No One Can Bring You The Bang Like "Danni Dynamite" You Will C fireworks!! $120hhr - 40
(Louisville, Close To Down Town)
**YouNg&EroTic;! Let me PLEASe you NOW!!my hands will make u melT√√***OutCall/incall√ - 21
(Louisville, incall/outcall)
NuNu ➡((Cute on OutSide↔WaRm On the InSiDe #1GeNtleMen's ChoiCe!! 💝💝 - 24
(Louisville, all areas louisville, palm springs)
📱RoYal Treatments 💸1 night special!! call to find out!!!👑 Queen just Enough🏆 - 24
(Louisville, Bardstown Road)
💜T💙A💙Y💛L💜O💛 R 💛80$💙80$💜Perfect 🔟 💛💜Petite Treat💛 💜2💜4💙7 💜3 💛6💙5💛call me📞📞 - 23
(Louisville, 💜 80$incall💜💛 Phillips ln)
Tan•Toned•Twins¥ upscale outcalls Wednesday night yummy playmates come n get it fellas! - 23
(Louisville, outcalls Lou and surrounding areas)
Tee times open for my course! Well manicured green! dont miss out,great reviews 812_697_8280 - 25
(Louisville, sou. indiana and lou.)
The ONE & ONLY ***** V ♥ E ♥ N ♥ U ♥ S ****** With The ♥♥♥ NEW & EXCITING ♥♥♥ LAYLA ♥♥♥ - 29
(Louisville, Outcall/Incall Airport)
THeRe iS No oTHeR LIKE Me: IM THE BEST @ WHAT!! (( :-* GREAT INCaLL SpeCiaLs ;-) )) @ 502- 835- 1682 - 31
💕 ThE🌸 eArLy🕖 BiRd🌟 GeTs 🌺ThE🍒 wOrM 💋 Morning 💲SpEcIAlzzz💲 5-11am. 💕 - 25
(Downtown U of L area, Louisville)
sTaRt YoUr SuNdAy OfF rIgHt SpEcIaLs AlL DaY .... AvAiLaBle NoW HeaVeNly HeaThEr ... ComE SeE Me - 28
(Louisville, Louisville East / AirpOrt AreA)
Sweetest Escape and greatest pleasure awake see you.! join now!! 502_837_6280 - 25
(louisville, where u wanna be... Seriously!!)
start your weekend with this sexy beauty - 19
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, 10 minutes away)
♡♥THE SEXY' SEXIEST' MiXeD DomiNicaN MaMi♥♡(( 24/7 )) SO DeliCiOuS!! BOOTY CuRValiCioUS!!♥♡ - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)
💜💙mixed💙💛Gorgeous💜💛 Upscale 💛💙💜Perfect 10💛💜Petite Treat💛 💜💜💙💜 (UP ALL NIGHT)💛💙💛call me☎ - 23
(Louisville, Airport/expo east💜💜💜💛💛Incall & out)
✰☆ Let me be the one to satisfy all your wants & needs☆✰ up all night hotel friendly & well reviewed - 28
(Louisville, Louisville hwy 65 fern valley airport)
IN/out CaLL aVaiLaBLe (($SPeCiaL$)) IM THe #1 COMPANION Of THe Yr SO-iM TOLD!!! ((502- 835- 1682)) - 31
(Louisville, IN/OUT CALL.. 24/7.. PLZ CALL NO TXTING.)
{{{♥LeT Me UPGraDe U♥}}} SUPeR SKiLLeD★, MiXeD , 100% INDePeNDeNT!! Da BaDDeST SeXi SeXi MaMi♥♡♥}}} - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)
CALL HARLEY 502-298-5851 (($100 INCALL AND OUTCALL )).. EvErYbOdY LoVeS a ScOrPiO..SeXy ViXeN - 25
(Louisville, Louisville/Arthur St. Exit...)
BLONDE BEAUTY • ☆ • • ☆ • ON • ☆ •• • DUTY • ☆ •• ☆: : ( (♡♡A V A i L A B L E ♡♡ ) BRIANNA - 22
(Louisville, Louisville ky outcall only)
BLONDE BEAUTY • ★ • • ★ • ON • ★ •• • DUTY • ★ •• ★: : ( (♥ ♥ ✅✅ A V A i L A B L E ✅✅ ♥ ♥ ) BRIANNA - 22
(Louisville, Louisville ky outcall only)
((BaCk FroM SpRing BreAk!! ((HoT,SeXi, SeXi MiXed)).↑UpScale TreatMent 2 GroWN MeN ONLY!♥♡ - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)
♡ V ♡ E ♡ N ♡ U ♡ S ♡ Come See ♥ SEXY ♥GUSHING ♥ SHOWS ♥ With A Beautiful Escort - 29
(Louisville, Outcall)
Super sexy Twin Lindsay waiting on u hand & foot. Hot Wednesday OC specials new pics comingsoon - 23
(Louisville, your place)
SPECIAL RATE! 5 STAR Reviews!! HOUR Glass BoDy!!! LONG BeAuTiFuL Hair!! - 25
(Louisville, East - 71N)