Fri 03 Jan
Sexy Chick Hot&ReadY; I GiVe U wHaT U wAnT SatiSfaCtiOn GuaranteeD CaLL Ebony 502-264-9067 - 25
(Louisville, Louisville/My Place or Yours)
SeXy LatiNa MaMi.. HavE U eveR MeT a SquirTter.. if nOt Call MyA 502°°457°°7147 Total Satisfaction! - 24
(Louisville, Louisville/Fern Valley Rd)
_______________ _______________ ☆ ____ SIMPLY ______ STUNNING! ____ ☆ ______________ __ - 22
eaRlY BIrD SpECiALS... CaLl NoW .... AvaIlAblE AlL dAY...neW NuMbER - 28
(Louisville, EaST Louisville)
»-★-» ELITE ♥ BRuNeTTe ♥ east end »-★-» {{ SpeCiaL }} 8a-6p BOOK EARLY - 25
(East End // Louisville)
DERBY WEEK SPEC ~ ☆ * come *see *a *REAL *thoroughbred 212 * 321 * oo61 - 19
(Louisville, FERN VALLEY/ preston hwy area in call)
Dakota is ready to show u what fun is and fulfilling your fantasies is her priority! - 37
(bardstown rd., Louisville)
Come Help Me Celebrate My Birthday ***DANNI DYNAMITE* Friday Morning Special 80hh 8am-5pm - 38
(Louisville, Close 2 Down Town (Indiana))
Come spend your holiday Monday with Missy Mercedes and a SPLASH! - 44
(Louisville, 264 and taylorsville rd)
Thu 02 Jan
💋Fetish Friendly...502-200-5760 .100% REAL pic★🌟💋 Sexy Puerto Rican Queen❤Text - 19
(Louisville, Louisville and surrounding areas)
sTrArt tHe nEw yEar OfF rIght ..... 2013 BAbY..... sPeCiAls AlL dAy ..CaLl nOw hEaveNly HeaThEr - 28
(Louisville, eAst Louisville)
St Matthews Own Ashlie Ryans Available This Weekend when ever you need me to be. - 26
(Mt Vernon rd & Woodmont dr (ST Mathews))
-------!! Sexy, Mature, Professional, Discreet, !!------------- - Call Lacey Babe - 42
(Louisville, Louisville East End)
Start your weekend off right come have some fun with Missy Mercedes and a SPLASH! - 44
(Louisville, 264 and taylorsville rd)
New PICsNEW number 502-999-1164 HoneyLove highly reviewed 80 20 min 100 hh 180 hour - 27
(Louisville, shepherdsville 15 mins from downtown Lou)
*%%*%%*%-%*OH SO**GOOD**% *%% *%*%-%*%*%new pics - 25
(Louisville, Louisvile/New Albany/Clarksville)
Monday Madness Spec. w/ **DANNI DYNAMITE** From Soft & Sensual 2 Mild 2 Wild Dom & Toy Play As Well. - 40
(Louisville, In Indiana W/ Out Call Avail)
NuNu ➡((Cute on OutSide↔WaRm On the InSiDe #1GeNtleMen's ChoiCe!! 💝💝 - 24
(Louisville, Louisville, all areas)
*No * BS * Just * A * Whole * Lot * Of (***) The "HOTTEST MILF" Around & Doing Out Calls - 36
(Louisville, Where U Need Me To Be! *IN./KY.*)
%*~ $$$~mS. tExAs : * : AkA *Ms. gEt U rItE*~ $$$ ~*%~*%$$$*NeW piCs! - 21
(louisville, louisville ky)
♡♥MORNING SPECIALS! Model beauty + killer lil body + great attitude! Start your day the RIGHT way! - 25
~!~! HeY ItS MELANIE aNd iTs my B-dAy.... Soooo lets PaRtY!!! - 24
(Louisville, Louisville/Newburg Rd., Southern Indiana)
Foxy Brunette twin Playmate making fantasies cometrue IC/OC up late Thursday! 24/7 - 23
(Louisville, your place guys!)
EvEnING & LaTe NiTe SpECiaLs . u WoNt B dIsAppointed .... sEe wAt u HaVe bEen MisSing ... cAlL nOw - 28
(Louisville, east Louisville)
double your pleasure or one on one fun!Denver has a new playmate today only! also availablesolo - 30
(louisville, Downtown Louisville)
💎FuLl SaTiSfAcTiOn💎 sExY & sKiLlEd🍓 RoUnd AsS🍒 bIg TiTs 💋PrIsTiNe 👑 CoMpAnIoN InCaLl OnLy - 23
(Louisville, Preston/ Fern valley rd)
.Be AuTiFuL S-E-X-X-Y- HOT PLaY m ate - 32
(Louisville, Incall ... St hurstbourne Ln)
23 5 STAR REVIEWS! ALWAYS IN LINGERIE! big 34DD breasts! discreet private apartment! BRUNETTE AGAIN! - 21
(Louisville, NEW APRTMT!! hurstbourne/ bardstown road)
*Sweet , Sexy ,Seductive *Very EXCLUSIVE,,,,, Ready to have fun - 30
(Louisville, Louisville ky ,IN AND OUT)
♡Relax + take ur time! Never rushed +. I always leave u 100% Satisified or ur •$• Back!»°•° - 19
(Louisville, Downtown Louisville)
S P E C I A L S▒ ▓ ❥ U P S C A L E❥ ▒ ▓ ❥❥ E B O N Y ❥ ❥ P L A Y M A T E ▒ ▓ S E X Y P I C S▒▓ - 21
(Louisville, Incall/ Outcall)
Come And See For Urself Why All My Clients Need A Little Bit Of ***{ "DANNI DYNAMITE" }*** $90 Spec. - 38
*Tantalizing Tayla & Kinky Kyla* DONT MISS You CHANCE With 2 Beautiful Ladies ,' ) - 18
♡♥THE SEXY' SEXI' MiXeD DoMiNicaN MaMi♥♡(( 24/7 ))Do U LiKE AZZ AZZ AZZ??? GRoWN MeN WelCoMe!!!! - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)
《《♡♡ *THIRSTY *{[(T)]}* THURSDAY*("Quench▪ Your▪ Thirst▪ Taste▪ My▪ Southern▪ Comfort▪") ♡♡ 》》 - 28
sUpEr SaTuRdAy lAtE nIGhT sPeCiAL AvAlIAbLe ImMeAdiAtLy .. " HeaVeNlY HeAthER" CaLl NoW - 28
(Louisville, eAst Louisville)
♡♥THE SEXY' SEXY' MiXeD DomiNicaN MaMi♥♡((( 24/7 ))) GROWN MeN WelCoME! I MaKE ThE LolliPOP!))) - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)
《《♡♡ *TASTY *{[(T)]}* TUESDAY* ("Come▪ Savor▪ The▪ Taste▪ Of▪ My▪ Southern▪ Comfort▪") ♡♡》》 - 28
☆ThE WoMaN N Me ☆NeEdS ThE MaN In U ☆RiDiCuLuS $PeC!AL$ ☆ - 21
(Louisville, In nd outcalls welcome ;-))
The ebony energizer bunny with a [GØRG€ØU§ FAC€ & KiLL€R CURV€§] -im BACK !!' - 21
(Louisville, Incall & Outcall)
Missy Mercedes Specials Start your weekend off right! Lets have some fun TGIThursday - 39
(Louisville, 264 and taylorsville rd)
💜💙mixed💙💛Gorgeous💜💛 Upscale 💛💙💜Perfect 10💛💜Petite Treat💛 LEAVING💜 80hh💜💙💜 (UP ALL NIGHT)💛💙💛call me☎ - 23
(Louisville, PRESton💜80hh💜💜170hr💛💛Incall only)
MISS LOVELY DOME il be in town for derby apt only= special$ !!!!! Limited!!! - 22
(louisvill,lexington,newalbany, cicinatti)
MISS LOVELY DOME visting still here and ready to get dirty !!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 22
(louisvill,lexington,newalbany, cicinatti)
LAST Time 2 See XXX STAR CODY LANE for a year or more in this area! Good Rate Dont Miss Out!! - 22
(Louisville/Lexington, KY)
Jade is in all night to satisfy your needs so call now to set an appointment 😘👄💘❤👅💝❣🌸🌹🏵🌼🌷⚘ - 26
(Eastend, Louisville)
BLONDE BEAUTY • ★ • • ★ • ON • ★ •• • DUTY • ★ •• ★: : ( (♥ ♥ ✅✅ A V A i L A B L E ✅✅ ♥ ♥ ) BRIANNA - 22
(Louisville, Louisville ky outcall only)
Best n Town! SuPeR 💘SeXy ⭐️ToP NoTcH ⭐️JaW DrOpPiNg ⭐️EbOnY BoMbSheLL... Quality 💘 Is HERE!!👈 - 26
(Louisville, hurstbourne and 64)
★ BARBIE __________ (¯`'•.¸ ♥ ¸.•'´¯) KiILLER ♥ CURVES (¯`'•.¸ ♥ ¸.•'´¯) _________ THE BOMBSHELL★ - 21
(Louisville, Hurstbourne Incall : ))