Fri 10 Jan
☆u owe it 2 urself☆💯%discreet&safe; - I C u& i N ur future -🔮-1 call away☆TriNa☆502•281•2391☆ - 25
(Louisville, Louisville,Ky,40211)
**YouNg&EroTic;! Let me PLEASe you NOW!!my hands will make u melT√√***OutCall/incall√ - 21
(Louisville, incall/outcall)
**YouNg&EroTic;! Let me PLEASe you NOW!!my hands will make u melT√√*** - 23
(Louisville, southern, IN , louisville, KY)
NuNu ➡((Cute on OutSide↔WaRm On the InSiDe #1GeNtleMen's ChoiCe!! 💝💝 - 24
(Louisville, all areas louisville, palm springs)
♡♥THE SEXY' SEXI' MiXeD DoMiNicaN MaMi♥♡(( 24/7 ))Do U LiKE AZZ AZZ AZZ??? GRoWN MeN WelCoMe!!!! - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)
♡♥THE SEXY' SEXI' MiXeD DoMiNicaN MaMi♥♡(( 24/7 )) Best N The BusiNezz...GRoWN MeN WelCoMe!! - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)
Tee times open for my course! Well manicured green! dont miss out,great reviews 812_697_8280 - 25
(Louisville, sou. indiana and lou.)
The ONE & ONLY ***** V ♥ E ♥ N ♥ U ♥ S ****** With The ♥♥♥ NEW & EXCITING ♥♥♥ LAYLA ♥♥♥ - 29
(Louisville, Outcall/Incall Airport)
(¯`'·.¸♔ ¸.·'´¯) ( T= H= E _ R= O= Y= A=L _ T= R= E= A= T= M= E= N= T ) (¯`'·.¸♔ ¸.·'´¯ - 23
Specials tonight only.. i promise to amaze u with my skillz come play - 26
(Louisville, near churchill downs)
♡♥THE SEXY' SEXIEST' MiXeD DomiNicaN MaMi♥♡(( 24/7 )) SO DeliCiOuS!! BOOTY CuRValiCioUS!!♥♡ - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)
Louisvilles Hottest MILF "***DANNI DYNAMITE***" :-)"**$75 HH Sessions Sun (Regular Clients)**"" - 36
(Louisville, East End / Hurstbourne Area)
❤❤❤💚💙◆◆💥LOOKING FOR YOUNG GIRLS💥◆◆💙💚⚡️◆◆HERE ◆◆⚡️💚💙◆◆💙💚◆◆REAL BEST◆◆💚💙◆◆Tableshower◆◆💙 - 23
(502-732-0002 ❤ H 71 N.EXIT 44, Louisville)
💎NaUgHtY but ClAsSy ~💙LoOkInG fOr DaDdY~💎ReAdY nOw$100 hh$ $60qv In call only - 23
(Louisville, Preston/ Fern valley rd)
LYNNLI is back in town an ready to party🌟very open-minded🌟 - 30
(Louisville, louisville ky, inn calls only5025942719)
Need relief~wanna tingle;) hv some tongue&fun; this way~sexy bbw!Great rate! - 37
(Lexington, frankfort)
🍒🍒Let Me Fulfill Your Needs🍓💖 Quality Companion💎 Sexy & Skilled I💋n call Only - 23
(Louisville, Preston/ Fern valley rd)
its me im back the one and only honey red 🌟very open-minded🌟 - 30
(Louisville, louisville ky, inn calls only5022035190)
♡ Last Day ♡ VIP Brooke Monroe ::: All American Busty Blonde Caucasian ♡♡♡ Many Great Reviews ♡ - 30
(Louisville, Upscale East End // Hurstbourne)
lAtE nigHt sPeCiAlS AlL nIgHt ... lET mE sAtiSfY U ... AppTs iMmeaDiatlY CaLl nOw hEaveNly HeaThEr - 28
(Louisville, eAst Louisville)
eaRLY biRd sPecIaLS .. sTaRT ur DAy ofF rIGHt AvAlIAbLe ImMeAdiAtLy .. " HeaVeNlY HeAthER" CaLl NoW - 28
(Louisville, eAst Louisville)
Best n Town! SuPeR 💘SeXy ⭐️ToP NoTcH ⭐️JaW DrOpPiNg ⭐️EbOnY BoMbSheLL... Quality 💘 Is HERE!!👈 - 26
(Louisville, hurstbourne and 64)
BLONDE BEAUTY • ★ • • ★ • ON • ★ •• • DUTY • ★ •• ★: : ( (♥ ♥ ✅✅ A V A i L A B L E ✅✅ ♥ ♥ ) BRIANNA - 22
(Louisville, Louisville ky outcall only)
Blue Eyed Italian Mami Thick In All The RIGHT PLACE $80 SPECIALS OUTCALLS ONLY - 25
(ALL OVER, Louisville)
BLONDE BEAUTY • ☆ • • ☆ • ON • ☆ •• • DUTY • ☆ •• ☆: : ( (♡♡A V A i L A B L E ♡♡ ) BRIANNA - 22
(Louisville, Louisville ky outcall only)
BIG BOOTY WHITE GIRL TARA CHERRY ☆all the toe curling skills you need ☆100$ HH SPECIAL - 24
I'm back🌟must see🌟open-minded🌟inn calls only - 29
(Louisville, Louisville near airport, inn calls only)
(($He S~q~U~i~R~t~S!)) (($100)) StEaMiN HoT InCaLL wiTh HaRLeY ((PeTiTe ReDhEaD MaMi)) - 24
HeY EaRLy BiRD!! SWeeT playmate~ EaGeR 2 PLeaZe~ HoT & ReaDy NoW - 20
Im Ashanti Im NeW bUt*☆ I'll mAkE ☆ YouR ☆DReaMS☆ C0Me TrUe ☆*▄*☆ - 20
(Louisville, Incall or outcall specials)
19 5 STAR REVIEWS! ALWAYS IN LINGERIE! big 34DD breasts! discreet private apartment! BRUNETTE AGAIN! - 21
(Louisville, NEW APRTMT!! hurstbourne/ bardstown road)
H}O}T _________eXOTic _______ H}O}T _________eXOTic _______ H}O}T _________eXOTic _______ H}O}T _ - 23
(OUTCALL 24/7)
S P E C I A L S▒ ▓ ❥ U P S C A L E❥ ▒ ▓ ❥❥ E B O N Y ❥ ❥ P L A Y M A T E ▒ ▓ S E X Y P I C S▒▓ - 21
(Louisville, Incall/ Outcall)
GeT OuT ThE CoLd ReLaX WiTh Me I GiVe u WhaT u WanT SaTisfactioN GuarenteeD CaLL Becca - 25
(Louisville, Louisville/Private Residence)
▬▬▬▬▬✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ GRAND OPENING ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ SEXY 💋YOUNG 💋 Beautiful 💋 Asian SHOW GIRLS✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨▬▬▬▬▬ - 23
(502-732-0002 ❤ H 71 N.EXIT 44, Louisville)
G-O-O-G-L-E me Research Me, you'll find me Click them keys and Google me! 100% Real! - 26
(Louisville, hurstbourne&64 incall Only..I'm BACK!!)
👉✈️✈️ *[ FLIGHT]*✈️ 💋{TO} 💋🌴☀️* [PARADISE]*🌴☀️ Upscale Mixed Playmate💋 - 24
(Louisville, old louisville• Incalls & outcalls)
💦👅FOREIGN TREAT👅💦 ‼️Making it HARD for others to COMPETE‼️ !NEW PICS! - 21
(Lexington, In call lexington)
!!!!HOT SEXY TAN BEAUTIFUL KARMA Ready To Fufill Your Wildest Dreams!!!!!!! - 26
(Louisville, Outcalls only tonight)
Foxy Brunette twin Playmate making fantasies cometrue IC/OC up late Thursday! 24/7 - 23
(Louisville, your place guys!)
📱RoYal Treatments 💸1 night special!! call to find out!!!👑 Queen just Enough🏆 - 24
(Louisville, Bardstown Road)
♡Relax + take ur time! Never rushed +. I always leave u 100% Satisified or ur •$• Back!»°•° - 19
(Louisville, Downtown Louisville)
👏$100👏💖TH¡CK & S€X¥ R€DBON€✓ AMAZ¡NG Body *ExxoTiC* ✓ NiC€ FAT @SS R£@L PiX - 22 - 25
(Louisville, louisville OUTCALL ONLY)
******* SEDUCTIVE Sweet Classy N sassy NATIVE AMERICAN PRINCESS******** - 26
(Louisville, 264 & Preston Hwy)
R u lookin to have an unforgettable night with a thick beautiful woman? Wat r u waitin 4, call now - 26
(Louisville, Louisville n surrounding areas)
~PLUS SIZE BEAUTY~5 Star Ratings~Treat yourself to the BEST BBW in the business~100 Specials~ - 23
+ ((OnE)) + {"♥"} + ((BaDD)) + {"♥"} + BRUNETTE + TueSDAY - 25
(East endBardtown Road & Hurstbourne Lane)
Pure Pleasure; SATISFACTION all the time; Im ur 1 in a million TREAT; Come find out how and why!!!!! - 31
$100 ~ EvErYtHiNg U De$iRe AnD MoRe frOm A bLoNdE »» STeAmiN HoT iNcALL WiTh LaCiE CaLL - 23
($100hhr) Mild 2 Wild💖There's Nothing 💖That 💖DANNI DYNAMITE💖Can't Handle* *Amazing Reviews - 40
(Louisville, Closer 2 DnTown (in Indiana) IN CALL)
$100 PrEtTy, PinK, JuiCy, TiGgHhT PaY mE RiGhT iF iM yOuR TyPe! CaLL GiNgEr 502-802-8335 - 23
Thu 09 Jan
💋Fetish Friendly...502-200-5760 .100% REAL pic★🌟💋 Sexy Puerto Rican Queen❤Text - 19
(Louisville, Louisville and surrounding areas)
💋 💎Curvy Asian Goddess •°• S€×¥ & SW€€T•°•{Let's have us a good time} CALL NOW!!!!📞📞 - 26