Wed 08 Jan
Wed Afternoon *80hh/130hr* (502 528~9585) Louisville's Hottest "MILF" ** "DANNI DYNAMITE" $80/$1 - 38
(Louisville, Close 2 Down Town (Indiana))
ೋ _*U_N_L_ I_M _I_T_E_D*_ ೋ _*P_L_E_A_ S_U_R_E*_ ೋ $$$ 100 SpeCiAls $$$ - 24
(Louisville, Airport area. INCALL & OUTCALL)
sexy 22 very experienced open minded doll ready for you sexy new pics forget the rest get the best - 22
(louisville, airport)
SeXy LatiNa MaMi.. HavE U eveR MeT a SquirTter.. if nOt Call MyA 502°°457°°7147 Total Satisfaction! - 24
(Louisville, Louisville/Fern Valley Rd)
💜outcALL NIGHT💜💜sexy exotic THick with Amazing tricks💜💜ILL leave u pleased 💜 $70hhspecial - 23
(Louisville, Louisville/Indiana areas accepted)
♡♥REAL Model beauty + killer lil body! 5PM-10PM 3 KINDS OF SESSIONS 2 CHOOSE ALL UNDER 100! - 25
•°o♥ MY ♥o°• CANDY • °o♥o°• SHOP •°IS°• OPEN •°o♥o °• •°o♥ 80 SPEC - 19
(Louisville, noth east westport rd in calls)
outcall Specials Want to start slow and last long!!! SEXY BABI LEAVE U WITH A SMILE!!!OUTCALLS also - 22
R u lookin to have an unforgettable night with a thick beautiful woman? Wat r u waitin 4, call now - 25
(Louisville, Louisville n surrounding areas)
One Hot , Wild, Sexy & Freakishly MILF Lookin To Have Some Fun !!! Low Flat Rates !!! - 36
(Louisville, In Call in Clarksville/ Also Out Calls)
$$$$$$$$$ NEW PICS OF KARMA $$$$$$$$ If You Want A DIRTY, FUN, REAL Girl then call me!!!!!!! - 26
(Louisville, fern valley and 65)
$130 NEVER Go For Second Best When "DANNI'S IN" I Have The Most Amazing Sessions!!! SPECIAL $130 HR. - 34
(Louisville, Close To Down Town)
502-281-2391 ☆dressed👙 2 impress & lonely- workin NOW 2 pleasure yoU👀💯♨👅💋 - 25
(Louisville, Louisville•Shivley•cane run rd.)
Tue 07 Jan
♡ V ♡ E ♡ N ♡ U ♡ S ♡ Come See ♥ SEXY ♥GUSHING ♥ SHOWS ♥ With A Beautiful Escort - 29
(Louisville, Outcall)
VisiTing * H}O]T] *___ *ExOtiC * MiXeD **jaMAicaN / aSiAn ______*** H}O]T] __ H}O]T] __ H}O *** - 23
Visting form FL. •♥• [ BUSTY ] •♥• [ SWEET ] •♥• [ UPSCALE ] •♥• [ SWEET BABE ] •♥• - 20
WEEKEND SPECIAL ~*SeXy Italiana*~ Coke Bottle Figure!! - 25
(Louisville, near oldham/jefferson line)
❤❤❤❤❤We Know How To Make U Happy ❤ Heavenly Touch and More+ ❤ Sexy Young Girls ❤ Amazing Service ❤❤❤ - 23
(502-732-0002 ❤ H 71 N.EXIT 44, Louisville)
💜outcALL NIGHT💜💜sexy exotic THick with Amazing tricks💜💜ILL leave u pleased 💜 $70hhspecial - 23
(Louisville, Louisville/Indiana areas accepted)
LYNNLI is back in town an ready to party🌟very open-minded🌟 - 30
(Louisville, louisville ky, inn calls only5025942719)
MISS LOVELY DOME here again visting 4 a D@Y r 2 200$ special$ !!!!! Limited!!! - 22
(louisvill,lexington,newalbany, cicinatti)
💋LiGhT sKiN BeAuTy💋 🍭TaStE 👅 mY CaNdY🍭 sO ADdiC+iV€ & JuiCy🍑🍑 - 24
(Louisville, Incalls & outcalls downtown)
$$$*Ms. TexAs:: *SweeT Like Sugar..tHis CandY wiLl havE u SPRUNG* NeW pIcS $$$New# - 21
Need relief~wanna tingle;) hv some tongue&fun; this way~sexy bbw!Great rate! - 37
(Lexington, frankfort)
MID WEEK SPECIAL 2Day ONLY ~*SeXy Italiana*~ Coke Bottle Figure!! - 25
(Louisville, near oldham /jefferson line)
I'm ready for u sexy baby leave you with a smile come see what heavens like!! - 24
(Louisville, rodeway inn)
▬▬▬▬▬▬♥ IN / OUT Special$♡ SeXy Petite HOT Mami 💋.♡ 【➊ØØØ% REAL #1 Exotic Pℓαγmαtε ♥ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ - 21
(Louisville, My Place OR Yours (65/80))
~LATE NIGHT FUN with BELLA - (150 full hr. SPECIAL) Available Now @##502 221 0724~INCALL ~Up L8** - 24
(Louisville, INCALL)
lAtE nigHt sPeCiAlS AlL nIgHt ... lET mE sAtiSfY U ... AppTs iMmeaDiatlY CaLl nOw hEaveNly HeaThEr - 28
(Louisville, eAst Louisville)
lAtE nIte sPeCiaLs .. u WoNt B dIsAppointed .... sEe wAt u HaVe bEen MisSing ... cAlL nOw - 28
(Louisville, east Louisville)
(( HeLLo UPdATed))) SeXi SeDucTiVe MiXeD, RelaX&UnWinD;,♥♡SweeT & DisCreeT♥♡ - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)
EverythINg U nEed aNd MOre ... AvAilAblE imMeAdiAtLY .. SpEcIaLs AlL DaY..." HeaVeNlY HeAthER" - 28
(Louisville, EaST Louisville)
💎502's Finest Philly: Mizz Monroe ❇ Top Notch Thoroughbred 💎out,2LadyLuxury calls available - 30
(Louisville, Louisville & Surrounding)
(($75)) Hola Papi ExOTiC CuTiE With BooTy Waitin to Please U in EvErY WaY..CaLL LoLLi 502-953-2443 - 25
(Louisville, Louisville/Private Residence/Incall Only)
@@New!★💋Fetish Friendly.* 100% REAL pic★🌟💋 Sexy Puerto Rican❤Text me (502-443-7361 - 18
(Louisville, Louisville and surrounding areas)
Perfect hourglass curves with skin so soft to the touch. A real woman waitin to treat u like a KING! - 22
(Louisville, Southern Indiana/Louisville)
outcall Specials Want to start slow and last long!!! SEXY BABI LEAVE U WITH A SMILE!!!OUTCALLS also - 22
•°o♥ MY ♥o°• CANDY • °o♥o°• SHOP •°IS°• OPEN •°o♥o °• •°o♥ 80 SPEC - 19
(Louisville, noth east westport rd in calls)
R u lookin to have an unforgettable night with a thick beautiful woman? Wat r u waitin 4, call now - 25
(Louisville, Louisville n surrounding areas)
Q. K 60spl ~BiG bOOtY LoVeR$• {TAKE a PEeK} • —• {THiCK} • —• {You'll Loves Me Best} leaving tonight - 21
(Louisville, Near Airport 100/160 INCALLS ONLY)
R u lookin to have an unforgettable night with a big booty, beautiful woman? Running specials - 27
(Louisville, Louisville n surrounding areas)
Come See Why They Call Me. ****"DANNI DYNAMITE" **** Can U Handle Me? - 36
(Louisville, CLOSE TO DOWN TOWN)
check out todays special rate ~*SeXy Italiana*~ Coke Bottle Figure!! - 25
(Louisville, near oldham/jefferson line)
☆•☆• BLONDE BEAUTY • ☆ • • ☆ • ON • ☆ •• • DUTY • ☆ •• ☆: : ( (♡♡A V A i L A B L E ♡♡ ) BRIANNA - - - 22
(Louisville, Louisville ky outcall only)
📱RoYal Treatments 💸1 night special!! call to find out!!!👑 Queen just Enough🏆 - 24
(Louisville, Bardstown Road)
🛀Relax & Unwind💆 (60)qk (100)unrushed 🔥(a-1) skillZ giVe yoU cHills❄ - 21
(Louisville, fern creek (Louisville))
💜T💙A💙Y💛L💜O💛 R 💛80$💙80$💜Perfect 🔟 💛💜Petite Treat💛 💜2💜4💙7 💜3 💛6💙5💛call me📞📞 - 23
(Louisville, 💜 80$incall💜💛 Phillips ln)
Thank God It's Friday... Party with the #1...The Realist Latin Queen Nadia! 812-557-2305 - 27
(Louisville, Southern Indiana/ Louisville)
Sweet, Sexy Red H**D Lookin For A Little U Know... NO BS Just Alot Of *** $75HH Till Midnight.... - 36
(Louisville, CLOSE TO DOWN TOWN out calls as well)
Tan•Toned•Twin¥ upscale OC Saturday nite smokin hot playmates come n get it fellas! - 23
(Louisville, airport area or to you!)
THeRe iS No oTHeR LIKE Me: IM THE BEST @ WHAT!! (( :-* GREAT INCaLL SpeCiaLs ;-) )) @ 502- 835- 1682 - 31
♛T° °O° °P° _____ °O° °F° _____°T° H °E ° _____ °L °I° °N° °E - 19
(Louisville, east louisville/ incall outcall)
sTaRt YoUr SuNdAy OfF rIgHt SpEcIaLs AlL DaY .... AvAiLaBle NoW HeaVeNly HeaThEr ... ComE SeE Me - 28
(Louisville, Louisville East / AirpOrt AreA)
- :¦:- ThE : ° f° R°e° A ° k °I ° e° S° t° ° -:¦ :- g °I ° r° L° **e° V°E°r ^^ WiTh *** CLass! - 24
Tan•Toned•Twins¥ upscale outcalls Monday night smokin hot playmates come n get it fellas! - 23
(Louisville, outcalls Lou and surrounding areas)
SwEET pEtiTe cHocoLATE dROp thIcK n ALL thE rIGht plaCes - 21
(Louisville, Where you need to be right now)
♡♥THE SEXY' SEXI' MiXeD DomiNicaN MaMi♥♡(( 24/7 ))So DeliCiOUS((GrOWn MeN WeLCoME!!!)) - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)
**Tayla 18** , Beautiful, Freaky and Tantalizing! Amazing 2 Girl Available Also! Dont Miss Us Men! - 18
One Hot, Sexy & Freakishly Wild MILF Lookin To Have A Little (***) Will B Workin Till 10pm. - 36
(Louisville, In Call in Clarksville/ Also Out Calls)
*^*^MIXED*^*^* &*^*^ SEXY^*^ Exotic*^ BLONDE/ Brunette N Town ---Treat 4 U*^*^ 2See
(Hurshbourne/ Jefferson)
N E W °G O R G E O U S ×°×° H O T T I E - 21
♡♥MORNING SPECIALS! Model beauty + killer lil body + great attitude! Start your day the RIGHT way! - 25
💋LiGhT sKiN BeAuTy💋 🍭TaStE 👅 mY CaNdY🍭 sO ADdiC+iV€ & JuiCy🍑🍑 - 24
(Louisville, Incalls & outcalls downtown)
💋Lets EnD This Day RiGhT‼️Body Like NO Other & 👅 Skills That Will Do More Than Satisfy💦 Naughty💋 - 26
(In call only, Louisville)