Mon 27 Jan
💎ThE ToTaL PaCkAgE🎁💄 ❤HoT🔹YoUnG🔹ReAdY..TeXt Or CaLl Me BaBy📞..OuTcAlLs OnLy 👑👠➡NO HoTeLS✖✖ - 22
(Bowling Green)
I'M ALL YOURS ~~~ SOPHIA ~~~ Let Me Make You Feel Special ~~ OUTCALL - 28
(Louisville, OUTCALL ONLY Louisville & close by)
I'm available LaTe night's & EaRLy mornings - 25
(Louisville, I like smart men who know what they want)
———— ❀ —— ✧ PRETTY EBONY BLONDE BBW ISO SUGAR DADDY ✧ ——— ❀ — - 99
(Louisville, Plus Sized Beauty for BIG, Bold, FUN!)
Specials⏩🅱Rand🆕I❤2 Be Nasty !↪🆙scale↩ 💯% ReAL PiCs💧SLippEry when W3T💧Sweet Like 🍬 Catch Me While You - 21
(Louisville, Expo-Airport)
Simply beautiful, former model... Call me, im so lonely tonight! - 24
(Louisville, Wherever you want me)
LoSt My PhOnE! NeW nUmBeR! Beautiful Blonde Lindsay MaKiNg DrEaMs CoMe TrUe all day/night! - 21
(Louisville, east end or to you)
I'm a N@aaSty GoOd giRL.Im available Late Night's & Early Mornings ... CALL me When you're ready - 25
(Louisville, I'm 15-20mins from most areas incalls)
I'M ALL YOURS ~~~ HEATHER ~~~ Let Me Make You Feel Special ~~ OUTCALL - 24
(louisville, OUTCALL ONLY Louisville & close by)
Busty BLONDE All-American Shemale Nympho, TAKE ADVANTAGE of my youth and innocence.
(Indiana upscale incall)
>>> GUARANTEED BEST Time You Will Experience. READY When You Are , YY !!
(Louisville, Louisville, Ky)
********** Alluring Allison_** HOT **** YOURS Now TONITE !!! ******* - 22
(Louisville and surrounding areas)
««¢2Girls Incall ◢ ☆◤◢◤SEXY HOLLY With Girlfriend Back IN TOWN ☆ CARMEL ◢◤◢ ☆ ◤◢◤ - 22
(louisville, Hurstbourne)
ღ1 Day only..Tuesday the 22cd! Please let me know if U R interested! Pics & Reviews! - 27
(($75)) Hola Papi ExOTiC CuTiE With BooTy Waitin to Please U in EvErY WaY..CaLL LoLLi 502-953-2443 - 25
(Louisville, Louisville/Private Residence/Incall Only)
:: (( ♥ ♥ 100% REAL♥ ♥ )) :: (( ♥ BUSTY & TALL ♥ )) :: (( ♥ BLONDE♥ )) :: (( ♥ $PECAIL$♥ )) - 22
(Louisville, Louisville area outcalls)
🌟☎502-656-9071☎🌟 Rylee Available Now!!♡ 🌟🌟NEW PRIVATE LOCATION! CALL NOW! 🌟🌟 - 24
(Louisville, Dixie Hwy off the Watterson Expressway)
🌹 ᑎEᗯ 🅿️ⓘX📸 ƘᎥИƘУ😻 MiXeD 🎎 DoLL SLi🅿️✊🏾💦t!ght ❤️❤️ ⓙⓤⓘⓒⓨ ßᎾᎾŦY ❌-Rα†εd ρℓαγℳαt€ - 24
♥☆♥ CoMe StArT uR wEeKeNd OfF rIgHt WiTh SwEeT sExY pEtiT KARMEN♥☆♥ - 23
(Louisville, Louisville/my place or yours)
I'm available LaTe night's & EaRLy mornings - 25
(Louisville, I like smart men who know what they want)
💎WHY GAMBL€ 🍑 WH€N I'M A SUR€ WIN 💎»——»🍒 The PERFECT Treat ★ Hotel Friendly 📞 AVAILABLE ANYTIME - 19
(Louisville, Yours Or Mine)
won't be available after to night so don't miss out by not coming to see me - 28
(Louisville, My place or yours Southend of Louisville)
【TRY ME 】▬❶ SeXy 🔥ADDiCTiVE🌟#⃣1⃣CHOiCE‼️ S💨M💨Ø💨ƙ💨ł💨₦💨G🔥ҤØŦ_☜ ⓣⓘⓖⓗⓣ•ⓙⓤⓘⓒⓨ 💦🍓 LATINA 🍒➜➋*➍ - 23
(Louisville, louisville Ky&Indiana; /Outcall)
The weather outside is frightful but Linds & kel r so delightful! Warm up w/ twins! Incall/Outcall! - 24
(Louisville, my place or yours place Louisville)
♥♥♥♦♦Upscale Sensual Massage by yours truly, Ava!! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!! √√√♦♦♦♥♥♥♥ - 24
(Louisville, Jeffersonville)
**♡♥TOUCH MY BODY♥♡**SeXy Mixed MaMi (( AllDaY)AllNite))♥♡Updated Pics SEXI SEXI♡♥ - 24
(Louisville, Ms.worldwide)
Truly Angels Escorts Featuring *~LAUREN - LEIGH*~ 2 Days ONLY!! THURS 3/18 & FRI 3/19!!!
♡♥THE SEXY' SEXI' MiXeD DoMiNicaN MaMi♥♡(( 24/7 )) Best N The BusiNezz...GRoWN MeN WelCoMe!! - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)
♡♥THE SEXY' SEXI' MiXeD DomiNicaN MaMi♥♡(( 24/7 ))So DeliCiOUS((GrOWn MeN WeLCoME!!!)) - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)
SexY♥ Exotic ♥ S€nsuAl♥ PlaYmaTe!!! JuiCy SpeCiaLs aLL NigHt. 100% reaL pHoTos - 25
(Louisville, louisville area)
***♡♥SeXY MiXeD DomiNican/AmeriCaN MaMi♥♡***24/7♥♡ SO CAll ME BaBY!!!《Grown Men WelComE!! - 24
(Louisville, All Areas♥Your Place Or MinE!)
LEAVING TOMORROW !!! West Palm Beach's finest. RELAX......NO RUSHING HERE ....ALL INCLUSIVE - 36
********** Alluring Allison_** HOT **** YOURS Now!!! ******* - 22
(Louisville and casino or near lou. areas)
*° Bella is AVAILABLE! INCALL &OUTCALL; ##502 221 0724* * ° °UP L8 - 24
(Louisville, OUTCALL ONLY)
💄👡👜💰aMaZiNg DEALS on OUTCALLS all DAY and NIGHT. CALL NOW 👠👌💲💎💦🍒 - 21
(Louisville, Louisville/Southern Indiana)
👯 Back in town for 2nights only $100 HHR specials OUTCALLS 💦🍑 Ready to pleasure all your needs 💋 - 24
(Louisville, Outcalls Only)
$80 Disponible Ahora ExOTiC CuTiE With BooTy Waiting tu Please yu tu the MAX CaLL LoLLi - 25
(Louisville, Louisville/Private Residence/Incall Only)
💛💛ALL NATURAL CURVY new pics 💛💛 ¸ ¸ .•*´¨ ➲`*•.¸¸💛💛CUTE FACE💛💛 HOT💦💦& N.A.U.G.H.T.Y💛💛 ¸ .•*´¨➲`*•¸ - 19
(Louisville, louisville in or outcall)
☎..502-656-9071..☎ RYLEE Available Now! 🌞🌙 📷NEW PICS📷 Let this Asian Goddess show u a good time! - 24
(Dixie Hwy off the Watterson Expressway, Louisville)
💛💛ALL NATURAL CURVY💛💛 ¸ ¸ .•*´¨ ➲`*•.¸¸💛💛CUTE FACE💛💛 HOT💦💦& N.A.U.G.H.T.Y💛💛 ¸ .•*´¨➲`*•¸ - 19
(Louisville, louisville in or outcall)
>>> GUARANTEED BEST Time You Will Experience. READY When You Are , YY !!
(Louisville, Louisville, Ky)
ღ1 Day only..Tuesday the 22cd! Please let me know if U R interested! Pics & Reviews! - 27